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Realtek Modded Audio Driver for Windows 10/11 - Only for HDAUDIO

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Mar 24, 2021
17 (0.01/day)
Hi, here's a question again that I've never solved or found out. I believe in the past I just left it because it broke other display drivers and stuff (I might have uninstalled them wrongly), but should I remove AMD Streaming Audio Device as well?


The reason I'm asking is because one time I messed it up so bad that AAF attached itself to the NVIDIA HDH - Oh this is also weird, specially checked now, but the NVIDIA present is same as below... So I reckon I'm removing them as well.


This is the reset of my laptop's HIDs:


For now I'm just disabling it and seems to give me any errors, let's see after installation.

Lastly, here's a batch script to help check and remove "orphan" drivers, while writing a text file with a list of drivers before and after. Use at own risk, but it's pretty simple to understand.

dism /online /get-drivers /format:table > "D:\_5K4RL377\Driverz\drivers-before.txt"

@echo off

set regsvr64=%windir%\SysWOW64\regsvr32.exe
set SysWOW64=%windir%\SysWOW64

cd /d %windir%\system32

net stop Audiosrv /yes
net stop AudioEndpointBuilder /yes

net stop RtkAudioUniversalService /yes

net stop DolbyDAXAPI /yes
net stop DtsApo4Service /yes

takeown /f AcpiServiceVnA64.dll
takeown /f ATKEX_cmd.exe
takeown /f audioLibVc.dll
takeown /f AudioLibW1064.dll
takeown /f AudysseyEfx.dll
takeown /f BlackBlueSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f BlackJadeSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f BlackSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f CONEQMSAPO.dll
takeown /f CONEQMSAPOGUILibrary.dll
takeown /f CreateRtkToastLnk.exe
takeown /f DarkSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f DAX3APOProp.dll
takeown /f DAX3APOv251.dll
takeown /f DDPA64.dll
takeown /f DDPA64F3.dll
takeown /f DDPD64A.dll
takeown /f DDPD64AF3.dll
takeown /f DDPO64A.dll
takeown /f DDPO64AF3.dll
takeown /f DDPP64A.dll
takeown /f DDPP64AF3.dll
takeown /f DolbyAPOv251gm.dll
takeown /f DolbyAPOvlldpgm.dll
takeown /f DolbyDAX2APOProp.dll
takeown /f DolbyDAX2APOv201.dll
takeown /f DolbyDAX2APOv211.dll
takeown /f DolbyDAX2APOvlldp.dll
takeown /f DTSAudioService64.exe
takeown /f DTSBassEnhancementDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSBoostDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSGainCompensatorDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSGFXAPO64.dll
takeown /f DTSGFXAPONS64.dll
takeown /f DTSLFXAPO64.dll
takeown /f DTSLimiterDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSNeoPCDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSS2HeadphoneDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSS2SpeakerDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSSymmetryDLL64.dll
takeown /f DTSVoiceClarityDLL64.dll
takeown /f EP64.exe
takeown /f GrayJadeSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f HarmanAudioInterface.dll
takeown /f HiFiDAX2API.dll
takeown /f HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
takeown /f HMAPO.dll
takeown /f HMClariFi.dll
takeown /f HMEQ.dll
takeown /f HMEQ_Voice.dll
takeown /f HMHVS.dll
takeown /f HMLimiter.dll
takeown /f HMUI.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\HPIMMA32.dll
takeown /f HPIMMA64.dll
takeown /f ICEsoundAPO64.dll
takeown /f ICEsoundService64.exe
takeown /f libfftw3-3.dll
takeown /f libfftw3f-3.dll
takeown /f OrangeBlackSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f PremiumBlack2SkinImages64.dll
takeown /f PremiumBlackSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f R4EEA64A.dll
takeown /f R4EED64A.dll
takeown /f R4EEG64A.dll
takeown /f R4EEL64A.dll
takeown /f R4EEP64A.dll
takeown /f RAVBg64.exe
takeown /f RAVCpl64.exe
takeown /f RCoInstII64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RltkAPO.dll
takeown /f RltkAPO64.dll
takeown /f RP3DAA64.dll
takeown /f RP3DHT64.dll
takeown /f RtCOM64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RTCOMDLL.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RtDataProc.dll
takeown /f RtDataProc64.dll
takeown /f RTEED64A.dll
takeown /f RTEEG64A.dll
takeown /f RTEEL64A.dll
takeown /f RTEEP64A.dll
takeown /f RtEventLog.dll
takeown /f RtkApi64.dll
takeown /f RtkAudioService64.exe
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RtkCfg.dll
takeown /f RtkCfg64.dll
takeown /f RtkCoLDR64.dll
takeown /f RtkNGUI64.exe
takeown /f RTKSpeechPP.dll
takeown /f RtkWovApi.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RtkXInterface.dll
takeown /f RtkXInterface64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\RtlCPAPI.dll
takeown /f RtlCPAPI64.dll
takeown /f RtlUpd64.exe
takeown /f RtPgEx64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\SEAPO32.dll
takeown /f SEAPO64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\SECOMN32.dll
takeown /f SECOMN64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\SEHDHF32.dll
takeown /f SEHDHF64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\SEHDRA32.dll
takeown /f SEHDRA64.dll
takeown /f SFAPO64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\SFCOM.dll
takeown /f SFCOM64.dll
takeown /f SFComm64.dll
takeown /f SFDAPO64.dll
takeown /f SFHAPO64.dll
takeown /f SFNHK64.dll
takeown /f SFProc64.dll
takeown /f SFSAPO64.dll
takeown /f SFSS_APO.dll
takeown /f sl3apo64.dll
takeown /f slcc3d64.dll
takeown /f slcnt64.dll
takeown /f slcshp64.dll
takeown /f slcsii64.dll
takeown /f slgeq64.dll
takeown /f slh36064.dll
takeown /f slhlim64.dll
takeown /f slInit64.dll
takeown /f slmaxv64.dll
takeown /f slprp64.dll
takeown /f sltech64.dll
takeown /f sltshd64.dll
takeown /f sluapo64.dll
takeown /f slviq64.dll
takeown /f SRAPO64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\SRCOM.dll
takeown /f SRCOM64.dll
takeown /f SRRPTR64.dll
takeown /f SRSHP64.dll
takeown /f SRSTSH64.dll
takeown /f SRSTSX64.dll
takeown /f SRSWOW64.dll
takeown /f tadefxapo.dll
takeown /f tadefxapo264.dll
takeown /f tepeqapo64.dll
takeown /f ToastDll64.dll
takeown /f tosade.dll
takeown /f tosasfapo64.dll
takeown /f toseaeapo64.dll
takeown /f tossaeapo64.dll
takeown /f tossaemaxapo64.dll
takeown /f vncutil64.exe
takeown /f WhiteJadeSkinImages64.dll
takeown /f YamahaAE.dll
takeown /f YamahaAE2.dll
takeown /f YamahaAE3.dll
takeown /f Creative.UWPRPCService.exe
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\MBAPO32.dll
takeown /f MBAPO64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\MBAPO232.dll
takeown /f MBAPO264.dll
takeown /f MBPPCn64.dll
takeown /f MBppld64.dll
takeown /f %SysWOW64%\MBTHX32.dll
takeown /f MBTHX64.dll
takeown /f MBWrp64.dll
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\CaptureStreamMonitor.dll
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\DAX3APIDLL.dll
takeown /f DolbyAPOv251.dll
takeown /f DolbyAPOvlldp.dll
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
takeown /f dolbyaposvc\TuningFileParser.dll
takeown /f ViPER4Windows.dll

