Well now obviously not
But yeah, that's definitely a part of it. The physics were a huge jump forward. It's the first that can really feel good to play. I still have flashbacks to FO3's gunplay. Thier experience with Wolfenstien helped, no doubt. Picking up some tricks from id, perhaps? No doubt that eats headroom, though. All of that stuff has to be polled and dealt with frame by frame. But if physics, animations, and scripts are actually noticeably hurting frametimes to the point where maybe one too many dynamic shadows tanks it all, then they have major CPU optimization problems. Maybe that's why all of the CPU grunt in the world can't help with those deficits past a certain point... it's meaningless if you can't use it. I would think with proper allocation it wouldn't be possible to bog down the engine on stuff like that... the only limits would be your hardware. The former is something you only associate with, at this point, really old games that had far less forgiving and highly innate code limitations.
Settlements were definitely among the biggest resource hogs in the game. Actually... it all kind of goes back to the precombined meshes. Settlements can have a ton of stuff in them... more than any other locations. Even worse, the precombined meshes they use anywhere else aren't compatible with them, because almost everything has to be dynamic to be scrappable and movable. And since their system can't update on the fly (I'm calling it the 'Jenga Pipeline') you lose that critical optimization for the cell. Drawcalls skyrocket in those places. That definitely has to detract a bit from oomph to do more things visually. At its worst, it can basically sludge-out the whole graphics pipeline. So to get it working acceptably in a wider variety of situations, I could see them disabling more at other points in the rendering process globally to make sure it doesn't completely halt for some unlucky player.
Of course, if that's true, why wouldn't they make it so the engine juggles non-foundational GFX stuff dynamically... scaling back things as drawcalls and polygons increase, so it always has enough engine grunt to continue smoothly drawing all of the shapes and plopping textures, without stuff further down the pipeline ripping it back. Maybe not pretty, but maybe not that bad? At times DLL-based mods that did that with shadows and godrays were very popular and for a lot of people immensely helpful in places like a heavily built-out sanctuary or downtown boston, where the vanilla precombines themselves were bad and lead to drawcall spikes all over the place... depending on which direction you looked.
That's a lot of it... they wanted more objects and polygons across the board. More structures, piles more junk for their new crafting/building system, more complex geometry for ground, rocks, trees, and buildings... So they devised that primitive system for holding it all together... and it never worked very well. The engine often still winds up carrying the weight of all of the extra geometry. And even when the precombines are working right, they can cause performance and stability issues of their own. If that whole system worked like it was supposed to, I'm betting the whole game could've been made better. Sometimes I wonder if that's not why they nerfed reflections in FO4. You can sort of force it with the help of ENB and digging up some unused ini settings, but what you'll see is that it has major occlusion problems. It comes out all chopped up and shimmering with noise. Maybe it so happened that the new precombine/previs system interfered with the surface's ability to 'see' what it's supposed to be reflecting? I mean, it looks really old. Remember when games really first started using them and all reflections in games were basically moving, indistinct splotches of static and color? It's a lot like that.
It's kind of crazy to go back to Skyrim and see the difference in how it handled reflections. The sun, clouds, land, and trees are all clearly defined, almost never have that weird occlusion misfire where an object between you and the water casts a 'shadow' on the reflection of the land even further back and closer to the water... or cuts awkwardly into the reflection of a bridge. It actually looks nice. Adds critical depth and plausibility to exteriors. And it's something that's impossible to get out of FO4's engine. I wonder how many other things got scaled back trying to gut for new features.
To me, it just wasn't a good tradeoff. The stuff you got came at an incredibly high price, without improving the experience enough... even making it worse many times.
Heh, I had my godray epiphany by playing with them off until I was used to it and then turning them back on. When I did it was like a eureka moment... suddenly what I was looking at made sense. I think that's their way of hiding how bad their LODs are, and all of those terrible tree meshes... or the lack of any real lighting depth.
I don't get that... their lighting system can give so much better results than they ever get with it. I've seen plenty of games do more with less. But maybe that's bethesda's mission statement over in their offices "We shall always strive to do less with more." Probably have a big sign hanging right above where they all sit watching mod and lore videos to learn about their games.
The random ambient ghost lights are kind of case in point there. They put some effort into improving their engine sometimes, but it's like they only do it to take the laziest route possible in actually utilizing any of it. So much "butbutBUT... *sigh* WHY?! Why? You can just do this! Easily you can do it! I know there's proof. Christ...
I can do it. Why didn't you do that?"
And yeah... their AO. Is it real? Nobody knows. Some claim to have seen it. Others point to science saying it's not possible. I do know that in FO4 you can play around with it in the ini and make it possible to actually see, but it's not very good. ENB SSAO does a better job for less frames.
Ahhhhhh it's so REAL! Glad to see nothing's changed
Have you experienced death by car yet? I'm not sure they ever fixed it. Since many cars have havok physics, it can bug-out and think it's barreling through the air at 1000mph when it's just sitting there and you just happened to brush it while sprinting. It's gotten me a few times. First couple I didn't even know what killed me because I never saw the car. For all I knew, I just spontaneously dropped dead next to a car, for some reason.
It's a thing.
OH man, that's rough. I lost my FO4 setup once. So many trials and tribulations to no avail. Tried to deploy a backup that should've had everything, but it was corrupted and ended up breaking my Win10 install. So I had to start from the absolute beginning with getting the machine set up before I could even think about the game. And then, when I mounted the backup image, all I really had that wasn't compromised was the file names and folder hierarchy... so the Nexus mod id numbers for every mod I had installed, at least... though not the rules and everything that takes all of the time to get right. I tried implanting the good bits over to my fresh install of everything, but either that just doesn't work great with Vortex or all of the files were actually corrupted... not sure!
