Of the trio of Cherry keyboards I received this time around, the newest is unfortunately also the least impressive overall. In an attempt to go all-in on the silent game and create a standard usage case for their MX Silent switches, Cherry has created a product that in my opinion has more drawbacks than the price justifies.
The MX Board Silent launched at $150 last January, and resellers have priced it lower since. Even at its current pricing, you can find keyboards using the MX Silent switches from brands such as Filco, Corsair, and KBParadise, or even the
MK Fission we took a look at, offering better value for your money, or just outright have the better build quality Cherry should have striven for. The only thing going for the MX Board Silent is the slightly quieter typing experience due the lack of metal-plate impingement when the keys bottom out here, and I would personally rather have a metal plate than a keyboard that feels like a toy and is as large as one too.
This keyboard functions as it is supposed to, and is one of the very few options to come with the MX Silent Black switches. So if you absolutely need a quiet, heavier linear-switch keyboard, then this may well be for you. Similarly, the Cherry profile keycaps are another part of the product that may interest you, but at this point, that subset of customers who need these very specific things is very small. Most others will find better options elsewhere, and Cherry really needs to understand that their brand name will only go so far when pricing their products.