QNAP ships the TS-859 Pro with its own set of applications to make the everyday use of the device as simple as possible. We have covered these in our NMP-1000 review
here, but let us take a quick look at them again.
QNAP Finder
This little application is a simple browers which searches your network for any QNAP device. It makes no difference if you own the NMP-1000 or a Turbo Station or TS series NAS. It automatically starts searching when opened up and gives you an easy way to access the web interface without having to remember the IP address of each QNAP unit at your disposal.
Similarly compact when compared to the QNAP Finder, it allows you to send torrent files from your browser over this software interface to your QNAP NAS, which will then proceed to download it for you. This means that you can turn off your workstation, while the NAS keeps on working for you, even in your sleep.
NetBak Replicator
This application allows you to back-up your data from the workstation unto the NAS. You can set the folders to store on the network accessible storage and have control over how and when it is done. It is rather simple, but gets the job done just fine.
Web Interfaces - Administrative
You are greeted by an interface with large buttons, which you can navigate through horizontally. While there are five icons, only two of them are really of any interest. The first leads you to the administrative interface, while the second opens up the Web File Manager. QNAP also included links to their customer service, wiki and forum. All of these just open your browser and go to the appropriate QNAP website. While it is great to have these at your disposal, I do not see the reason why they are on the front page of the web interface.
Additional icons appear once the appropriate applications are tuned on within the administrative interface. As you can see above, the web server also becomes accessible. To illustrate how easy it is to enable something, it only requires a single ckeck box to start the service up.
QNAP has done an excellent job with the administrative web interface. Considering the large amount of features, all of them are easily accessible and the GUI is clean and understandable. I won't go into much detail here, as there are just way too many possibilities here. All functions and features are grouped nicely so do not get an overwhelming array of icons and end up searching for the needle in a hay stack. Below a gallery of all the folders at your disposal.
Administrative Interface Gallery: