I've got to say, Kingston did a damn good job with its high-end 10th anniversary kit. Taking a look at the XMP performance results, we have a 2400 MHz kit beating out kits with a 266 MHz speed advantage in more than a few instances, which is a complete surprise. From running low clocks at low voltage (1333 MHz C9 @ 1.25V) all the way up to 2500 MHz, these sticks proved themselves pretty capable, even without the highest clocks.
Adding in a wide compatibility both due to size and well-programmed SPD profiles, Kingston's HyperX Genesis 10th Anniversary set is a great overall option for any system, and it's low price ensures that getting such functionality isn't hard on your wallet, which anyone is going to appreciate.
I really like these 10th Anniversary Genesis sticks, and they make, in my books, a great option for a 24/7 system. No, they aren't exactly the highest performing sticks when you get serious about overclocking, but the Genesis line-up isn't the high-end HyperX option either, so it's a bit unrealistic to expect them to reach the upper limits in frequency. Although they appear to have rather loose timings, the performance results say differently. With that, they've definitely found a place in my X79 system, and should I want to pop them into another rig, I know they'll be ready.