Here's ECS with its X58 motherboard. Over the past month or two, motherboard manufacturers have been taking the opportunity of flashing their offering based on Intel's newest chipset, supporting the upcoming Core i7 Processors. Product launch dates for the processors itself had been see-sawing, with early estimates having pointed at an October launch, while other sections of the industry pointing at November 17, 2008 as D-day for Intel and its motherboard partners. Perhaps the November launch was chosen to give motherboard vendors some room to ready their products for the market that comes to be.
The ECS X58B-A is the company's X58 motherboard based on the Black-Series design, sporting a black PCB with yellow, red, orange and copper to form the design theme. It uses a rather simplistic layout, with two PCI-Express x16 slots, a close-ended PCI-Express x4 slot, and one PCI slot. It features a 5+1 phase power circuit for the CPU, and uses solid-state capacitors overall. The motherboard supports both ATI CrossFireX and NVIDIA SLI multi-GPU technologies, it features six onboard SATA II ports with headers to two e-SATA ports, among other standard features. The X58B-A is expected to start shipping around the time Intel launches the Core i7 processors, it is expected to be priced at US $260.