Since I have started w/ PCs, each new system has ranged fron $2,200 to $7,500. I still have in use a $2,000 CRT (22 years old), have $1,000 SCSI 1 GB HD on a shelf somewhere so I don't mind paying for premium componentry. Just find myself with a lot less enthusiasm these days.
1. I can't think of anything other then the new AUOptonics 144 Hz 4 K panels and that's not going to happen cuz:
a) Still to costly and given current yields, don't expect to come down soon.
b) Nothing exists to adequately drive it up into consistent ULMB territory except maybe twin 2080 Tis and, given lack of competition and 10xx series overstock, don't see prices dropping anytime soon.
c) 30% tariffs starting in January.
Would love to see folks just stop buying and when the Fortune 500 companies stocks start tanking perhaps we'll see some logical decision making take place on the trade front.
2. MoBo / CPUs - Big yawn.... hasn't been a significant generation to generation impact on user productivity since Sandy Bridge.
3. Storage - Yes SSDs make great benchmarks but again, it has had no real impact on user prodctivity outside very small market niches. I have one game on a Samsung Pro SSD and on a Seagate 2 TB SSD and there is 0 impact on gameplay. Windows boot time on same devices is 15.6 versus 16.5 seconds. Other than getting your name in "Post your storage benchmark results here" threads, doesn't have a real impact on the desktop outside rendering, animation, video editing uses. Anything most of us do on a daily basis in which storage subsystem speed is of significance, is usually scheduled to happen while sleeping.
5. Increase in RAM speed can be significant but not "upgrade worthy".
6. Quality PSUs are now ridiculously low priced.
7. Case innovation was spurred greatly by Phanteks entry into the market, but now everyine is emulating all their innovations. The latest Evolv was a pleasant surpise but don't see that there's many "other places to go" in case design for forseeable future other than a a storage backplane that eliminates cables ... would like to see rear (or 90 degree) MoBo EPS cable and 90 degree 24 pin cable connectors
Unfortunately there is one component they bottlenecks almost every system and that is the user. Best analogy is driving a Porsche in bumper to bumper traffic. Doesn't matter how fast it is on the open road when car in front of you moves 2 card lengths every 15 seconds.