Guys I want to go over what I was looking at to show you where the most likely areas probably are that a bit or bits need to be changed to do anything.
1. X1900GT
2. X1900GT Beta (Tofu's)
3. X1900XT
The image below reverses the bit order and shows you where the DeviceID and all that is being pulled from RaBiT and ATiTool:
Some things I have tried:
1. Created a new bios for each bit difference between the GT and the XT up to the first byte on the third line and tried to flash.
2. Changed the DevID and the 1890/1990 byte to match the beta bios.
3. Changed the header of the GT bios to match the header of the beta bios
4. Changed the header of the GT bios to match the header of the XT bios
5. Changed the DevID via RaBiT (does not match correctly 7249 or 724A -> 7248, but fuses are changed that still allow it to boot)
6. Looked at the locations where the fuse data was changed in RaBiT and matched the fuses from the beta bios to the GT.
7. Multiple in between combinations
RaBiT allows you to modify the mem size of the X1900GT to 512, so this
may be where the mem size is on all of the cards.
I did not bother modifying that bit, but RaBiT did not get the DevID right when modded, so I would not completely trust it.
So far nothing has worked, but there are still a number of bits I have not tried modifying. All the mem latency changes are down at the end, so there are alot of areas down there where a pipe mod could be hiding...
RAMBIOS is fairly reliable in checking whether a bios will work before you flash, so that saved me alot of time. When the flash went bad, ATIFlash version 3.14 + a PCI card was a 100% successful recovery method.
Every single bios with 16 pipes has a DevID ending in "7XX9" or "7XXB" and an 1890 byte. Any time I tried to change either or both, it would not post. RaBiT allows you to set a 7248 DevID/1890 byte, but it also changes the fuse information to compensate and I guess 7248 is not a valid ATi DevID because it does not show up. I think what it will take is finding out what it needs to set a 7249 or 724A device code
with the correct fuses.