Still replaying through the backlog of many-many games in my steam library. Decided to put away Amnesia: Rebirth, and do a final "Stoic" run sometime later.
This time I'm trying to 100% God of War. I used to own all older games(incl. PSP-exclusive "Chains of Olympus"), but haven't touched reboots until now.
Overall I like it, but I don't "love" it per-se, as older titles.
First off, I kinda see where David Jaffe's point comes from - the whole story revolves around mommy and daddy issues. Plus characters are inconsistent and their "motives" occasionally do not make any sense. For example, I hated the part of Atreus pretty much throughout the game. At first he is a "good boy", then as soon as he gets his "godpowers" - he immediately becomes an arrogant teenage maniac. Then, as soon as he gets his ass beaten the very first time - he becomes a good boy again. That just put me off right away and made me ignore him throughout the entire game. Fortunately I got my normal attention span back towards the end of the story, which was actually good and neatly tied up with the very beginning.
Second thing that bugged me throughout the entire playthrough is the way Spartan Rage works against weapons. Basically if you want fast but boring encounters - just use melee throughout the game and spam arrows as much as you can. I think I've only used axe for stone giants and some boss fights, but otherwise I did not use weapons that much up until the very end of the game, because Axe and Blades don't really add to your rage and rarely give you the opportunity to stun enemies for finishers.
Heck, because of that I didn't even bother to learn nuances of combat(combos, proper weapon switching, amulets etc) until after the main story, when I finally decided to do the Valkyrie quest and go through Muspelheim trials for the second time.
Third, very minor complaint. Photomode sucks. Pretty sure it was slapped on it as an afterthought for PC release, and as you can see - the UI is still there with no way to hide it.
At least for me it's a solid 7/10, but definitely not as good as I expected. On the bright side - it provided enough entertainment for almost 65 hours.
I'm currently at 94% achievements, and the only *one remaining is for Muspelheim trials. Just got the last achievement. 100% complete.