How can someone give 7 for this build? Excellent paint job, superb tubing, cable management is more than good. If you do not like the color its not reason to hate the build. Well done mate.
drNeshHow can someone give 7 for this build? Excellent paint job, superb tubing, cable management is more than good. If you do not like the color its not reason to hate the build. Well done mate.
Look at the rating system, the top scores all basically mean the same thing.
Based on what is written there, I rarely give higher than a 7.
drNeshHow can someone give 7 for this build? Excellent paint job, superb tubing, cable management is more than good. If you do not like the color its not reason to hate the build. Well done mate.
Thank you friend. Unfortunately I could not please the taste of everyone always,
A 7 isn't a bad score... People are to used to way the reviewers rank games.
4-5 is average. 6-7 is above average. 8-9 is excellent. 10 is one of a kind perfection. No room for improvement.
1 is nothing. No modding effort. 2-3 is low modding effort, or bad.
I think the key is constructive criticism.
I give it 7 too, I would say 8 if it wasn't for the big Yellow Block Kanji. I think either loose English words, or loose the kanji. I think the english logos are better done. So If I were improving it, I'd remove the kanji. Only other improvement i think could be done is using bends in the loop instead of so many straight pieces, and angled compression fittings.
Personally I love the Kanji on it, makes it look much more cyberpunk. If it was plain purpple, it would be basic on the outside (why bother) and English is rather boring too and more so gaudy.
11 Comments on NoiSy Boy Mod
Based on what is written there, I rarely give higher than a 7.
4-5 is average. 6-7 is above average. 8-9 is excellent. 10 is one of a kind perfection. No room for improvement.
1 is nothing. No modding effort. 2-3 is low modding effort, or bad.
I think the key is constructive criticism.
I give it 7 too, I would say 8 if it wasn't for the big Yellow Block Kanji. I think either loose English words, or loose the kanji. I think the english logos are better done. So If I were improving it, I'd remove the kanji. Only other improvement i think could be done is using bends in the loop instead of so many straight pieces, and angled compression fittings.