Finished Looks
The LIQMAX 120S lacks the overall pizazz of the Liqtech 240, but still looks good. The pump with its blue LED-illuminated logo (not shown) stands out and does add a bit of flair. I am not big on blue LEDs myself, but it is probably a great feature to many. Not overly bright, these blue LEDs are in fact also tastefully implemented.
The corrugated tubing still looks ugly. I have never been a fan of it, but in most instances, it won't actually be noticeable. Enermax's black and white logo on the fan is much more noticeable and adds a nice bit of contrast to the design, when visible.
As with every all-in-one liquid cooler, overall clearance is exceptional. Users can readily access the primary expansion slot, EPS 8-pin plug, and mSATA slot.
As can be seen in these images, memory clearance really is exceptional. The Enermax LIQMAX 120S does not block off any DIMM slots. As such, users can install any memory they want, and, again, like most AIO kits, the Enermax LIQMAX 120S does not interfere with anything else around the socket.