I used a Swiftech MCP50X pump with a FrozenQ 400mL cylindrical reservoir. The pump was powered by a direct SATA connection to an EVGA 1300G2 PSU and was controlled by an Aquacomputer Aquaero 6 XT. There was a previously calibrated in-line flow meter and a Dwyer 490 Series 1 wet-wet manometer to measure the pressure drop of the component being tested. Every component was connected to the manometer by the way of 1/2" x 3/4" tubing, compression fittings, and two T-fittings.
Well, this will not have really come as a surprise if you had taken a look at the disassembled block previously. Swiftech employs the same diagonal series flow design coupled with extremely thin microchannels spread over a larger-than-average area, and all this means that their Apogee series CPU blocks continue to be among the most restrictive elements in a watercooling loop. The Apogee SKF with its 125 micron channels is thus also more restrictive than its predecessor, the Apogee XL, and is currently the most restrictive block released in within the last 5 years. There is a reason their own pumps (MCP30/50X) offer a lot of head pressure, so be aware of this and choose a pump accordingly if this block catches your eye.