A Closer Look
Wow, Ballistix! You really hit this one out the park! This kit looks awesome, with a modern and futuristic look that really suits the ASUS TUF boards really well.
The side without any stickers looks absolutely fantastic, but the other side... ah well, the stickers just get in the way.
One sticker must be some weird batch-tracking thing because I can make no sense of it at all. The other has the stick's specifications and part number. That one is nice and tiny and kind of matches the stick at least.
There are two logos on these sticks, the large Ballistix sticker in the middle of the stick and a smaller SPORT logo off to the left.
Like most high-performance memory these days, it seems these 8 GB sticks are single-sided.
The edges of these sticks are some of the most bare I have ever seen. Just blank PCB and that's about it.
You will note, however, that one edge has one of the memory chips sticking out. If this stick was a 16 GB dual-sided one, it'd be two chips that stick out, but we have an 8 GB stick.