Monday, April 5th 2010
Blu-Ray Capacity Increased.
The specification governing the storage capacity of blu-ray discs has been officially increased to 128 GB for single write discs and 100 GB for re-writable discs. The new format, called BDXL, goes three to four layers deep on the disc and requires a more powerful laser. Unfortunately this means that existing blu-ray equipment will not be able to read or write to BDXL discs. The need for new equipment, combined with the fact that movies have no trouble squeezing onto current 50 GB Blu-Ray discs, will probably severely hamper adoption in the near term.
47 Comments on Blu-Ray Capacity Increased.
its not the first time this had happened, think betamax.
Just like mussels, this only motivates me not to adopt a PC bluray burner, whats the point if the next standard has already been developed, I would rather one which can write to BDXL media.
Also, Betacam tapes used by professionals are vastly different from Betamax.
HD DVD was standardized. Blu-ray not.
HD DVD was much cheaper to press discs. Blu-ray not.
HD DVD can be pressed in current DVD fab with minor cheap upgrade. Blu-ray 100x more expensive to do.
HD DVD upconverts DVD looks better. Reviews prove this time and again.
HD DVD is the perfect HD disc format. It was Affordable to studios, consumers & manufacturers.
HD DVD was ready for fast full market adoption. Blu-ray was released too soon and was never original finished.
HD DVD web enabled features and had it on every single player sold. Blu-ray no.
Warner Bros. reject Sony money 2 times before accepting $500 million to drop HD DVD and go Blu-ray.
Sony and Panasonic paid off many manufacturers and studios to support Blu-ray only.
HD DVD players are required to support Ethernet connections, dual video streams (picture-in-picture), Dolby Digital Plus and TrueHD soundtrack decoding, and "persistent storage" (onboard flash memory). Blu-ray not.
This good:
The only thing, the only one, that a HDDVD is inferior to BluRay, is that the HDDVD is a little smaller in capacity than a BluRay. But that's just irrelevant, since even a 3H movie can fit on a HDDVD without any problems on FULL quality.
i really dont see why people insist the hd-dvd technology was better. they both had their good and bad points. and then people screamed about a monopoly on the hd standard, but they never minded the dvd or vhs standard :laugh:
onto this article... did they not just make a new standard here??? .... ie, needing all new hardware.. yeah, no, i can't see this catching on, half the reason people bought a PS3 was for Bluray capability.. awesome sony.. awesome.
:cry: (i know)
And HD DVD's failure was it's own fault. It wasn't pushed enough.
Oh well, to bad, to sad.
i wish i'd read this beforehand :cry:
I don't know if this was said before, but Blu-ray won the format wars as soon as the Porn industry sided with them, end of story. The studios were about evenly split down the middle between the two format standards. Each had a super power behind it, Sony and Microsoft, and as stated each had strengths and weaknesses.
Since porn in theaters is near non-existent due to people and their need to fap in private, created the current porn industry. A multi-billion dollar industry that makes near 75% of its income selling DVD's to their consumers (rest is digital content and personal use products....yea that is what they are). Studios like Warner bros. make most of their money at the box office and post box office merchandise, and not DVD's as much as people like to think. Like it or not, until digital content becomes the larger focus for porn, they control with an iron fist what physical media formats we will use and have been in control for over 30 years.
Can anyone guess why VHS beat out betamax?