Monday, July 3rd 2023

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 is Still the Most Popular GPU in the Steam Hardware Survey
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 was released more than four years ago. With its TU117 graphics processor, it features 896 CUDA cores, 56 texture mapping units, and 32 ROPs. NVIDIA has paired 4 GB GDDR5 memory with the GeForce GTX 1650, which are connected using a 128-bit memory interface. Interestingly, according to the latest Steam Hardware Survey results, this GPU still remains the most popular choice among gamers. While the total addressable market is unknown with the exact number, it is fair to assume that a large group participates every month. The latest numbers for June 2023 indicate that the GeForce GTX 1650 is still the number one GPU, with 5.50% of the users having that GPU. The second closest one was GeForce RTX 3060, with 4.60%.
Other information in the survey remains similar, with CPUs mostly ranging from 2.3 GHz to 2.69 GHz in frequency and with six cores and twelve threads. Storage also recorded a small bump with capacity over 1 TB surging 1.48%, indicating that gamers are buying larger drives as game sizes get bigger.
Steam Hardware Survey
Other information in the survey remains similar, with CPUs mostly ranging from 2.3 GHz to 2.69 GHz in frequency and with six cores and twelve threads. Storage also recorded a small bump with capacity over 1 TB surging 1.48%, indicating that gamers are buying larger drives as game sizes get bigger.
40 Comments on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 is Still the Most Popular GPU in the Steam Hardware Survey
AMD's most popular cards are still the Polaris ones too, the ones that cost $200 for a 4GB model which shipped with 8GB instead.
Right? Right? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight???????????????????????
After the release of the great and amazing and super and wonderful RTX 4060, I see the RTX 3060 becoming an amazing hit in new and second hand market. Wouldn't be surprised to see it's percentage going up.
I know everyone wants the prices of this list shifted down by $50 or so but this is a pretty large selection. I suspect price wars are coming which will make this list even better. I still don’t think we will see 7500 or 4050 versions but the rumors say otherwise. If they do come out, these versions will be too slow and prevent the above from dropping in price. Also this is the first time in a long time that we have three GPU suppliers instead of just two in the ‘lower’-end range.
For these buyers, there has been nothing mechanically from nvidia to replace them, and AMD is asleep at the wheel with the 6500/6400, so they hold onto those cards or acquire a used A2000.
[URL='']GTX 1650[/URL] is not most common, these metrics is misleading, a better metric is the avg performance in a survey. 1650 can run most games so it makes no sense.
I think people need to come to grips with the advancement of hardware. The series S is the BARE minimum, and that's a 1280 core rDNA 2 chip, basically a cut down 5500xt. Thing is, games on the series S usually run at sup 1080p resolution, sub 30 FPS, with reduced details. So, if you want to run at a consistent 60 FPS on PC, you will need, at bare minimum, twice the GPU power. More likely 2.5x to account for sub 30 FPS performance on console and platform inefficiency.
That around the performance level of a 3060ti/6700xt. To match the WEAKEST console. running on the lowest details at 60 FPS at 1080p. If you want to run without FRS/DLSS, that is. The fact is that these GPU scan typically run these games at a mix of medium/high 1080p without issue, which indicates they ARE optimizing their games. It's just that 6 year old midrange hardware that gets ROFL stomped by the special ed console cant cope with modern games. There are some serious optimization issues at higher detail levels, but that has always been true, its only more obvious now because we are at the beginning of this console gen and have only had a single GPU gen since launch to work with. It's like this every generation. Given it a few years and even $200 GPUs with obliterate the PS5.
And yes you can fight me in the comments
In those days there was a thirst for new technology, we would make sacrifices to buy a new GPU.
Nowadays most kids have no idea how to build a computer and don't even care, play on phone, console or some gaming laptop.
Some are lucky to have someone to build them a gaming computer and this is rare.
I'm even wondering why...
Jokes aside, considering current econonic situation worldwide and massive cock-ups with prices (not to mention mining fever impact) people are now more sure it's not the greatest idea to invest in a gaming PC for gaming. Add worst game optimisation and gameplay crimes possible wreaked throughout last five years and finish it by "this mammoth don't fit my PC case and will nuke my PSU."
Dark times have come.
Do you really think that the AAA gaming industry is just going to cut people off because people are on 6+year old video cards/equipment? HELL NO! They got to make their money somehow beside selling their customer base broken games on launch. They read the and know the data like I do.
I'm not buying into this nonsense and have been very outspoken about it. VOTE with your wallet.
And many people like myself... did.
The rest of the stuff? All of it combined cost me less than a 4080 would. It's insane, NV is pushing enterprise prices on their gear. Yes, agreed... That's what I have decided to do.