my own one

August 25th 2009
5,017 times
Fair (4.2)
Voting Graph 16 votes total
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Key Features:
System Specs:
  • e2200 oc to 3.3ghz
  • 3gb patriot cl
  • p5kpl/1600
  • 6200 TC
  • half handmade water cooler
i tried to make it looks better thanks for your comments!!
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12 Comments on my own one


couple of problems in this case

1. Cable management is very bad
2. Crap specs including 6200 gfx card
3. The water cooling kit "HALF MADE".

I mean DUDE, come on. At least get the WHOLE thing working first then add images. Your just making yourself look like a noob!
Posted on Reply
decaff2008couple of problems in this case

1. Cable management is very bad
2. Crap specs including 6200 gfx card
3. The water cooling kit "HALF MADE".

I mean DUDE, come on. At least get the WHOLE thing working first then add images. Your just making yourself look like a noob!
bro i does agree with you,ts i haven't vote for you,yet guess i think u have time to improve ur rig,but decaff2008 someone just give 2/10 even worse vote than this guy and just because the voter dont like my case,does it make any sense to you.btw here's the link to my rig
Posted on Reply
what was you thinking mate start again and make it tidy then i will vote
Posted on Reply
It looks to me that he is making do with what he's got. Judging by some of the hardware I see. He's making it work, least in function. Saving my vote for when it's completed and tidied up.
Posted on Reply
pentastar111It looks to me that he is making do with what he's got. Judging by some of the hardware I see. He's making it work, least in function. Saving my vote for when it's completed and tidied up.
I agree with You, I'll wait till it's Improved so I can vote fairly.

Good luck
Posted on Reply
have you heard of a modular power supply? or cable management?
Posted on Reply
Don't be mean to the guy damn, He was obviously proud that he made a handmade cooling system and you all crushed happiness.
Posted on Reply
should stop new people posting in case galleries
Posted on Reply
I voted 10/10 because:

w00000000000000tt soda bottle F T W!!!!!11
Posted on Reply
Dude nice job i like the way you made it look cooler, don't listen to some of these -pros- if that's what you call them people like that are asses >;( Good job i applaud a homemade LCS
Posted on Reply
I voted 1/10 because:

i can not see whats the useful for your casing
Posted on Reply
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