Bane_Z Stream Machine

July 11th 2014
2,432 times
Really ugly (1.8)
Voting Graph 6 votes total
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Key Features:
Intel CPU
System Specs:
  • I7 4770K
  • GTX 770
  • Corsair Vengeance 16 GB DDR 3
  • MSI GD 65 Z87 Gaming Moba
  • 1 TB Western Family
  • Corsair H100I LC
  • Corsair 750D Case Max Tower
  • Corsair AX 750 Watt
Performed Mods:
Once I raise some more money ill be adding in my own custom loop. NZXT Hue 3 Blue Corsair 140 MM 3 Enermax 120 White LED
I accept all requests since I am still looking for a bright idea to customize my case but in the meantime Its a pretty general build 1500.00. Thanks for viewing Follow me on Twitch: I do weekly giveaways and I am wanting to get involved with the gaming Community!
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1 Comment on Bane_Z Stream Machine

Prez zero !!!
Posted on Reply
Sep 27th, 2024 05:18 EDT change timezone

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