Monday, August 2nd 2010

AMD Rolls Out Catalyst 10.7a, Forces AA for Starcraft II Wings of Liberty

Barely a week after releasing the Catalyst 10.7 WHQL software suite, AMD rolled out the Catalyst 10.7a BETA. This new version packs all the features and fixes of Catalyst 10.7, with the added feature of letting users enable forced anti-aliasing for Starcraft II Wings of Liberty from Catalyst Control Center to improve image quality. The fix affects all ATI Radeon graphics processors from Radeon HD 2000 series to HD 5000 series, supporting all Windows client versions from Windows XP. The other added feature is improved 4-way CrossFireX performance in ATI Eyefinity setups.

DOWNLOAD: ATI Catalyst 10.7a BETA
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71 Comments on AMD Rolls Out Catalyst 10.7a, Forces AA for Starcraft II Wings of Liberty

Freshwater Moderator
brandonwh64The game itself sounds like a horrible example of optimization!
every major RTS game for years has had issues with AI performance causing crap performance. SCII runs better than supcom 1/ forged alliance, or sins of a solar empire and its expansions.

of course, the scale is a ton smaller too which probably helps.
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we're talking bout AI's ridiculous multi-tasking compared to human macro'ing right?
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Freshwater Moderator
a_umpwe're talking bout AI's ridiculous multi-tasking compared to human macro'ing right?
as well as things like pathfinding, which is a common thing to screw up (getting 500+ units to play nice and not stand on the edge of a cliff making walking motions takes SOME effort)
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Addicted to Bacon and StarCrunches!!!
I played the beta alittle and i thought it sucked personally. i loved original SC but this one is like it but with better gfx and i think the company could have done more
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Freshwater Moderator
brandonwh64I played the beta alittle and i thought it sucked personally. i loved original SC but this one is like it but with better gfx and i think the company could have done more
that sums it up. its SC with new graphics.

the things they raved about (such as the dynamic maps with the lava rising and falling) arent even in MP... thats the kind of shit that would have gone from an A grade RTS to A+

having a high end RTS game with a very indepth SP campaign and then sticking bog standard MP with no variations is just... meh. look at the stuff custom WC3 maps have done.

why no tower defense maps as stock? why not DOTA variants? (licenced or something, from the orig creator)
Posted on Reply
well no offense brandonwh64, you should try to get a guest a pass from a friend n play it again as the final product(also get to play the whole campaign for free!). You had to of noticed it's faster paced some, and the huge over-haul on units. Thou i agree overall the same object of the game and idea of it is the same, but then it wouldn't be SC if that changed too much correct?
Musselsthat sums it up. its SC with new graphics.

the things they raved about (such as the dynamic maps with the lava rising and falling) arent even in MP... thats the kind of shit that would have gone from an A grade RTS to A+

having a high end RTS game with a very indepth SP campaign and then sticking bog standard MP with no variations is just... meh. look at the stuff custom WC3 maps have done.

why no tower defense maps as stock? why not DOTA variants? (licenced or something, from the orig creator)
but wc3 didnt have those maps stock either, that was all community stuff, not blizzard. Give it time and once people get SC2 mechanics or w/e down there will be modded maps with different gameplay objective like those in wc3 MP
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Big Member
Musselsmy FPS drops just as low at times in game, but those 'worst case' scenarios are few and far between. they only happen late game in 4v4 matches in the final battles.

Also, its cause the game is CPU limited... like just about every other major RTS.
Dude you have a 1090T like me. How is an i7 860 and a 1090T limiting to ANY game? Honestly I have to blame optimization on this one.
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Super Dainty Moderator
Wile EYou're both wrong. lol

It's 1366x768.
no. 720 on a TV is diff. my plasma (50") is 720 is runs at 1360x768 1366 will out of range my TV
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Freshwater Moderator
TheMailMan78Dude you have a 1090T like me. How is an i7 860 and a 1090T limiting to ANY game? Honestly I have to blame optimization on this one.
A: because some games would still be limited on a 5GHz i9 due to bad coding (cough every RTS game with the AI/pathfinding)

B: the more GPU's you gotta feed, the more CPU power you need. that said, i'm not running crossfire atm.
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Wile E
Power User
Solaris17no. 720 on a TV is diff. my plasma (50") is 720 is runs at 1360x768 1366 will out of range my TV
That's just an input issue on your TV. The panels themselves are 1366x768.
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Freshwater Moderator
Wile EThat's just an input issue on your TV. The panels themselves are 1366x768.
not all, you can get some that are truly 1280x720, and some that are 136_x768

that said, mines 1360x768, but only one of the three HDMI ports supports it O.o HDMI 2 does, VGA does, and the internal tuner does... but nothing else.
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Wile E
Power User
I'm aware of the true 1280 panels. They're all TN Film tho, so no nice TVs in that res. I was referring more to 1366 vs 1360.
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Wile EMovies and cinema have motion blur. Completely different than a game and cannot be compared.