cacls AcpiServiceVnA64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls ATKEX_cmd.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls audioLibVc.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls AudioLibW1064.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls AudysseyEfx.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls BlackBlueSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls BlackJadeSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls BlackSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls CONEQMSAPO.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls CONEQMSAPOGUILibrary.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls CreateRtkToastLnk.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls DarkSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DAX3APOProp.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DAX3APOv251.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPA64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPA64F3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPD64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPD64AF3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPO64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPO64AF3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPP64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DDPP64AF3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyAPOv251gm.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyAPOvlldpgm.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyDAX2APOProp.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyDAX2APOv201.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyDAX2APOv211.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyDAX2APOvlldp.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSAudioService64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSBassEnhancementDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSBoostDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSGainCompensatorDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSGFXAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSGFXAPONS64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSLFXAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSLimiterDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSNeoPCDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSS2HeadphoneDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSS2SpeakerDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSSymmetryDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DTSVoiceClarityDLL64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls EP64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls GrayJadeSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HarmanAudioInterface.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HiFiDAX2API.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMAPO.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMClariFi.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMEQ.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMEQ_Voice.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMHVS.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMLimiter.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HMUI.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\HPIMMA32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls HPIMMA64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls ICEsoundAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls ICEsoundService64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls libfftw3-3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls libfftw3f-3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls OrangeBlackSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls PremiumBlack2SkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls PremiumBlackSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EEA64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EED64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EEG64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EEL64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls R4EEP64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RAVBg64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls RAVCpl64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls RCoInstII64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\RltkAPO.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RltkAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RP3DAA64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RP3DHT64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtCOM64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\RTCOMDLL.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\RtDataProc.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtDataProc64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RTEED64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RTEEG64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RTEEL64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RTEEP64A.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtEventLog.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkApi64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkAudioService64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\RtkCfg.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkCfg64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkCoLDR64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkNGUI64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls RTKSpeechPP.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkWovApi.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkXInterface.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtkXInterface64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\RtlCPAPI.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtlCPAPI64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtlUpd64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls RtPgEx64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\SEAPO32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SEAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\SECOMN32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SECOMN64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\SEHDHF32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SEHDHF64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\SEHDRA32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SEHDRA64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\SFCOM.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFCOM64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFComm64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFDAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFHAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFNHK64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFProc64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFSAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SFSS_APO.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls sl3apo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slcc3d64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slcnt64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slcshp64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slcsii64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slgeq64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slh36064.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slhlim64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slInit64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slmaxv64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slprp64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls sltech64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls sltshd64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls sluapo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls slviq64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\SRCOM.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRCOM64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRRPTR64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRSHP64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRSTSH64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRSTSX64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls SRSWOW64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tadefxapo.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tadefxapo264.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tepeqapo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls ToastDll64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tosade.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tosasfapo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls toseaeapo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tossaeapo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls tossaemaxapo64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls vncutil64.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls WhiteJadeSkinImages64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls YamahaAE.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls YamahaAE2.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls YamahaAE3.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls Creative.UWPRPCService.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\MBAPO32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBAPO64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\MBAPO232.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBAPO264.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBPPCn64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBppld64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls %SysWOW64%\MBTHX32.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBTHX64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls MBWrp64.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls dolbyaposvc\CaptureStreamMonitor.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe /e /p administrators:f
cacls dolbyaposvc\DAX3APIDLL.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyAPOv251.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls DolbyAPOvlldp.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls dolbyaposvc\HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls dolbyaposvc\TuningFileParser.dll /e /p administrators:f
cacls ViPER4Windows.dll /e /p administrators:f

