While the DeathAdder V2 Pro already introduced some subtle changes to the classic DeathAdder shape, the V3 Pro is the first to receive a major revision. The overall silhouette is closer to that of the Razer Mamba, with the front being the most notable modification compared to previous DeathAdder releases. Not only have the front flares been toned down, small ledges left and right of the main buttons have been added as well, where one's fingers may be rested. The left side is likewise affected by these changes, and no longer curves in as much horizontally, with the side buttons having been raised as a result. The right side has mostly been left untouched, and the same goes for the back, which retains most of the curvature of the V2 Pro. Another change pertains to the hump. While still centered, the hump follows the right-handed ergonomic curvature introduced by the Zowie EC series more closely, in that the hump is tallest at its leftmost point. On the V2 Pro, the highest point was located slightly more towards the right, and the left main button in particular sat a bit lower. In addition to that, the comfort grooves on the main buttons no longer are as deep. Overall, the DeathAdder V3 Pro could be described as a more streamlined rendition of the original DeathAdder, losing some of the curves, but also some of the uniqueness of the original.
As for grip styles, I'd say the DeathAdder V3 Pro is equally suited for palm and claw grip. It is a large mouse with a fairly pronounced hump, which makes it more suitable for bigger hands. For reference, my hands are 19 cm long and 10 cm wide, and I found the DeathAdder V3 Pro perfectly comfortable in claw grip.
This table includes the dimensions of the DeathAdder V3 Pro and several other right-handed ergonomic mice. "Front height" denotes the distance between the base and main buttons. Measurements with two decimals have been taken with a caliper, while those with one decimal have been taken with a ruler. For a full list of all measurements taken, please refer to this sheet compiled by an esteemed community member.
Razer DeathAdder V3 Pro Dimensions
DeathAdder V3 Pro
DeathAdder V2 Pro
Model D Wireless
Xlite Wireless V2
Base Length
11.3 cm
11.5 cm
11.4 cm
12.0 cm
11.6 cm
Length (including overhang)
12.76 cm
12.47 cm
12.20 cm
12.5 cm
12.36 cm
Front Height (lowest point)
1.4 cm
1.5 cm
1.4 cm
1.3 cm
1.3 cm
Height (highest point)
4.28 cm
4.28 cm
3.90 cm
4.21 cm
4.27 cm
Front Width (widest point)
6.29 cm
6.70 cm
5.98 cm
6.16 cm
6.09 cm
Back Width (widest point)
6.51 cm
6.87 cm
6.78 cm
6.66 cm
6.50 cm
Grip Width (narrowest point)
6.07 cm
6.31 cm
5.76 cm
5.91 cm
6.03 cm
Below are some comparison shots with each of the measured mice: