Tuesday, February 22nd 2011

Microsoft Releases Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2

Microsoft today released Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2, to all users. A Service Pack is a periodical cumulative of updates released between a period of time, that also introduces new features to the OS. For both operating systems based on the Windows 6.1 kernel, Service Pack 1 will provide all product and security updates released to date. A couple of new features that will benefit Windows 2008 R2 are also bundled. These include Dynamic Memory and RemoteFX.

Dynamic Memory lets Hyper-V administrators pool available memory on a physical host and dynamically distribute it to any virtual machine(s) running on that host, while RemoteFX lets Windows Server 2008 R2 administrators provide a rich end user desktop virtualization experience by delivering vivid content, independent of any graphics stack, to server-hosted virtual and session-based desktops. We put Windows 7 Service Pack 1 to test, to see how the updated OS benefits gamers, or if it does in the first place. Our performance analysis can be read here. A list of notable changes with SP1 can be read here.
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78 Comments on Microsoft Releases Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2

OH, I have such a headache
Well my ratting dipped like mad and it sucks . But I do not understand why . Why would it take a huge dive like this and stay like this ? It doesn't make any sense at all.
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Freshwater Moderator
tricksonWell my ratting dipped like mad and it sucks . But I do not understand why . Why would it take a huge dive like this and stay like this ? It doesn't make any sense at all.
try testing again like mailman.

otherwise, they changed the ratings. mines capped because my C: partition is too small, its a worthless test anyway.
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MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
Did anyone else notice that there was some space freed up on their hard drive?? I loved how it did that with Vista.
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my rating did not change either , it down loaded 87.9mb for the service pack for me yet had 920mb in backup files . whats going on ?
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Freshwater Moderator
chaotic_ukmy rating did not change either , it down loaded 87.9mb for the service pack for me yet had 920mb in backup files . whats going on ?
backed up updates that you already had, that would have been included in the SP anyway. it just centralized the backups.
Posted on Reply
Musselsbacked up updates that you already had, that would have been included in the SP anyway. it just centralized the backups.
disk cleanup removed them and i ran win update again , system did not need them as it said my system is upto date . if the updates were in the service pack then why did it only dl 87.9mb ? , it removed nearly 1gb of files :eek:
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
chaotic_ukdisk cleanup removed them and i ran win update again , system did not need them as it said my system is upto date . if the updates were in the service pack then why did it only dl 87.9mb ? , it removed nearly 1gb of files :eek:
clearly, you dont get how the web updater works.

it didnt download those updates because you already had them. it saved you bandwidth in doing so.

you always could remove the uninstallers/backups from a windows update or service pack to save space, but you lose the option to uninstall it and revert to prior to the updates. it wont need to redownload anything by doing so because it doesnt remove the updates - it removes the backups of BEFORE the update was applied.
Posted on Reply
Musselsclearly, you dont get how the web updater works.

it didnt download those updates because you already had them. it saved you bandwidth in doing so.

you always could remove the uninstallers/backups from a windows update or service pack to save space, but you lose the option to uninstall it and revert to prior to the updates. it wont need to redownload anything by doing so because it doesnt remove the updates - it removes the backups of BEFORE the update was applied.
thx for clearing that up for me :nutkick:
Posted on Reply
Anybody know if KB971033 (the phone home one) installed with the SP1 package? Yes, my copy is legit.

A buddy has a legit copy also but installed kb971033 last year and because of it, had to call M$ to revalidate his copy. Happened twice, without any hardware changes either.

Posted on Reply
tricksonSo any one know why my performance went from 7.5 on the ram to 5.9 with this service pack ? That kinda sucks to see this HUGE hit in my performance rating . I know I shouldn't really care about it but it is some thing that is getting under my skin now . I mean is my 1100MHz ram that BAD ? or is this service pack that bad ? I even uninstalled it to no avail it has not changed so I reinstalled it ! OH well I guess I will just have to suffer with the low rating .
You're ram should have not gotten that in the first place probably.

My scores the same as you're s yet its a lot faster (1600mhz)
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Well my score went up on the graphics and gaming graphics, from 6.5 to 7.5... a bit much for a 4870... these scores are so irrelevant :)
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MS can change (and has done it in the past) their silly ratings system. It's uncool anyway, who cares!
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So what's changed anyways. Not the bla-bla from MS site, the real deal??
Freshwater Moderator
TAViXSo what's changed anyways. Not the bla-bla from MS site, the real deal??
better support for the 'advanced format' drives, and some fixes for HDMI audio problems after sleep/hibernate/restart.

other than that, its pretty much windows updates + hotfixes that were already available.
Posted on Reply
my processor score went up .1 point all others stayed the same.
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i dunno will sp1 will recognize my audigy value or not. but its kinda nice news
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
micropage7i dunno will sp1 will recognize my audigy value or not. but its kinda nice news
it wont have changed drivers or anything like that. i dont think a service pack has ever done that.
Posted on Reply
micropage7i dunno will sp1 will recognize my audigy value or not. but its kinda nice news
I have a SB Live! card and is req even by Vista not to mention W7-64...Try to delete the drivers with driversweeper 2.8.5 then reboot.
OH, I have such a headache
Musselstry testing again like mailman.

otherwise, they changed the ratings. mines capped because my C: partition is too small, its a worthless test anyway.
Yeah no change still reports it as 5.9 what a crap test this is . I do not see why it would change this much even in vista I was getting 7.5 along with what the CPU would get . Oh well no big deal any way .
Posted on Reply
MillenniumAfter installation run
dism /online /cleanup-image /spsuperseded

from a elevated command prompt to cleanup all the backed-up windows files.
That reclaims about 3GB of diskspace
How do i do this? I Typed in the search programs "Dism", when the program showed i clicked on it and it just ran a quick dos style screen and disappeared. And i mean quick. Couldnt do any of the other options.
Posted on Reply
stevednmcHow do i do this? I Typed in the search programs "Dism", when the program showed i clicked on it and it just ran a quick dos style screen and disappeared. And i mean quick. Couldnt do any of the other options.
You need an elevated command prompt. So type 'cmd' into the search, right click it, and choose run as administrator. Once it comes up paste the dism line into it and hit enter.

It's a bit advanced if youve never used command line before but it works !
Posted on Reply
tricksonYeah no change still reports it as 5.9 what a crap test this is . I do not see why it would change this much even in vista I was getting 7.5 along with what the CPU would get . Oh well no big deal any way .
Did the actual performance of your RAM decrease, or did Windows 7's opinion of your RAM decrease? If its performance stayed the same, then Microsoft's rating is pure bullshit, and you're getting worked up over nothing.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Static~ChargeDid the actual performance of your RAM decrease, or did Windows 7's opinion of your RAM decrease? If its performance stayed the same, then Microsoft's rating is pure bullshit, and you're getting worked up over nothing.
My performance is the same if not some what better . Windows 7's opinion of my ram went WAY down from 7.5 to 5.9 witch is just pure bull to me . What gets me is all this time through windows vista up till I installed SP1 on this OS the ratting was 7.5 now it takes a Nose Dive off the cliff With a ratting of 5.9 ? Give me a break ! :mad:
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