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%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\SFCOM.dll
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regsvr32 /s /u slviq64.dll
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%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\SRCOM.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SRCOM64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SRRPTR64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SRSHP64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u SRSTSH64.dll
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regsvr32 /s /u tadefxapo264.dll
regsvr32 /s /u tepeqapo64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u ToastDll64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u tosade.dll
regsvr32 /s /u tosasfapo64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u toseaeapo64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u tossaeapo64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u tossaemaxapo64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u vncutil64.exe
regsvr32 /s /u WhiteJadeSkinImages64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u YamahaAE.dll
regsvr32 /s /u YamahaAE2.dll
regsvr32 /s /u YamahaAE3.dll
regsvr32 /s /u Creative.UWPRPCService.exe
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\MBAPO32.dll
regsvr32 /s /u MBAPO64.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\MBAPO232.dll
regsvr32 /s /u MBAPO264.dll
regsvr32 /s /u MBPPCn64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u MBppld64.dll
%regsvr64% /s /u %SysWOW64%\MBTHX32.dll
regsvr32 /s /u MBTHX64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u MBWrp64.dll
regsvr32 /s /u dolbyaposvc\CaptureStreamMonitor.dll
regsvr32 /s /u dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe
regsvr32 /s /u dolbyaposvc\DAX3APIDLL.dll
regsvr32 /s /u DolbyAPOv251.dll
regsvr32 /s /u DolbyAPOvlldp.dll
regsvr32 /s /u dolbyaposvc\HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
regsvr32 /s /u dolbyaposvc\TuningFileParser.dll

del /f /q AcpiServiceVnA64.dll
del /f /q ATKEX_cmd.exe
del /f /q audioLibVc.dll
del /f /q AudioLibW1064.dll
del /f /q AudysseyEfx.dll
del /f /q BlackBlueSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q BlackJadeSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q BlackSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q CONEQMSAPO.dll
del /f /q CONEQMSAPOGUILibrary.dll
del /f /q CreateRtkToastLnk.exe
del /f /q DarkSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q DAX3APOProp.dll
del /f /q DAX3APOv251.dll
del /f /q DDPA64.dll
del /f /q DDPA64F3.dll
del /f /q DDPD64A.dll
del /f /q DDPD64AF3.dll
del /f /q DDPO64A.dll
del /f /q DDPO64AF3.dll
del /f /q DDPP64A.dll
del /f /q DDPP64AF3.dll
del /f /q DolbyAPOv251gm.dll
del /f /q DolbyAPOvlldpgm.dll
del /f /q DolbyDAX2APOProp.dll
del /f /q DolbyDAX2APOv201.dll
del /f /q DolbyDAX2APOv211.dll
del /f /q DolbyDAX2APOvlldp.dll
del /f /q DTSAudioService64.exe
del /f /q DTSBassEnhancementDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSBoostDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSGainCompensatorDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSGFXAPO64.dll
del /f /q DTSGFXAPONS64.dll
del /f /q DTSLFXAPO64.dll
del /f /q DTSLimiterDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSNeoPCDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSS2HeadphoneDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSS2SpeakerDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSSymmetryDLL64.dll
del /f /q DTSVoiceClarityDLL64.dll
del /f /q EP64.exe
del /f /q GrayJadeSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q HarmanAudioInterface.dll
del /f /q HiFiDAX2API.dll
del /f /q HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
del /f /q HMAPO.dll
del /f /q HMClariFi.dll
del /f /q HMEQ.dll
del /f /q HMEQ_Voice.dll
del /f /q HMHVS.dll
del /f /q HMLimiter.dll
del /f /q HMUI.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\HPIMMA32.dll
del /f /q HPIMMA64.dll
del /f /q ICEsoundAPO64.dll
del /f /q ICEsoundService64.exe
del /f /q libfftw3-3.dll
del /f /q libfftw3f-3.dll
del /f /q OrangeBlackSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q PremiumBlack2SkinImages64.dll
del /f /q PremiumBlackSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q R4EEA64A.dll
del /f /q R4EED64A.dll
del /f /q R4EEG64A.dll
del /f /q R4EEL64A.dll
del /f /q R4EEP64A.dll
del /f /q RAVBg64.exe
del /f /q RAVCpl64.exe
del /f /q RCoInstII64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RltkAPO.dll
del /f /q RltkAPO64.dll
del /f /q RP3DAA64.dll
del /f /q RP3DHT64.dll
del /f /q RtCOM64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RTCOMDLL.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RtDataProc.dll
del /f /q RtDataProc64.dll
del /f /q RTEED64A.dll
del /f /q RTEEG64A.dll
del /f /q RTEEL64A.dll
del /f /q RTEEP64A.dll
del /f /q RtEventLog.dll
del /f /q RtkApi64.dll
del /f /q RtkAudioService64.exe
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RtkCfg.dll
del /f /q RtkCfg64.dll
del /f /q RtkCoLDR64.dll
del /f /q RtkNGUI64.exe
del /f /q RTKSpeechPP.dll
del /f /q RtkWovApi.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\RtkXInterface.dll
del /f /q RtkXInterface64.dll
del /f /q RtlCPAPI.dll
del /f /q RtlCPAPI64.dll
del /f /q RtlUpd64.exe
del /f /q RtPgEx64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SEAPO32.dll
del /f /q SEAPO64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SECOMN32.dll
del /f /q SECOMN64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SEHDHF32.dll
del /f /q SEHDHF64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SEHDRA32.dll
del /f /q SEHDRA64.dll
del /f /q SFAPO64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SFCOM.dll
del /f /q SFCOM64.dll
del /f /q SFComm64.dll
del /f /q SFDAPO64.dll
del /f /q SFHAPO64.dll
del /f /q SFNHK64.dll
del /f /q SFProc64.dll
del /f /q SFSAPO64.dll
del /f /q SFSS_APO.dll
del /f /q sl3apo64.dll
del /f /q slcc3d64.dll
del /f /q slcnt64.dll
del /f /q slcshp64.dll
del /f /q slcsii64.dll
del /f /q slgeq64.dll
del /f /q slh36064.dll
del /f /q slhlim64.dll
del /f /q slInit64.dll
del /f /q slmaxv64.dll
del /f /q slprp64.dll
del /f /q sltech64.dll
del /f /q sltshd64.dll
del /f /q sluapo64.dll
del /f /q slviq64.dll
del /f /q SRAPO64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\SRCOM.dll
del /f /q SRCOM64.dll
del /f /q SRRPTR64.dll
del /f /q SRSHP64.dll
del /f /q SRSTSH64.dll
del /f /q SRSTSX64.dll
del /f /q SRSWOW64.dll
del /f /q tadefxapo.dll
del /f /q tadefxapo264.dll
del /f /q tepeqapo64.dll
del /f /q ToastDll64.dll
del /f /q tosade.dll
del /f /q tosasfapo64.dll
del /f /q toseaeapo64.dll
del /f /q tossaeapo64.dll
del /f /q tossaemaxapo64.dll
del /f /q vncutil64.exe
del /f /q WhiteJadeSkinImages64.dll
del /f /q YamahaAE.dll
del /f /q YamahaAE2.dll
del /f /q YamahaAE3.dll
del /f /q Creative.UWPRPCService.exe
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\MBAPO32.dll
del /f /q MBAPO64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\MBAPO232.dll
del /f /q MBAPO264.dll
del /f /q MBPPCn64.dll
del /f /q MBppld64.dll
del /f /q %SysWOW64%\MBTHX32.dll
del /f /q MBTHX64.dll
del /f /q MBWrp64.dll
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\CaptureStreamMonitor.dll
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\DAX3API.exe
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\DAX3APIDLL.dll
del /f /q DolbyAPOv251.dll
del /f /q DolbyAPOvlldp.dll
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\HiFiDAX2APIPCLL.dll
del /f /q dolbyaposvc\TuningFileParser.dll
del /f /q ViPER4Windows.dll

