Thursday, November 11th 2010
EVGA Intros GTX 580 Call of Duty: Black Ops Edition Graphics Card
EVGA is showing some love to the game of the day, Call of Duty: Black Ops, with a special edition GeForce GTX 580 graphics card that keeps up with the game's theme, and adds to die hard fans' collection. The EVGA GTX 580 Call of Duty: Black Ops Edition (part number: 015-P3-1583-AR) is a special package that includes a factory-overclocked GeForce GTX 580 graphics card bearing the game's theme in stickers, a game themed product box, and a game themed poster. The card doesn't, however, bundle a copy of the game itself. The GTX 580 card has factory-overclocked speeds of 797 MHz core, 1594 MHz CUDA cores, and 4050 MHz memory (GDDR5 effective), against reference speeds of 772/1544/4008 MHz. Available from EVGA store, the EVGA GTX 580 Call of Duty: Black Ops Edition is priced at $519.99, or $579.99 thanks to's 'unbeatable' pricing.
49 Comments on EVGA Intros GTX 580 Call of Duty: Black Ops Edition Graphics Card
To be honest I only said the game sucked as the huge thread about the game sucking here, and most other places, and on their forum. Its nice to know it doesn't suck for everyone, if the commercials are to be believed it is awesome.
And the fact that MSRP is just that, suggeted retail price. Not the actual price you can buy it at. So unavailable at $519, is not a price, but a suggestion. So a price a a known retailer of $579 is a price. I can buy coke for $10 a gram, but it is currently unavailable. So, I had to buy it for $50 a gram.
Anyway, I was posting my honest thoughts about the pricing, and performance of the card. I am hoping one day nvidia makes a card so awesome that I buy one and love it. I still get a kicked in the gut feeling when I think about my X1800XT at the low price of $549. ATI can be assholes too.
But the card looks nice, the box looks good, but not for that price $579 real world dollars.
2. Saying a game sucks because your computer can't handle it is bonkers and silly, as if your computer can't handle it and play it in a reasonable manner how can you judge the contents of the game.
3. I'm not from [H]ard|OCP, for me [H] is a clan tag for a clan a group of friends and I started back in middle school roughly 12 years ago.
People have made a rather large deal over a bloody sticker on a video card!
You can buy the card for $519 from EVGA. . Reading comprehension?
EVGA GTX 580 out of stock at amazon
EVGA didn't include the game with the card which is pretty fail.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Clubhouse :roll:
Though i do i like the look of the card. :p
So, either 580 or 69xx is my next move.
At any rate, this particular 580 is utterly stupid. If you are going to make a game edition of a card, you should at least include the damn game. All this hype surrounding Black ops is making me nauseous. From what I have seen so far, it's a pretty crap game, and I'm tired of hearing about it already.