Wednesday, October 5th 2011
Steve Jobs No More
A bright lamp in the information technology industry put out. Legendary industry pioneer and Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died. He was 56. His death was announced by Apple without giving a specific cause, though it is reported that Jobs had been battling cancer since 2004. "We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today," the company said in a brief statement. "Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve," it added. TechPowerUp joins the rest of the industry in mourning this great loss.
Associated Press
101 Comments on Steve Jobs No More
He was the co-founder of the modern home pc and modern OS. He will be missed.
R.I.P. Mr. Jobs.
Strange how "Money is so important" yet it can't save you from yourself.
And now hes passed on.
even though I dislike Apple products, and I dislike the way they treat some of their employee's. the way they try and bully their way around the market filing lawsuits quicker then i can eat my shreddies. the way they try to force the little guy to sign an NDA if any of their products go extremely wrong to the point where human life is at risk (Google 'ipod overheating' or 'ipod explosion')
all that asside.
Asside from the armed forces, who else on this earth can be so close to death but so dedicated to his job that hes stays with it till their almost the very final moments of his or her life?
Anyone else would have said fuckit, thrown in the towel and filed for indefinite sick leave and spent the rest of the year in a hospital bed watching the world go by and regretting everything before kicking the bucket.
For that reason. I respect the guy. He might of been an asshole but he was a damn fucking courageous one.
And will people please mature a little: stop with the hating already! And there is no need to caveat your RIPs with "i dont like apple or their products but..." What unnecessary nonsense. You need to remember this guy Formulated, Created and Lived his vision of technology. He has been responsible for the creation of so much we take for granted today.
While he might not of invented the Graphical Desktop (Xerox research takes that I think), Jobs and Apple were the only people to bring it TO THE MASSES in an affordable consumer PC. And he brought us WYSISYG and DTP. And he brought us high resolution screen and high pixel density. And he gave us and our grandmothers simplicity and clean interfaces.
Good guy. Will be missed. :pimp:
R.I.P. Mr. Jobs
Not much of an apple fan only ever owned an Ipod nano but my it was a great little device...
The only Apple product I own is an iPad 2, when the first iPad was launched, my first thought was “stupid device no full desktop OS = extra large iPod Touch”, I bet it would die soon and I was completely wrong. Where thousands of people saw failure, Jobs saw an opportunity and took it. Ironically, now I love my iPad, its simplicity makes it ideal for quick content consuming. Many of us, tech enthusiasts, argue about hardware specs, value and stuff, but what about devices and gadgets souls? What if we could imprint a soul into hardware… well, Jobs succeeded in doing just that.
It's sad to see life plucked out while at its most prime and experienced.
Like an apple which got attacked by worms while it was at its most mature and tasty stage...
That guy would have had much more to give to technology.
Rest in Peace.
Diogenes Laërtius: De mortuis nihil nisi bonum.
For Mr. Jobs.
without this man, who knows where the world would be today, he invented the PC for common man, sure it probably would have been invented later w/o him but he did it first and he did it right and made SURE it succeeded, his dedication to what he cared about made the PC successful the first time around... who knows where the PC world would be if he didn't make sure it was done right the first time. i don't care what you think about the monopolistic greedy controlling Steve of modern day, sure he was an ass at times but the younger Steve propelled this world to where we are today, he had a vision that the computer was for the people, not just big businesses and set out on a mission to make it happen, everyone reading this on a computer (and im not sure how else you would) owes this man a thanks for following his vision and making it a reality. the world is surely a better place for what he has contributed, people in all places have access to so much knowledge now through their PC's, this was his vision, he started it and made it happen and i am thankful to the man for that.
Not knocking what Jobs brought to the table...but you might as well say Al Gore invented the internet as to say Jobs invented the PC for the common man.
Relax Druid. Let em roll man. Let em roll.
Only thing, that buggers me,and of which i find, is too rarely mentioned, is,
that it wasnt you, who built the first Apple PC alone...
You helped with the soldering, thats true.
But, it was Steven Wozniak, who did the programming,OS, and most of the work regarding the Apple 1. That shall not be forgotten,please.
If I remember correctly, Wozniak hasn't been part of Apple for years and I find it telling that this is so. I remember seeing him in a couple of interviews and he seemed very likeable and the kind of person I can relate to.
I'll bet Wozniak is devastated right now at the loss of his friend and my condolences go out to him.