sc delete DolbyDAXAPI

reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Avance" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Analog Devices" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Analog Devices" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\ASIO" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\ASIO" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Conexant" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Conexant" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Creative Tech" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Creative Tech" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Dolby" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Dolby" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\DTS" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\DTS" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\IDT" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\IDT" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Knowles" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Knowles" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Nuance" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Nuance" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\QSound Labs, Inc." /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\QSound Labs, Inc." /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Real Sound Lab" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\RealTek\InitAP" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Realtek\SBCoexist" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\SonicFocus" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\SonicFocus" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sony" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\SRS Labs" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\SRS Labs" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Waves Audio" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Waves Audio" /f /reg:32
reg delete "HKCU\Software\RealTek" /f
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Creative Tech" /f
reg delete "HKCU\Software\C-Media\Hook" /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\C-Media\Hook" /f
reg delete "HKCR\AudioEngine\AudioProcessingObjects" /f
reg delete "HKCR\CLSID\{DA2FB532-3014-4B93-AD05-21B2C620F9C2}" /f

for /L %%N in (1,1,600) do (
echo Deleting driver OEM%%N.INF
pnputil /d OEM%%N.INF

net start audiosrv

@echo done

dism /online /get-drivers /format:table > "D:\_5K4RL377\Driverz\drivers-after.txt"

Dec 12, 2022
136 (0.17/day)
System Name Legion 5-15ACH6 Laptop (Lenovo)
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 5600H)
Motherboard LENOVO (LNVNB161216)
Cooling Legion Internal Cooling Fans
Memory 8gb SODIMM DDR4 3200Mhz x2 (16gb)
Video Card(s) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Mobile
Storage SAMSUNG MZVLB512HBJQ-000L2 M.2 SSD / Samsung 850 EVO SSD x2
Display(s) Built-in 165hz Monitor
Audio Device(s) Lenovo Legion H500 7.1 Headset/Realtek(R) Audio w/Nahimic Audio (ALC3306)
Power Supply 230W 100-240V 50-60Hz AC Adapter
Keyboard Legion Truestrike keyboard Enhanced (101-Key or 102-Key)
Software Microsoft Windows 11 Home Insider Preview x64 (Canary Channel)
Hi, here's a question again that I've never solved or found out. I believe in the past I just left it because it broke other display drivers and stuff (I might have uninstalled them wrongly), but should I remove AMD Streaming Audio Device as well?


The reason I'm asking is because one time I messed it up so bad that AAF attached itself to the NVIDIA HDH - Oh this is also weird, specially checked now, but the NVIDIA present is same as below... So I reckon I'm removing them as well.


This is the reset of my laptop's HIDs:


For now I'm just disabling it and seems to give me any errors, let's see after installation.

