Tuesday, March 22nd 2011

Mozilla Firefox 4 Web-Browser Released

Mozilla Corporation unveiled the "latest and greatest" version of its popular web-browser, Mozilla Firefox 4. With this release, the open-source browser achieves all essential features common with the latest generation of web-browsers that include Google Chrome 10+ and Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, which are: HTML5 support, and GPU-accelerated webpage drawing. Apart from being a lot faster than Firefox 3.6, the new browser sports a completely new user interface that shifts tabs to the titlebar, shifts menus to a "Firefox" button, and consolidates the address bar, search bar, and navigation buttons into a single line, which it refers to as the "Awesome Bar". Apart from a new bookmark manager, Firefox lets you group tabs to streamline multitasking on the browser. Mozilla Firefox 4 will be available to a variety of platforms.

DOWNLOAD: Mozilla Firefox 4
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72 Comments on Mozilla Firefox 4 Web-Browser Released

I installed FF4 without a desktop icon, it made one anyway. It replaced my recycle bin :(.
Posted on Reply
Black Panther:confused: What's the font issue? Can someone post a good-quality screenshot?

I've been using v.4 for quite some time now, the only glitch was youtube videos - I had to disable hardware acceleration for them to work. Now all seems fine.

NOTE : Most affects pages with white background - TPU forums have a mild blue which is far less affected.

My text has gotten all screwed up since I installed FireFox 4 :((

Everything now looks very blurry & scratchy & ugly - very unpleasant to use - Even text in the menus is all washed out and crappy.

My eyes are already not 100% now it's almost impossible to read anything.

Plus the blur is causing me a LOT of eye strain.

Real DICK move Mozilla :( - Not Cool.

Turning OFF hardware rendering makes it a little better but does not fix it AND DISABLES hardware rendering which is pretty much one of FF4's ONLY advances - and as SO many ppl have said - "oh just diddle your hardware settings on your video card to fix it" - Which is the dumbest thing i have heard all year, Screw up your graphics config so FireFox can draw TEXT? Now EVERYTHING ELSE is screwed - but at least FireFox can "do writing" Yes.. really smart - thanks for that useful tip.

Anyway - I suppose Im putting FF3 back - as it really hurts my eyes as all the text is now blurry as all hell.

And according to experts the way to fix it is to disable hardware rendering and break my entire gfx driver settings - I think I'll just use another browser.
Posted on Reply
I'm with you Bazzokajoe this is completely retarded...
I new this was an issue with the RC but it's still here on the actual release WTF!
Mozilla new about this problem and still released it which tells me THEY CAN'T FIX IT
So I say Fu*k OFF Firefox you wont be missed
Jack DophI have zero issues with any of the aforementioned examples.
You might want to try the Anti-Aliasing Tuner add-on (addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/anti-aliasing-tuner/) to see if this helps :)
Plugin helps a LOT - Far more than turning off features & wrecking my gfx settings - Thanks.

But I still shout a big fat SCREW YOU Mozilla! - For screwing it up so badly that it NEEDS a plugin to fix it.

Now if only I had actually had to PAY for it so I had an excuse to be really angry :)
Posted on Reply
Jack DophI have zero issues with any of the aforementioned examples.
You might want to try the Anti-Aliasing Tuner add-on (addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/anti-aliasing-tuner/) to see if this helps :)
Trying it now but it only seems to be making things worse....
Besides getting harder to read FF now takes like 10 seconds to start....

This Browser is Garbage...Plain and simple...Ive been using FF since I quit using Netscape....This is the worst browser to date...
Jack Doph
BazookaJoePlugin helps a LOT - Far more than turning off features & wrecking my gfx settings - Thanks.

But I still shout a big fat SCREW YOU Mozilla! - For screwing it up so badly that it NEEDS a plugin to fix it.

Now if only I had actually had to PAY for it so I had an excuse to be really angry :)
NP mate :)
jmcslobTrying it now but it only seems to be making things worse....
Besides getting harder to read FF now takes like 10 seconds to start....

This Browser is Garbage...Plain and simple...Ive been using FF since I quit using Netscape....This is the worst browser to date...
Well.. I did a quick Google around the place and it seems that this is a fairly wide-spread issue, even if the number of users is in the minority, we're still talking about an awful lot of people with these problems.
Again, I don't have a single problem with it and I'm happy with the improvements over the old version.
I'm guessing no-one on the Mozilla Forum is willing to admit to this? Or come up with a solution for that matter..
Posted on Reply
jmcslobTrying it now but it only seems to be making things worse....
Besides getting harder to read FF now takes like 10 seconds to start....