I'm with Mussels, the only game I have ever played that I can tolerate less than 45fps is Crysis. I don't play games capped at 30fps. They give me a headache.
TheMailMan7830fps in a game makes my eyes melt. Transformers has a 30fps cap and its unplayable. They ended up making a hack that raised the cap up to 60fps. Great game by the way.
Read my post again. I'm talking about STRATEGY games not FPS, 3rd view or racing games. You don't need more than 30fps on a strategy game (to fully enjoy the game, i mean.). Check some reviews on other sites if you don't believe me.
Freshwater Moderator
TAViXRead my post again. I'm talking about STRATEGY games not FPS, 3rd view or racing games. You don't need more than 30fps on a strategy game (to fully enjoy the game, i mean.). Check some reviews on other sites if you don't believe me.
i'm a hardcore RTS gamer. 30FPS is the bare minimum... with all the action on screen and the rapid scrolling, you need every frame you can get to make sense of the action.

yeah, some games like generals capped the FPS to 30... and they suffered because of it.
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Wile E
Power User
TAViXRead my post again. I'm talking about STRATEGY games not FPS, 3rd view or racing games. You don't need more than 30fps on a strategy game (to fully enjoy the game, i mean.). Check some reviews on other sites if you don't believe me.
Yes, I absolutely need more than 30fps. 30fps gives me a headache. The only exception to this are games that get motion blur just right, and behave more like a movie.
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Big Member
Wile EYes, I absolutely need more than 30fps. 30fps gives me a headache. The only exception to this are games that get motion blur just right, and behave more like a movie.
Which has NEVER happen.
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C&C3 Kanes Wrath is locked at 30FPS, and it looks fine....
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Freshwater Moderator
TheMailMan78Which has NEVER happen.
crysis had it done quite well, the motion blur really did help with the low FPS.
MelvisC&C3 Kanes Wrath is locked at 30FPS, and it looks fine....
and the point i always make: 60Hz CRT's also look fine to some people, whereas others need 85Hz to stop it flickering and giving them headaches.

you guys need to try transformers war for cybertron (is there a demo?) with the 60FPS unlocker, and see for yourself with a direct comparison.
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Wile E
Power User
TheMailMan78Which has NEVER happen.
Crysis actually pulled it off for me. 30fps is bearable, but only just.
Musselscrysis had it done quite well, the motion blur really did help with the low FPS.

and the point i always make: 60Hz CRT's also look fine to some people, whereas others need 85Hz to stop it flickering and giving them headaches.

you guys need to try transformers war for cybertron (is there a demo?) with the 60FPS unlocker, and see for yourself with a direct comparison.
I'm one of those that can't use a 60hz CRT. LCD HDTVs were a godsend to me. TV always gave me a headache until they came out.
Posted on Reply
yea there's no real arguing of "30FPS is fine", bc everyone has there own tastes. for me personally....i can stand 30fps in SC2(Forced AA), but i def enjoy playing without the sluggish feel when i have it at around 48fps(no AA).

Lower FPS means your skipping a beat in the action which won't necessarily be the turning point, but if you could find 2 RTS gamers that were considered equal skill-wise, one running 60fps constant, the other 30, the 60fps player would win.
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Musselsenabling 2xaa dropped me to 30FPS in the menus, let alone the game.

while this allows AA, the performance hit is massive (which may be why blizzard didnt add an AA option into the game in the first place)
This is not why blizzard didnt add AA option in their game. They just didnt do that so they could release finalized (yet unfinished) product and make some money. This StarCraftII streams to be what was Crysis for DX10 highly non-optimized benchmark that many people use to measure their GPU performance.

If blizzard wrote their own AA routine, as developers usually do, that would meant releasing smooth and playable game and require some extra time to done it. And still it's turbulent time and blizzard might not have enough money to doing extra job to furbish that product on time while dont loosing some by deleaying it's release. Thou, they announced they'll release some patches (upgrades). So it might be some anti-piracy feature they build with non-optimized rendering when running AA modes :D
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