Lastly, here's a batch script to help check and remove "orphan" drivers, while writing a text file with a list of drivers before and after. Use at own risk, but it's pretty simple to understand.
I Have A Similar Script To You Like Very Similar So Good Job!
Next I Havent Faced Any Issue With AMD Streaming Audio Ever Nor Nvidia So Might Not Have A Answer As For AAF Attaching Itself To The Nvidia HDH? I Have No Clue What HDH Means And What Attaching Itself To Nvidia Means Either I Would Like More Info Then Maybe I Can Help!


New Member
Apr 8, 2022
8 (0.01/day)
First time user here of these, so I apologize if I missed a step or something. Audio worked using the original motherboard driver, but I've had issues with most attempts to upgrade (like by using the public driver from Realtek's website).

I deleted my very old driver from Gigabyte (uninstalled device in device manager and checked box to delete too), verified it was missing from the driver store using the tool you suggested, and installed the main pack. I kept the options at defaults and rebooted when done.

Unfortunately my headphone jack appears in use all the time, and no sound comes out (click on the Windows volume slider to make a ping normally). I tried using the front jack instead (to match the mention of "front" from the advanced settings area), and then I saw an insertion event pop-up. I picked headphones for type (the default) and no sound came out still. So I disconnected the motherboard header for the front jacks, and it didn't fix or change anything. Rebooted and it's still showing the rear jack as assigned to "Front Speaker Out". I tried playing with the settings below it too for muting rear when front is plugged in, and it never changed the rear green jack's value under Connector Retasking. When things are plugged in the appropriate jack became active there (not grayed out). Well all but the one I care about :).

It's a Gigabyte Realtek HDA ALC1150 ( https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-Z97X-UD3H-BK-rev-10/sp#sp ) aka
HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0900&SUBSYS_1458A182&REV_1000 or
The console does mention Gigabyte as expected. And the Audio Driver Version matches what your website said for the non-USB driver. This is from 2015-2017 time frame if that helps (when new).
Last edited:

Deleted member 57642

Tried both the modded drivers (multiple versions) and official OEM Drivers (from MSI since i have an MSI product) - from the latest versions released with/for newer MSI laptops - and have similar issue on all of them: The drivers install and work for most part - BUT - if the PC goes to sleep - while waking-up the sound doesn't work anymore (at all). Funny enough (or ironic if you will) - checking the Driver in Device Manager no issues are reported: "This device is working properly." Even more than that - while playing a video - the volume meter reacts (as if picking up sound frequencies and moving up and down following the sound pattern/wave) - but there's no sound whatsoever (as if muted or disabled). That's what happens with every official OEM driver i tried. With modded drivers (same goes for the latest generic drivers) - on top of that issue - the sound doesn't work unless i have Audio Enhancements Enabled (Device Default Effects).

No issue with the hardware tho (fortunately). If i use the generic drivers chosen/installed by Windows - no such issues - tho this drivers come with limitations (Realtek Audio Console doesn't work). Thus, using the latest official OEM drivers meant for this laptop - everything works as intended (be if it while using extra features like Nahimic, Audio Enhancements Enabled/Disabled or the Realtek Audio Console). Honestly, i only tried the modded drivers - out of curiosity - mainly because they're newer (2022 and now 2023 - while the OEM drivers were released in 2020 - and supposedly meant only for Windows 10 64 bit - tho, to be fair - Windows 11 is still Windows 10 at its core - if not Windows 7). Guess i'll stick with what works (as the old saying goes: if it ain't broke don't fix it :ohwell:).
As mentioned in the other topic.. :rolleyes:


New Member
Apr 8, 2022
8 (0.01/day)
@XSAlliN it might be helpful to mention what model you had issues with. At minimum the Realtek part number, but maybe also whatever it's installed in (motherboard or computer model) too.

Oh, can you update your BIOS? Sometimes they fix issues in the ACPI tables there which can impact sleep/wake.

Or I wonder if a manual disable and enable in device manager might let you work around the issue until the next time it sleeps?

Deleted member 57642

@XSAlliN it might be helpful to mention what model you had issues with. At minimum the Realtek part number, but maybe also whatever it's installed in (motherboard or computer model) too.

Oh, can you update your BIOS? Sometimes they fix issues in the ACPI tables there which can impact sleep/wake.

Or I wonder if a manual disable and enable in device manager might let you work around the issue until the next time it sleeps?

It's a laptop - with HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_1220&SUBSYS_14621293 - as in - Realtek ALC245. Normally (by default) - also comes/installs Nahimic but i keep/prefer the basics: only the Driver & Realtek Audio Console (for cleanest sound - since Nahimic is an Audio Enhancement ASIO).

Already have the latest bios - dated 2020 and 99.99% sure there won't be another. Tho, again - as mentioned above "it works just fine with the official drivers (no issues whatsoever)". Only while using untested drivers for this specific device (the generic ones installed/tested by Microsoft/Windows automatically - do work as well - but they comes with limitations - like no support for Audio Console and such) - i get those issues.

Funny thing is... on all the other systems i ever owned (cause for clients - i always went with the OEM drivers) - i always used generic drivers (wasn't that fond of OEM and the extra sound distorting features enforced by installing the official drivers). So, it's a first for me. Fortunately, i did manage to strip down the OEM drivers - so i can use only the Realtek Audio Console (since the default install - switches to A-Volute/Nahimic - optional through Microsoft Store if you don't use the official installer provided by MSI). Yes yes - it's a bit ironic that some people yearn for this sound distorting features while i discard them.

Last edited by a moderator:


New Member
Apr 8, 2022
8 (0.01/day)
I saw that it worked with that other driver. Was just offering ideas until someone who knows this driver well gets here. I'm still trying to read up on all of the parts here that I've never used, like that Nahimic thing (I've never owned a SS's device before).

