I couldn't. Its really an owlcat game. I got fed up after five rounds of combat. Its so godawfully tedious and slow.
I'm stuck in this peasant alternative now...
See those yellow numbers? My character is somewhere under there, among the pile of bodies
This shit is like cocaine its that good. ARPG Itemization heaven, great crafting system, item socketing/modification +++. Thanks
@kapone32 ... This game cannot be missed if you have some Warhammer affinity and played Diablo and had fun at some point.
I stuck with bolter weapons (Boltgun and a Bolt Pistol + Chainsword) because maximum flavor points and it does not disappoint. Triggered abilities from gear let me clear entire screens with massive explosions and thunderstrikes.
View attachment 362530
Its even on sale.
Enter the Chaos-infested Caligari Sector and purge the unclean with the most powerful agents of the Imperium of Man! W40k: Inquisitor – Martyr is a grim Action-RPG featuring multiple classes of the Inquisition who will carry out the Emperor’s will.
Yeah DL1 has that immersive atmosphere going on. It has something special.
And people say this looks fantastic? Do you think it does? I'm seeing generic dull areas with very expensive effects, so yeah, shadows render correctly, but then there are various low res textures and tons of objects with meh shaders... and there's a haze effect indoors that looks like something from the first Serious Sam...
I'm lost, honestly. 45 FPS for this. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't such a sad state of affairs. 430W GPU power needed.