Sunday, October 2nd 2011

Those Pesky Battlefield 3 Bugs Are Getting Quashed
Here's some good news for all those beta testers that have been unhappy at the level of bugs in upcoming game, Battlefield 3. Electronic Arts have now released a slew of updates, which should relieve the worst of the problems. The odd crash and framerate stability fixes are just some of the improvements. Head on over to Joystiq for the full rundown.
71 Comments on Those Pesky Battlefield 3 Bugs Are Getting Quashed
i have a MX518 Gaming mouse, its tried and tested to be a GREAT mouse for gaming im not buying new hardware because it is a flawless gaming mouse and no other mouse is as comfortable on the hand.
joysticks do not bind either, and anyone who was able to get into Caspian Border map knows how retarded that is.
to this day they STILL do not have proper joystick support in BC2, when twisting left, the chopper still twists right for most joysticks out there.
they need proper support for all devices and full use of them. i shouldn't have to program my mouse to MB5 = f, i should just use MB5 as knife.
and the joystick thing was a joke in beta. i truley hope they get it fixed upon release cause in BC2 is wasn't that big a deal but BF3 is HUGE maps with lots of air combat and if i can't get my stick working then that is utter BS on EA's part.
DICE apologist's solution: Buy new mouse.
Solution: :cry: some more, Learn definition of BETA, then wait for the actual game to come out.
for what its worth i have no trouble playing on a 360 pad :thumb:
I was the alpha/beta tester of many fps games, but never ever saw a customization problem like this one. Control is the very first thing what you do when you gave the game to the testers, way before alpha tbh.
I'm not mad or anything, I just find it ridiculous that they fix graphics and other unimportant stuff when the netcode and the control (the two most important things in an fps game) are broken. Who the hell cares about crosshair graphics or ranking stuffz anyway, when you can't even beta-test properly?
And about this matter, I have a MS and a Logitech mice atm, and I can't bind the RMB only the extra buttons in the official software (I hacked it ofc, but casual gamers can't do that).
And again, this is not about me and my problem, it's about what they should fix the first (obviously)!
Unless you were officially invited to a Caspian server (the only person I know of on here is Gully), I don't wan't to here you QQ about it. It makes you sound like a pretentious prick. I agree, I would rather they spend time on functionality before eye-candy. but here are two facts: first, they have fixes for most of these bugs, but they have no intention of adding those fixes to the beta. second: unfortunately, many casual gamers care a lot less about the functionality and a lot more about the eycandy and bragging rights.
between the two, DICE's choices seem pretty logical to me.
also, not all of us are pro-gamers, and most of us are perfectly happy with our laser mice. the RAT7 specifically has some features that make it appealing above other mice- comfort. the customization means you can make it fit your hand. (except mailman, we all know there is only one thing he likes in his hand all the time)
I thinj rish mode is the gayest mode ever, remind anyone of useless CS?
I watched the Youtube videos of gameplay and noticed that some players just has no clue of teamwork, shake and bake and the general effort of as a team moving forwards and winning.
Also noticed there are some bugs related to movement, guns, some lag on i7-990x nv580sli's that is part of the game not the actual servers / pc's.
Some areas you could see through the ground as if flying just below the ground / falling through the map when running over hills.
This is getting close to 2005/2006 game standards but with better / more detailed graphics.
If they fix that bugs then this could end up being a really decent game, 1st one since 2005/6 worth buying. Guns looks a bit pathetic and needs allot of work. The choices of guns in the youtube videos seems incorrect for what is happening in the game.
Graphics is okay but expected more and the over / under saturation in some area's was very annoying, other graphics was very nice.
Any idea on a dedicated server for user hosting and game map editors as they are real deal makers / braker's when I buy games. Can not rely on Forrest Gump and his 3 days out of kindergarten networking degree's running the hosted server for the game developers.
sorry to be the bringer of bad news but the beta ends on the 10th - there wont be a 'next week'