This Browser is Garbage...Plain and simple...Ive been using FF since I quit using Netscape....This is the worst browser to date...

So far my testing is very limited - but I have also had menus freaking out a bit since I added the plugin... will have to test more tonight - too much work to do now :\
Posted on Reply
I just asked how to fix this on the FF forums...
I asked how to fix the problem without ANY changes to my GFX settings....because I'm not going through the trouble of making a profile in CCC to browse the Internet....

I just don't understand why they released a final BUGGED version that they absolutely knew had major issues that make this release pointless unless they are asking the community to help fix it...

I hope not tho...I can see using community apps to make it better but not askiung the community to make it work.
EDIT: On the FF forums they suggested to run Cleartype from the start menu so I did...It didn't do anything...it actually made it worse yet....
Swamp Monster
About font issues:
It seems like it only affects Nvidia users. I think it would be similar if someone with Radeon enabled MLAA, but I it was fixed with driver update if i'm not mistaken. Hasn't Nvidia similar feature in their drivers that could be causing this? You sure it's not a buggy graphics driver?
Posted on Reply
Holy crap why are you guys so angry? No one forced you to download this and you are guys are isolated problems, for the vast majority it does work.

It's like buying tickets for a football game ( when you can't choose the seat) and you get a shitty one, it's no ones fault it's random.

Or in this case, it could be a hardware/software conflicting.

But please stop raaaaagggin over what is essentially nothing at all. ( echo, alla Ned flanders here if you want)

Try and make a program that has 100% compatibility, it's bit harder than it sounds considering how many millions upon millions possibly billions of variations/combinations of pc hardware there potentially is.

Think about how many potential passwords there are for a 6 character password. ( or more numbers) same ludacrous numbers happen in the pc world as it isn't just 0123456789 to play with, it's all the graphics cards produced over the past 10 years ( maybe more) it's all the mobos and all the cpus.

That is hard to code 100% compatibility for. real hard.

Sorry for rant, it's just annoying that people don't take a step back and look at a problem for what it is. ( or realise that they're a minority problem)
Posted on Reply
I'm lazy and haven't read through everyone's issues but ...

Is anyone else having massive memory-hog issues with FF4? I run it off a U3 drive on my work computer (bypasses work's restrictions), and the old 3.6 would use ~100,000k to ~200,000k after prolonged heavy use. Now with v4 it very quickly ramps up - am already at 200,000k after a few minutes browsing with only 3 tabs open, and had earlier been sitting at 350,000k.

I don't have an endless supply of RAM, mozilla.
Posted on Reply
pr0n Inspector
Go whine to Microsoft about shitty font hinting. It's not Mozilla's problem.

Seriously, the same people who hate un-tech-savvy users but aren't interested in doing some researches themselves? Look in the mirror next time you want to bash people like your grandma.
Posted on Reply
If your getting Blurred Text while using an AMD 5k or 6k series cards simply uncheck Morphological Filtering in CCC under the GAMING TAB.
After you do that you can run FF with Hardware Acceleration on and not get blurry text

And LOL at pron inspectors rant......Your just as wrong so you get a big EEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR wrong!! too...
pantherx12Sorry for rant, it's just annoying that people don't take a step back and look at a problem for what it is. ( or realize that they're a minority problem)
Panther - I generally have a lot of respect for your opinion - but your arrogance and ignorance in that comment shock me.

For the many THOUSANDS of people in hundreds of forums all over the WORLD , in more than 20 languages who are affected by the font rendering issue this is a BIG problem.

One that has been reported, admitted, argued about, and blatantly ignored by FF4 Dev team since day 1 of the betas - just GOOGLE it.

It makes some Chinese, Japanese & Arabic fonts totally un-readable all together.

It SIGNIFICANTLY effects the useability of all of the internet for these people.

Simply dismissing it & branding everyone else a minority just because it doesn't effect YOU is very ignorant indeed.

The frustration stems from how it's clearly only as a result of an INTENTIONAL act on the part of the FF4 coders - and it does NOT happen in ANY OTHER SOFTWARE on the affected systems, and it does NOT happen if you remove FF4 and reinstall FF3.

This bug ONLY AFFECTS FIREFOX 4 - no other software at all, on any of the "affected" systems - it's nothing to do with peoples hardware its a FIREFOX 4 ISSUE.

