Brazilian Modders Give 8GB Memory to GeForce GTX 970
Paulo Gomes, a hardware modder from Brazil, specializes in memory chip replacement mods for graphics cards. In his latest project, he attempted to give the GeForce GTX 970 from a decade ago a memory upgrade to 8 GB, up from its default specs of 4 GB. This was done by replacing the default 4 Gbit (512 MB) 7 Gbps GDDR5 memory chips with 8 Gbit ones. Eight such chips across the GPU's 256-bit wide memory interface results in 8 GB.
It is important to bring up the memory partition controversy of the GTX 970 here. While the GTX 970 is advertised as a 4 GB graphics card, its memory is partitioned into two chunks of 3.5 GB and 512 MB. NVIDIA came up with no other reason for this than for better segmentation with the GTX 980. Given this partitioning, the modded GTX 970 should have at least 7 GB operating at full speed—larger than the 6 GB of the GTX 980 Ti.
It is important to bring up the memory partition controversy of the GTX 970 here. While the GTX 970 is advertised as a 4 GB graphics card, its memory is partitioned into two chunks of 3.5 GB and 512 MB. NVIDIA came up with no other reason for this than for better segmentation with the GTX 980. Given this partitioning, the modded GTX 970 should have at least 7 GB operating at full speed—larger than the 6 GB of the GTX 980 Ti.