I-O Data Launches EasyDisk V Series USB Flash Drives with TrendMicro Antivirus
I-O Data launched its EasyDisk V Series (ED-SV3 / C) USB flash drives which, apart from storing your data, come with portable versions of TrendMicro Antivirus. The drives are available in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 GB capacities, with 1 year (warranty + antivirus updates), 2 year, and 3 year support sub-variants. Measuring 23.5 x 58.6 x 8.8 mm, and weighing about 11 g, the drives are built in the cap-less slider form-factor. The drives only use legacy USB 2.0 HiSpeed interface. Prices start at 9300 JPY (US $117), and vary by capacity and support period.