Wednesday, November 16th 2011

US Senate Holds Hearings on Great Firewall Of America

Today, the United States Congress will hold hearings of an internet censorship system for America. That's right, "Land of the Free" gets a Great Firewall of its own, which is proposed to be practically as empowered as the one People's Republic of China uses, only that it threatens to have wider reaching consequences on areas such as freedom of speech, freedom of information (by that we're not endorsing piracy), and the integrity of the DNS system.

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The original idea behind this bill is to curb piracy of digital information, be it content or proprietary software, but is peppered with loopholes that allow the US government to practically censor any content it wants, and for bigger internet-enabled companies to cripple new startups. Social media sites that have traces of copyrighted content can be blocked overnight, if they are found to be serving as rally points for protestors in the future. Just think about it. Lets say a group sets up a social media site as a rally point for its protests. What will the detractors of that group have to do? Simple - post copyrighted content on that particular social media site, and make the copyright holders appeal for punitive action against that site. In the whole process, webmasters will be made policemen of social content on their site, because they will be made liable.

What does this mean for the rest of the world? It's simple - America is the gold standard for freedom and liberty. The moment the US passes such a legislation, other free societies around the world will be inclined to pass similar legislations, for the sheer amount of power it dispenses to the governments. Learn more here.
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109 Comments on US Senate Holds Hearings on Great Firewall Of America

cheesy999Appears to of offended d007, so i deleted it, never meant to cause offense to anyone
Well.. as an American I agree with you. I guess the truth hurts too much for some.:ohwell:
Posted on Reply
blibbaActually, most socialists are very much against copyright, patenting and the like. It's much more of a capitalist thing. Not that that makes it acceptable (if anything, is the opposite true?).
I so want to move out of America and move to england or something.
This country has lost it's way. Only cares about money now. Education is garbage, health care is garbage, unemployment rate is garbage, our politicians are garbage.
Want a job with a pension plan? good luck, most companies would rather fire u after 18 years then let u get a pension.
and social security? what social security? At this rate it wil be gone before I can even use it.
Medicare.. same thing..

What are we working for when all that tax money isn't going anywhere but into multi billionaires pockets, to bail them out of one thing or another. My electric bill was almsot 300 bucks last month.. Where's my bail out?

So tired of this... I'll be the first guy screaming raid the whitehouse.. I promise you that.
t^^t the FBI, they can read it. I'd put a bullet in every single person destroying this country if I had to, in order to save it.

Ug, let me not allow my buttons to be pressed by people who have nothing better to do.
Posted on Reply
D007Where's my bail out?

So tired of this... I'll be the first guy screaming raid the whitehouse.. I promise you that.
Well.. You get free meals and healthcare in prison.
D007Yea, Oh well.. Actually I find it counterproductive to just come into a topic and bash a country. Say something meaningful or move on.
Is that to much for you? Oh well..
It was an observation and from what I see, a true observation.
Posted on Reply
Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
D007I so want to move out of America and move to england or something.
This country has lost it's way. Only cares about money now. Education is garbage, health care is garbage, unemployment rate is garbage, our politicians are garbage.
Want a job with a pension plan? good luck, most companies would rather fire u after 18 years then let u get a pension.
and social security? what social security? At this rate it wil be gone before I can even use it.
Medicare.. same thing..

What are we working for when all that tax money isn't going anywhere but into multi billionaires pockets, to bail them out of one thing or another. My electric bill was almsot 300 bucks last month.. Where's my bail out?

So tired of this... I'll be the first guy screaming raid the whitehouse.. I promise you that.
t^^t the FBI, they can read it. I'd put a bullet in every single person destroying this country if I had to, in order to save it.
the thing is you don't get to decide who is destroying the country and who isn't. that is why we vote. the people decide as a group. unfortunately we live in a country of fat people who watch american idol.
Posted on Reply
D007I so want to move out of America and move to england or something
You're more than welcome :)

If you want to do really well for yourself, check out some of the Scandinavian countries - a 65%+ effective tax rate isn't uncommon, but it's no coincidence that they always come out so high in the quality of life and happiness indexes.
Easy Rhinothe thing is you don't get to decide who is destroying the country and who isn't. that is why we vote. the people decide as a group. unfortunately we live in a country of fat people who watch american idol.
It seems to me that the problem the U.S. has (compared to other nations - it's not perfect anywhere) is twofold:
-A party system that prevents new parties.
-A deep prejudice against "socialist" policies.

