From the battery test factory? No thanks.
From the battery most of the time, you will not get notice for burning car in your neighborhood!
Apparantly not. From the link:
So the fire department states that neither the frequency nor the gravity of fires is higher with electric cars.
Well, that is some uncommon statistics, as in my country - fireman are very concerned about the BEV vehicles. More then others!
Especially, as you can't extinguish the BEV...while HEV might not use those problematic Li-ion batteries.
& H2 in tank, can't burn by itself...just for comparison...& those tanks are designed to withstand some amount of fire, like LPG tanks.
So H2 is far more safer then BEV!
Yeah no. That's quite far from "AI", even in the most generous terms. It simply cuts the circuit off when something goes wrong. Even if the battery degasifies, which is highly unlikely with today's accu-packs, and even if it cannot vent, which is even more unlikely, it cannot get current then.
Sure, if everything goes wrong, everything can catch fire. But electric cars are not more dangerous than classical combustion cars. That's a myth. In the same category as "vapes will blow your hands off, so you should rather continue smoking".
Sure, that works only in have that exit for degasification...which helps, somewhat...but not with 3000°C fire in cells!
BTW, if you cut current in a BEV, then you still have charge in the cells...those have not been discharged at still a ticking bomb, under your seat!
& if cells catch fire, there is no extinguishing of the BEV...none! You have a total on a car, right there! Hope you have some insurance on it...
Telling that BEV are not more dangerous then ICE, is simply wrong...ICE is far more safer, then BEV!
H2 are a little more dangerous then ICE, like a LPG ICE...though it also depends on the battery, also.
But do tell us, why do you think BEV are not more dangerous then ICE?