Somebody did something specifically different to try and be clever - and it BACKFIRED - now FireFox dev team simply couldn't be bothered to do anything about it. Perhaps we ARE the fools for developing a sense of loyalty to a product, and assuming that that product would ever reciprocate, but that is human nature - we love our teddy bears, our first cars, our brand new iPads, and if any of those where to just turn around and say "Screw you - There's a bug that we could easily just fix - that we've known about for ages - but to hell with you - we couldn't be bothered" we'd also be upset - It's just who we are.

THAT'S why so many people, who for so long have supported, and endorsed and helped spread FireFox since version 1 - are now feeling personally hurt.

So there's my rant - I'll leave it alone from here on - perhaps a later version of FF4 might have a fix - we can only hope.
Posted on Reply
pr0n Inspector
It's called DirectWrite and Direct2D and there is no cure(other than a future version of gdipp) until Microsoft gives us one. Using DirectWrite and Direct2D are the major new features of Fx 4. Disable them and you will revert back to GDI.

IE9 does the same unless it's in compatibility mode.

It's not Mozilla's problem. Do some research for deity's sake.

And seriously, it's 2011 and you still don't use sub-pixel anti-aliasing?
Posted on Reply
pr0n Inspector
jmcslobIf your getting Blurred Text while using an AMD 5k or 6k series cards simply uncheck Morphological Filtering in CCC under the GAMING TAB.
After you do that you can run FF with Hardware Acceleration on and not get blurry text

And LOL at pron inspectors rant......Your just as wrong so you get a big EEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR wrong!! too...
Your problem is a different one than the most common one which is "blurry cleartype". Firefox 4 by default renders onto layers of surfaces then output to Direct3D 9, AMD CCC thinks it's a game, applies MLAA, you get ruined output. Also happens in games.
Posted on Reply
pr0n InspectorYour problem is a different one than the most common one which is "blurry cleartype". Firefox 4 by default renders onto layers of surfaces then output to Direct3D 9, AMD CCC thinks it's a game, applies MLAA, you get ruined output. Also happens in games.
Oh ok...
Well I hope everyone else knows about the Hotfix(s)
and of course this one may be needed as well

you can also type "cleartype" from the START MENU and then run "Cleartype" to make sure it's enabled
really enjoying FF4, its unfortunate you guys having issues
Posted on Reply
BazookaJoePanther - I generally have a lot of respect for your opinion - but your arrogance and ignorance in that comment shock me.

For the many THOUSANDS of people in hundreds of forums all over the WORLD , in more than 20 languages who are affected by the font rendering issue this is a BIG problem.

One that has been reported, admitted, argued about, and blatantly ignored by FF4 Dev team since day 1 of the betas - just GOOGLE it.

It makes some Chinese, Japanese & Arabic fonts totally un-readable all together.

It SIGNIFICANTLY effects the useability of all of the internet for these people.

Simply dismissing it & branding everyone else a minority just because it doesn't effect YOU is very ignorant indeed.

The frustration stems from how it's clearly only as a result of an INTENTIONAL act on the part of the FF4 coders - and it does NOT happen in ANY OTHER SOFTWARE on the affected systems, and it does NOT happen if you remove FF4 and reinstall FF3.

This bug ONLY AFFECTS FIREFOX 4 - no other software at all, on any of the "affected" systems - it's nothing to do with peoples hardware its a FIREFOX 4 ISSUE.

Somebody did something specifically different to try and be clever - and it BACKFIRED - now FireFox dev team simply couldn't be bothered to do anything about it. Perhaps we ARE the fools for developing a sense of loyalty to a product, and assuming that that product would ever reciprocate, but that is human nature - we love our teddy bears, our first cars, our brand new iPads, and if any of those where to just turn around and say "Screw you - There's a bug that we could easily just fix - that we've known about for ages - but to hell with you - we couldn't be bothered" we'd also be upset - It's just who we are.

THAT'S why so many people, who for so long have supported, and endorsed and helped spread FireFox since version 1 - are now feeling personally hurt.

So there's my rant - I'll leave it alone from here on - perhaps a later version of FF4 might have a fix - we can only hope.
FF4 looks fine to me. IE9 gives me a headache in about 10 minutes.
Posted on Reply
Loving FF4 so far, its refueled my passion for browsing the web a bit :P

had the blurry text issue too, just disabled direct2D in about:config and now it's perfect, text seems easier to read than in FF3.6.
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