Yeah, I've leaned the same way (preferring the component manufacturer drivers that are updated more often), and had issues too with the Realtek website driver. Though my experience with laptops was the opposite... with component companies saying to stick with whatever was approved by the manufacturer you bought from, frustratingly.

The only extra audio feature I've wanted was a good (effectively invisible) night mode or dynamic loudness. A lot of more recent content seems to be too quiet on the voices during regular scenes so I turn it up, then it painfully blasts me with explosions later. I often turn it off again because it can color the results from more sane source material, or music.

The DTS and Atmos support here sounded interesting to me, and as you said being "newer" (my original driver was from 2017 or before). I've never found a headphone surround effect that I wanted to keep enabled (versus stereo), but I keep hoping. The fact they can have infinite source locations to position audio anywhere with some of these encodings makes me hope we'll manage an effective version someday.

Deleted member 57642

I saw that it worked with that other driver. Was just offering ideas until someone who knows this driver well gets here. I'm still trying to read up on all of the parts here that I've never used, like that Nahimic thing (I've never owned a SS's device before).

Yeah, I've leaned the same way (preferring the component manufacturer drivers that are updated more often), and had issues too with the Realtek website driver. Though my experience with laptops was the opposite... with component companies saying to stick with whatever was approved by the manufacturer you bought from, frustratingly.

The only extra audio feature I've wanted was a good (effectively invisible) night mode or dynamic loudness. A lot of more recent content seems to be too quiet on the voices during regular scenes so I turn it up, then it painfully blasts me with explosions later. I often turn it off again because it can color the results from more sane source material, or music.

The DTS and Atmos support here sounded interesting to me, and as you said being "newer" (my original driver was from 2017 or before). I've never found a headphone surround effect that I wanted to keep enabled (versus stereo), but I keep hoping. The fact they can have infinite source locations to position audio anywhere with some of these encodings makes me hope we'll manage an effective version someday.

You can manage that with FX Sound:

It's free, you can get it from Microsoft Store. Imo, it does about the same thing as most of this others audio "enhancers" - even tho they claim the folowing:

"How does FxSound boost volume?

FxSound is built to provide a dynamic yet controlled increase in volume. We prevent harmful peaking to make listening less fatiguing. Along with our equalized boost means you can increase your volume without distortion. (Unlike some other volume boosters out there)."


I'm not a sound guru with golden ears - to act as if my ways are absolute in terms of sound quality and such. Quite the opposite and as mentioned above - i recommend everyone to try for themselves and chose what works for them. Sometimes (maybe even many times) - this apps are exactly what they need (looking for) - to improve their experience. There's some things (well, a lot of things) - one can only learn from experience. Yet, by listening to some pretensions purist (many of them do talk like i did above - recommending the least altered sound) - the only difference i don't act "as if this is the way the only way". That's simply what works for me and the apps i use to run some multimedia content (a subjective opinion/taste). It's just that i got used to way some song sounded for many years - and applying some of those "enhancements" sounded "subjectively" worst for me. For example - on YouTube i do use an extension called SoundFixer - which does offer a gain/boost slider but also a correcting slider for L/R - in case it was recorded incorrectly. I also use Equalizer APO - but i actually use it to disable the included APOs - paired with the included preamplifier where i lowered the dB Gains - to correct some Windows features/issues...

Still, try stuff and reach your own conclusion. The world is already way to overstated by people who listen to others blindly and have been doing that for so long that lost the ability to think for themselves (or know/realize what's actually good for them).

Jan 6, 2020
47 (0.03/day)
System Name My PC Master Race
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 5600X
Motherboard AsRock B550M PG Riptide
Cooling Thermalright U120EX REV.4 BLACK
Memory G.Skill Ripjaws V 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL16
Video Card(s) Asus ROG STRIX RX480 8GB GAMING OC
Storage 1: MSI Spatium M450 500GB 2: SK Hynix Gold S31 500GB; 3: Seagate Barracuda 2TB
Display(s) ViewSonic VX2263 22" IPS Full HD
Case BitFenix Nova Mesh M ARGB
Audio Device(s) Logitech Z213 2.1 Stereo Speakers
Power Supply Thermaltake 850W GF1 80+ Gold
Mouse Razer Basilisk v2
Keyboard Razer Huntsman Tournament Edition
Software Atlas OS v0.4.1 (24H2)
I recently downloaded, is normal don't see the realtek app? i have the dolby app but I can't find the other one... my board is an AsRock B550M PG Riptide
Last edited:


New Member
Apr 8, 2022
8 (0.01/day)
@Jorgeapp I didn't see a system tray program when using it, but my start menu had a lot of new stuff. Including a Realtek Console that somewhat matched my previous system tray program (very different UI, but a lot of the same elements to adjust). There are a lot of programs for specific board partners (Asus, SteelSeries, etc) and they'll continue to only work on their boards (or that was what the few I tried seemed to do...closing/crashing a short time after I ran them). The console I mentioned above listed my motherboard manufacturer in it, as expected. I just couldn't get the rear output to switch away from "Front Speaker Out" and I use headphones. I've never used an AsRock before so don't know their console name. The Asus one was a RoG program I think, but isn't AsRock the more budget brand of the same company?

