At the moment to complete my current build must-buy are: 3x 4TB WD Ultrastar HDDs and top navi gpu, rx5900 or whatever these will be named, or two of these if i will be able to afford them, but this comes to optional list. My r9 380 was a decent card at its time but now is its time to retire. My current jbod of 2+1+1TB hdds needs to be replaced because of multiple reasons. Maybe i would put 2x4TB in raid and leave the third one as jbod, if such config is possible, anyway i think i will leave all three at jbod. I would need to read more about raid, dual boot with raid and some other details.
What is interesting Ultrastar series drives are cheaper than Black series, got the same length of warranty: 5 years and are enterprise grade so, at least in theory, are made of better components. WD some time ago replaced Gold series with Ultrastar and removed Gold from offer completely. So if anyone wonders which to choose between black and ultrastar i would recommend ultrastar.
List of optional items is much longer: as mentioned already, second gpu, just out of curiosity.
Also blu-ray burner, i'm still using physical media from time to time. Audio CDs, DVDs and maybe there will come some blu-rays once such burner will exist in my pc.
Aorus AD27QD for 27" ips 144Hz freesync. I'm happy with my current display (S24E370DL - 24", ips, 75Hz freesync) but more pixels and higher refreshrate are always welcome.
Another 32GB of ram so in total i could have 64GB, this would allow me to put more games on ramdisk. Yes, i actually use ramdisk for games which i can fit on it.
Maybe soundcard and even if most likely would be creative's AE-5. My x-fi titanium unit is 10 years old already and still sounds amazing so this as well would be just out of curiosity. I'm using old but still well enough 5.1 speakerset creative inspire t6100 and some random headphones when i need to be as quiet as possible at night.
And one more thing which lies between must-buy and optional categories: a gaming chair. I'm spending a lot of time on pc and regular chairs get flattened and squeaky after few months, lol. No, i'm not overweight, i have proper weight