As a result you end up choosing between an economically right wing and socially moderate party and an economically right wing and socially right wing party. It's laughable that some American call the Democrats socialist - in most developed nations most Democrats would be significantly right of center both socially and economically.
Posted on Reply
D007I so want to move out of America and move to england or something.
This country has lost it's way. Only cares about money now. Education is garbage, health care is garbage, unemployment rate is garbage, our politicians are garbage.
Want a job with a pension plan? good luck, most companies would rather fire u after 18 years then let u get a pension.
and social security? what social security? At this rate it wil be gone before I can even use it.
Medicare.. same thing..

What are we working for when all that tax money isn't going anywhere but into multi billionaires pockets, to bail them out of one thing or another. My electric bill was almsot 300 bucks last month.. Where's my bail out?

So tired of this... I'll be the first guy screaming raid the whitehouse.. I promise you that.
t^^t the FBI, they can read it. I'd put a bullet in every single person destroying this country if I had to, in order to save it.
You were complaining about america bashing 5 minutes ago?:laugh:

Have you tried Canada, it would be a bit cheaper to move there then britain?
Posted on Reply
D007I so want to move out of America and move to england or something.
This country has lost it's way. Only cares about money now. Education is garbage, health care is garbage, unemployment rate is garbage, our politicians are garbage.
Want a job with a pension plan? good luck, most companies would rather fire u after 18 years then let u get a pension.
and social security? what social security? At this rate it wil be gone before I can even use it.
Medicare.. same thing..

What are we working for when all that tax money isn't going anywhere but into multi billionaires pockets, to bail them out of one thing or another. My electric bill was almsot 300 bucks last month.. Where's my bail out?

So tired of this... I'll be the first guy screaming raid the whitehouse.. I promise you that.
t^^t the FBI, they can read it. I'd put a bullet in every single person destroying this country if I had to, in order to save it.
I'm with you bro....We need "Individual" to stand for "Individual" and not for "Corporation" and we need to end Lobbyists so the peoples voice can be heard..And we need to string up all these corrupt Politicians.....
Posted on Edit | Reply
erockerWell.. You get free meals and healthcare in prison.

It was an observation and from what I see, a true observation.
Yes it's true you get meals in prison. thank you captain obvious.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
LOL . America is not nor has it ever been a " Free " country . But I can tell you this if they stick a label such as " To protect the children " on any bill it would pass hands down no matter if it infringes on the rights of Americans or if it is against the constitution ! Way to go America ! Keep on keepin on !
Posted on Reply
You're welcome. :)

I called my Senator Herb Kohl's office and told them my thoughts on this. My thoughts being the government has no buisiness with the internet unless it has to do with national security. We don't need a nanny state and I already have things like parental features and firewall blocking if I don't want my kids seeing things on the internet.
Posted on Reply
Block Caption of Rainey Street
blibbaActually, most socialists are very much against copyright, patenting and the like. It's much more of a capitalist thing. Not that that makes it acceptable (if anything, is the opposite true?).
I think capitalist would rather sue you or scare you into giving them money. People will simply be more careful about pirating.

We are setting up a infrastructure for massive censorship. We are big boys and girls now we don't need for them to hold our hands
Posted on Reply
Ferrum Master
US is sick... they are getting worse even than Russians. At least last ones don't throw their marines in mindless wars.

I am thinking how US people are not being fed up with this...

In EU Internet freedom is even protected by law!

I suppose US should invest money instead of wars, shitty entertainment and fast food, but to schools and rise the average knowledge level of mere American(still remembering Bush's intelect, gosh).

In US you cannot even get your phone for free, all carriers are tyrants compare the prices in UK for some carriers. And internet costs? I pay about 20$ for 100Mb/s monthly, no limits.