@XSAlliN Thanks! I appreciate personal experience for what it is. I'll try to take a peek soon. I came here to pass along that my device worked without any additional device driver installed, so I peeked and it was using the built in Microsoft HDA driver. There is another pack on here (pinned in the same forum and same author as this one) that's for devices like these. No idea if yours is like that too. I'd thought I needed my OEM driver before, but that was just for the system tray program. I don't have as many knobs and sliders to adjust, but as I said I didn't use most of them anyway. And some were still in the device's property tabs under enhancements. (update) Loving those links! Reading through the audio quality in Windows investigation post now, and planning to look deeper at the FxSound tool (wish it was open source).
Last edited:
Jan 6, 2020
47 (0.03/day)
System Name My PC Master Race
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 5600X
Motherboard AsRock B550M PG Riptide
Cooling Thermalright U120EX REV.4 BLACK
Memory G.Skill Ripjaws V 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL16
Video Card(s) Asus ROG STRIX RX480 8GB GAMING OC
Storage 1: MSI Spatium M450 500GB 2: SK Hynix Gold S31 500GB; 3: Seagate Barracuda 2TB
Display(s) ViewSonic VX2263 22" IPS Full HD
Case BitFenix Nova Mesh M ARGB
Audio Device(s) Logitech Z213 2.1 Stereo Speakers
Power Supply Thermaltake 850W GF1 80+ Gold
Mouse Razer Basilisk v2
Keyboard Razer Huntsman Tournament Edition
Software Atlas OS v0.4.1 (24H2)
@Jorgeapp I didn't see a system tray program when using it, but my start menu had a lot of new stuff. Including a Realtek Console that somewhat matched my previous system tray program (very different UI, but a lot of the same elements to adjust). There are a lot of programs for specific board partners (Asus, SteelSeries, etc) and they'll continue to only work on their boards (or that was what the few I tried seemed to do...closing/crashing a short time after I ran them). The console I mentioned above listed my motherboard manufacturer in it, as expected. I just couldn't get the rear output to switch away from "Front Speaker Out" and I use headphones. I've never used an AsRock before so don't know their console name. The Asus one was a RoG program I think, but isn't AsRock the more budget brand of the same company?

@XSAlliN Thanks! I appreciate personal experience for what it is. I'll try to take a peek soon. I came here to pass along that my device worked without any additional device driver installed, so I peeked and it was using the built in Microsoft HDA driver. There is another pack on here (pinned in the same forum and same author as this one) that's for devices like these. No idea if yours is like that too. I'd thought I needed my OEM driver before, but that was just for the system tray program. I don't have as many knobs and sliders to adjust, but as I said I didn't use most of them anyway. And some were still in the device's property tabs under enhancements. (update) Loving those links! Reading through the audio quality in Windows investigation post now, and planning to look deeper at the FxSound tool (wish it was open source).
I uninstalled clean the pc and installed again, now, the Realtek audio console is installed but not the Dolby app... come on... I'm losing the lifespan of my sdd!!!


After the 3third install it manage to install both.
Last edited:
Dec 12, 2022
136 (0.17/day)
System Name Legion 5-15ACH6 Laptop (Lenovo)
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 5600H)
Motherboard LENOVO (LNVNB161216)
Cooling Legion Internal Cooling Fans
Memory 8gb SODIMM DDR4 3200Mhz x2 (16gb)
Video Card(s) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Mobile
Storage SAMSUNG MZVLB512HBJQ-000L2 M.2 SSD / Samsung 850 EVO SSD x2
Display(s) Built-in 165hz Monitor
Audio Device(s) Lenovo Legion H500 7.1 Headset/Realtek(R) Audio w/Nahimic Audio (ALC3306)
Power Supply 230W 100-240V 50-60Hz AC Adapter
Keyboard Legion Truestrike keyboard Enhanced (101-Key or 102-Key)
Software Microsoft Windows 11 Home Insider Preview x64 (Canary Channel)
I will make a small donation to you Alan for your great work. On friday thou, im poor like church rat right now :pimp:
If Your Really Going To U Have My Respect Thought No One Donates But Your Hope :)
Maybe One Day I Too Will Donate (Once My Credit Card Stop Dying So Fast)


New Member
Jul 14, 2022
7 (0.01/day)
whenever i install with a driver with a Dolby box checked, the PC has no sound, and if you uncheck it, it has sound, but in fact, the Dolby app does not even install on the PC Whenever I install with a driver with a Dolby box checked, the PC has no sound, and if you uncheck it, it has sound, but in fact, the Dolby app does not even install on the PC
Mar 4, 2019
145 (0.07/day)
whenever i install with a driver with a Dolby box checked, the PC has no sound, and if you uncheck it, it has sound, but in fact, the Dolby app does not even install on the PC Whenever I install with a driver with a Dolby box checked, the PC has no sound, and if you uncheck it, it has sound, but in fact, the Dolby app does not even install on the PC

Been there. Driver was being blocked by secure boot. But afaik , this package has a couple of usable signed certificates to allow the driver loading .
Dec 12, 2022
136 (0.17/day)
System Name Legion 5-15ACH6 Laptop (Lenovo)
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 5600H)
Motherboard LENOVO (LNVNB161216)
Cooling Legion Internal Cooling Fans
Memory 8gb SODIMM DDR4 3200Mhz x2 (16gb)
Video Card(s) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Mobile
Storage SAMSUNG MZVLB512HBJQ-000L2 M.2 SSD / Samsung 850 EVO SSD x2
Display(s) Built-in 165hz Monitor
Audio Device(s) Lenovo Legion H500 7.1 Headset/Realtek(R) Audio w/Nahimic Audio (ALC3306)
Power Supply 230W 100-240V 50-60Hz AC Adapter
Keyboard Legion Truestrike keyboard Enhanced (101-Key or 102-Key)
Software Microsoft Windows 11 Home Insider Preview x64 (Canary Channel)


New Member
Jul 14, 2022
7 (0.01/day)
Guys, the PC has sound right now marked Dolby atmos I disabled secure boot but unfortunately Dolby atmos is not appearing after the driver is installed.
Mar 4, 2019
145 (0.07/day)
Guys, the PC has sound right now marked Dolby atmos I disabled secure boot but unfortunately Dolby atmos is not appearing after the driver is installed.

