Love it! I once had a thought about gutting out my standing Jewelry box with the Queen Ann legs to do something like that . But I liked it as a jewelry box too . (couldn't afford a second one at the time) It's sometimes tuff being a Geek Girl because equipment does become furniture and vis-a versa. Gadgets and jewelry, etc..
You started from scratch! Very Cool! Very creative!
NJSmirkLove it! I once had a thought about gutting out my standing Jewelry box with the Queen Ann legs to do something like that . But I liked it as a jewelry box too . (couldn't afford a second one at the time) It's sometimes tuff being a Geek Girl because equipment does become furniture and vis-a versa. Gadgets and jewelry, etc..
You started from scratch! Very Cool! Very creative!
Thank You :)
System Specs Updated and + Small mods.
bonehead123Love the wood color and finish. Excellent work and a true work of art IMHO....
Can you build me one please ?
My Old Build Pentium 4 + Nvidia GT440 . I sold it this case :D
BlueberriesLooks a little large for the components used...
System Spec updating :)
manquilloI voted 10/10 because:
Muy bien montado.
My İ3 4130 case Build + MSİ lightning GTX 680 :D But i Sold it :D
12 Comments on Azeri Wooden case
I love the attention to detail and love the overall look and feel of this scratch build.
You could say that it.... Gave me wood... ;D
Muy bien montado.
Can you build me one please ?
You started from scratch! Very Cool! Very creative!
System Specs Updated and + Small mods. My Old Build Pentium 4 + Nvidia GT440 . I sold it this case :D