US is getting USSR, CIA hail to KGB, open up some GULAGs and maybe ask some china colleagues for advice and help!

On the other hand? Do we outside really need US? I am just concerned that I can not use google servers to send a email anymore. They will take me as suspect if I order some Military grade stuff for my Tube Amplifiers... :D
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Hitler would be proud of us .
Posted on Reply
In Capitalist America, too many Americans are either too lazy and/or stupid to not use these large banks. It really doesn't take too much effort to close an account and move your money to a locally owned bank or credit union. Unfortunately for a majority of Americans it's too much to ask for. America is screwing itself by electing the status quo into office election after election... We're good at that. We are also good at bitching and moaning when the people we elect do what they were going to do in the first place. We won't learn. For next years Presidential election we'll just go with who the media tells us to vote for because the media runs the show (well, they are just part of "the man") and they always get their man in office. People don't want freedom, they want free shit.
Posted on Reply
Ferrum MasterIn US you cannot even get your phone for free, all carriers are tyrants compare the prices in UK for some carriers. And internet costs? I pay about 20$ for 100Mb/s monthly, no limits.
I was shocked when i found out that you had to pay a separate fee to use your mobile's internet with a computer in america, on my T-Mobile Branded wildfire it came with a WI-FI hotspot and the 1GB of free internet came free with the contract

I know you like you 'freedom' But the US needs more regulation in things like healthcare and utilities, the amount of things large companies are allowed to do to you are just shocking.
Posted on Reply
cheesy999the amount of things large companies are allowed to do to you are just shocking.
The large companies have lots of money for lots of lobbyists. Simply, they control the government in this way.
Posted on Reply
Ferrum Master
tricksonHitler would be proud of us .
Leave Hitler alone...

I am sorry for Germans still. If you mention the old stuff for them they tend to behave unnatural. I don't care, in WW2, one Grandfather was also in German POW camp, other one was shot by Russians (he was a civilian) it is war.

A split country for 50 years, and a wall in between? Yeay... i got it now COLD WAR 2? Now on Internet fields...
Posted on Reply
erockerThe large companies have lots of money for lots of lobbyists. Simply, they control the government in this way.
Can you not let the government fund political parties or something, it would remove the entire problem
Posted on Reply
Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
cheesy999I was shocked when i found out that you had to pay a separate fee to use your mobile's internet with a computer in america, on my T-Mobile Branded wildfire it came with a WI-FI hotspot and the 1GB of free internet came free with the contract

I know you like you 'freedom' But the US needs more regulation in things like healthcare and utilities, the amount of things large companies are allowed to do to you are just shocking.
more regulation means more government which means more backdoor deals. remove the governments power over people and you remove the corporatists.
Posted on Reply
cheesy999Can you not let the government fund political parties or something, it would remove the entire problem
It doesn't. Corporations, corrupt unions and the wealthy do.
Posted on Reply
D4S4right now i am thankful that croats are uneducated idiots and tools for the most part, everything about the internet here is run obviously by people who actually know how to use a computer and those people are considered nerds in these parts because they actually use their brains instead of constantly electing a government that rapes them, their parents and their children while laughing in their face, literally.

so, there's no way this sort of bs can pass here.


:laugh: if only they could hack those asswipes bank accounts and transfer funds equally to every croatian citizen we'd all be fucking rich!
Nope. The $$$$ is already elsewhere were noone can find it (on bank accounts in foreign countries).
pozdrav iz slovenije.
Posted on Reply
erockerIt doesn't. Corporations and the wealthy do.
i know that, it was a suggestion not a question
Posted on Reply
blibbaActually, most socialists are very much against copyright, patenting and the like. It's much more of a capitalist thing. Not that that makes it acceptable (if anything, is the opposite true?).
Its Fascist not socialist. America has a 2 party system, your either one side or the other never something else or a mix. I dont know what works best for the USA but certainly lobbyists have to much influence over government which can only be a problem.

The USA is not a country its a union of individual states with a federal government.
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