Sharkoon Rebel9

August 30th 2007
15,315 times
Superb (8.0)
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Key Features:
High Rated Intel CPU NVIDIA Graphics Custom Paint Job
This modder's other projects:
System Specs:
  • Main PC (on photos) - Intel Core2Duo E6300 @ 3400MHz & Asus P5K P35 & Asus EN8800GTS 320MB & Geil Ultra CL4 & BeQuiet StraightPower 500W
Performed Mods:
It`s Sharkoon Rebel 9 Economy. First i had change color of case interior - from silver to black. Then i put some parts to get good temps (2xAeroCool StreamLiner, 1x Xthermal BTF 120 Pro Led, 1x ThermalTake 120, 1x Revoltec Dark Blue 80, GlacialTech GTF-1). I had to change Glacial`s color - it was terrible - now it`s black. Then hide (as good as i can) wires. Last part of work was cut and prepare glass (its REAL glass - not plexi). And i use white cathode - its good color, which matching with black :) I wrote about fans. Now fiew words about rest of cooling - on CPU seats AeroCool Dominator with Arctic Silver 5 (fan was louder element of my pc - now it`s connected by 5V connector). Rest of fans got : - XThermal - 1200RPM - ThermalTake (was loud too) - 900RPM - 2xAeroCool StreamLiner - 900RPM - Revoltec Dark Blue - 1500RPM - GlacialTech GT-F1 - 1500RPM And of course PSU - but it`s silent, so i didn`t change anything. Case it`s quite silent now - and i reach desirable effect - case looks like new, without my interference.
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4 Comments on Sharkoon Rebel9

8/10. All looks pretty good, but I wonder about the temps with the fans at such low speeds. If you want silent cooling I suggest Arctic cooling fans. Most of their products you can turn to 100% and hardly hear them.
Posted on Reply
Nemesis8818/10. All looks pretty good, but I wonder about the temps with the fans at such low speeds. If you want silent cooling I suggest Arctic cooling fans. Most of their products you can turn to 100% and hardly hear them.
Arctic Cooling ? Its (talking about fans) low-end products - i got 1xAC (didn`t use in this case - don`t wemember model) - it isnt quiet, got low capacity - and it`s low quality (i don`t say about appearance - becouse haven`t it).

Temps ? 34-45C in stress on CPU (measuring by CoreTemp), GFX got 56-76C (sometimes 80C). HDD never go higher than 36C.
Posted on Reply

9/10 Man u make many mods in your case and im really impress u spent much time to do? and put a big snap for interior cases bye! ;)
Posted on Reply
It takes me about 1 week :)
Posted on Reply
Sep 17th, 2024 16:01 EDT change timezone

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