Reinstall the driver now. Make a clean install ( delete the previous drivers ) . Disabling secure boot does not automatically load the drivers you previously installed when it was enabled. If it doesn't work you still need to disable driver signature enforcement using command line
bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on


Amigo, secure boot puede bloquear el driver de varias maneras. Intenta reinstalar el driver pero borra primero los anteriores. Reinicia el sistema e instala. Quizás quieras usar antes el comando escrito arriba ↑.


New Member
Jul 14, 2022
7 (0.01/day)
Reinstale o driver agora. Faça uma instalação limpa (exclua os drivers anteriores). Desativar a inicialização segura não carrega automaticamente os drivers que você instalou anteriormente quando ela foi ativada. Se não funcionar, você ainda precisa desativar a aplicação da assinatura do driver usando a linha de comando
bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on


Amigo, o porta-malas seguro pode bloquear o motorista de várias maneiras. Intenta reinstalar el driver pero borra primero los anteriores. Reinicia o sistema e instala. Quizás quieras usar antes do comando escrito arriba ↑.
Olook when I uninstall the driver I use the driver explorer I don't know if there is another way to uninstall the previous drivers and then I uninstall and then I uninstall it from the control panel and restart it ends up leaving the Microsoft driver I don't know if I need to uninstall it too and then I install it and Dolby doesn't come I'll see if I deactivate the integrity

Reinstall the driver now. Make a clean install ( delete the previous drivers ) . Disabling secure boot does not automatically load the drivers you previously installed when it was enabled. If it doesn't work you still need to disable driver signature enforcement using command line
bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on


Amigo, secure boot puede bloquear el driver de varias maneras. Intenta reinstalar el driver pero borra primero los anteriores. Reinicia el sistema e instala. Quizás quieras usar antes el comando escrito arriba ↑.
I'll see if disabling integrity will work

something inexplicable happened, before I installed the driver I uninstalled the one from Microsoft (I don't know if I have to uninstall it) I always installed the AAF driver over the Microsoft one more...

Amazingly, my sound improved a lot by doing this, saying again I don't know if it's mandatory to uninstall the Microsoft one, but unfortunately no sound effect app moves and doesn't change anything
Nov 23, 2019
29 (0.02/day)
I loved it under Windows 10. Dolby Atmos for Home theater. All was working, i had sound in Windows itself and Games! since Windows 11 there is no audio anymore with the Dolby Atmos for home theater mode only the headphone thing is working.

Will this moddriver give me back my Dolby Atmos for home theater? i mean real DOLBY ATMOS! The Division 2 is one Game in my collection that support Dolby Atmos but there is no audio with Windows 11. This Game also supports DTS:X for home theater but even this is not working with the ''DTS Sound Unbound'' App. The DTS support says: HDMI is not supported yet''......

i dont want to set the old 5.1 audio........i have 5.1.2 in my home cinema, i want my Dolby Atmos back :-(


New Member
Jul 14, 2022
7 (0.01/day)
This driver is crazy Dolby atmos came and no sound, then I uninstalled and installed dnv it came without Dolby and without dts ultra, what the hell.

Alan needs to fix this, it's very buggy I redo the same steps and something always changes, always missing dts if it comes complete with Dolby and everything ends up without sound without comes without Dolby it comes without dts.

this is an error in my windows, I installed the previous version and this is also happening, and before it did not happen, what happened to my PC that is giving this
Mar 4, 2019
145 (0.07/day)
Olook when I uninstall the driver I use the driver explorer I don't know if there is another way to uninstall the previous drivers and then I uninstall and then I uninstall it from the control panel and restart it ends up leaving the Microsoft driver I don't know if I need to uninstall it too and then I install it and Dolby doesn't come I'll see if I deactivate the integrity

I'll see if disabling integrity will work

something inexplicable happened, before I installed the driver I uninstalled the one from Microsoft (I don't know if I have to uninstall it) I always installed the AAF driver over the Microsoft one more...

Amazingly, my sound improved a lot by doing this, saying again I don't know if it's mandatory to uninstall the Microsoft one, but unfortunately no sound effect app moves and doesn't change anything

No, you don't need to uninstall it but it is OK if you did. There is no difference.
You can uninstall Alan's driver pack using just control panel but if you used Driver S. Explorer, it is OK too. As far as you didn't delete any other than AAF, Realtek, Dolby, DTS, Intel, etc ( but all related to audio ).

Also, Windows Update may override drivers so you may try disabling automatic driver updates AFTER you have updated all of your drivers. You can do so using Group Policy Tool. Just press Windows key , plus R key. Both makes the RUN dialog pop up. There, type: "gpedit.msc" ( without quotes) and press Enter. Then Computer Configuration > Windows Components > Windows Update> Change the way Windows Update offers updates and there disable the option that says "include drivers" or similar in Portuguese . Then proceed to CLEAN install Alan's driver pack.

Also, if you installed some vendor software ( as example, Gigabyte Control Center ) it may be updating drivers automatically. You may want to disable it or uninstall that software.

If nothing works, you still can enroll certificate in EFI mode which is a more complex process and not recommendable for security reasons. But the driver pack works fine. I have been using it often and the only times I got issues was because Secure Boot and , in general, the whole chain validation of drivers.
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