I think that made it worse on me, tbh. It's just the most heart-wrenching feeling. But you know? After a short period just forgetting about it all, I went back and did it up so much better than before. I hadn't realized how many junk mods I had collected and bunk, redundant fixes and futzes had creeped in... or that I was hiding some of the best textures I had by accident. All in all, it took a couple of days from start to finish, and I never had better experiences playing the game. It was actually good for getting the stagnant air out and convincing me to change my ways. You get ingrained when you have a few hundred mods. A lot of things you might like to change are made more complicated by the fact that you've been building it up over countless hours. While when you're starting new, you can plan beforehand for anything you might want to do and not take up too much time or cause problems elsewhere. I ended up trying all sorts of new mods, while doing without other things and I can really say it was pretty worth it. Pretty rewarding, actually.
My condolences for your addiction. I truly do understand, hah. The effect it has on me is like being on Adderall. 11 years ago I had a prescription for that stuff and let me tell you, when you take it, you get this feeling about some endeavor and think to yourself "Man! I can just do THAT." And it strikes you like this big, life-altering epiphany... like whatever it is you're about to go and do is the answer to everything. I'll never forget it... it's a bizarre state of mind. What's in front of you becomes all you see and you can just keep going for hours, not noticing much else. Modding these games isn't quite on THAT level of crazy, but I can sense some of the same mechanisms turning. It really does play with your dopamine system hardcore. It's oddly similar to taking speed in how it pulls you in if you're not careful.
My balance is simple. I don't have the time and energy to miss a bunch of sleep or be consistently plopped down at home to go all the way down the rabbit hole. If I tried, I'd probably just crash instantly out in the real world
Now, if I DID have a bunch of time on my hands... the LAST thing I would want to do is pick up one of these games. It's 'goodbye world!' for me past that point.
Have you ever modded SE before? Bit of a different creature. It's evolved pretty far beyond the days of modding LE. Definitely worth checking out if you're into that kind of thing. I think you'll appreciate what it brought out. The only real step back was the loss of parallax texture occlusion... they lost that when they left DX9 behind. :/ But everything else is pretty significantly improved, in terms of what people have been able to pull out of it, especially when it comes to editing meshes and playing with how they call textures. It can essentially do everything that was possible with parallax, along with a bunch of other things that couldn't be done if you wanted a stable game.
Good, good. Let the hate flow through you...
I actually didn't originally pick it back up just to mod it. I've been getting back into the lore. I can now say that I think to really appreciate Skyrim's lore, you need to go back to Morrowind first. Morrowind is such a treasure trove of lore... in that game they slapped you in the face with it for the whole play through. And there was no question as to what was meant to be true, a lot of the time, anyway. Skyrim's lore is vague and mysterious. Very often it's impossible to tell what is true and what is not. But once you have a picture of the whole timeline back to Morrowind, you realize how insanely deep it actually is. You have to dig and be really observant of minute things. But the thing is, with out the lore from other games, a lot of it will seem like vague, meaningless little oddities and quips. It's easy to miss references and assume whatever it is was only supposed to be a superficial little thing... it wouldn't be missing anything that way... it seems right. But what seem like holes often aren't... you're just missing information, or haven't caught onto how it needs to go together for things to make sense on the lower levels. And of course many other things are up to interpretation, which with the way it's all written, can get really interesting. Fully experiencing Skyrim's lore is like personally witnessing legends with such scale and reach that you yourself aren't able to fully comprehend what you're witnessing. It's all relative to what you know. The more you learn, the grander and more complex it becomes. So many times playing Skyrim with new info I have these moments of like "In all my years of Skyrim I could never have imagined..." And when something clicks like that, it's as though you peered beyond the seam... like a kid finding the cookie crumbs and empty milk glass on Christmas morning. "Hah. I KNEW it!"
And the thing is you never really do 'know' it. It's always inferred or implied. But at the same time, once you catch it, you just kinda know what's really up. I appreciate those experiences for how they sort of pull the games world over you. It's a place I always enjoy being. Honestly, the writing can seem so totally hapless at times, but the synchronicities and emergent archetypes that emanate from that grab bag of writing and ideas can get on top of you when you least expect. But I mean, people often describe the universe and all of the things in it as a random mix of interacting matter and energy... so I figure even if it's accidentally brilliant - or otherwise more in my head than in the writing itself, it's still as real and substantive as life is, as a gestalt of physical interactions. Does that make sense? I guess what I'm saying is that the way the lore comes together almost makes it more real than if it all seemed like it was meant that way. That you can't know if it means anything or not only makes it seem more significant than if it was laid out plainly and linearly.
I'm betting most people who've played Skyrim don't know the origin of Sleeping Tree... it's way more than I can put in one post and really one hell of a tale that spans across parts of the ES franchise. I can tell you that. No doubt everybody sees it, but very few think anything of it. I won't go into details and instead just say that the Sleeping Tree is technically an evil, genocidal, sentient being. It'd dominate all of nirn if it wasn't dormant and homesick. It could actually be a pretty serious potential threat lol. Make no mistake, that tree has some big plans.
I think that's most of what I'm in it for at this point. That game has a never ending supply of weird shit. But you have to tap into your inner weirdness to understand it.