My wishlist contains:
1) some additional tools for the Mother-32 and my other analog synths (for example some adapters, a pair of adsr... nothing too fancy, I don't have a modular yet and I'd avoid it if possible - by the way I don't have room for it).
2) a nice front end for tracking (I have some preamps and compressors, but I'd like some more, with different colour); I especially need an equalizer for tone shaping.
3) a poly analog (a Prophet 6 would be really nice, but I feel bad spending all that money... maybe one day I'll take the plunge and buy the rack version, but not anytime soon).
4) a spring reverb
5) a serious drum machine (something by Vermona or MFB).
Except for (1), which I need to get best out of what I already own, the others are not going to happend anytime soon, both because of lack of space and also because of their price (I already spent a lot on my setup, so I need to draw a line and make some music).
On the other hand, if I had unlimited resources (both money and space), then I'd get a few huge modular synths, a high-end console, some high end outboard, some expensive analog synths (both modern and classic), top notch converters and monitoring... the sky would be the limit!
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