Wednesday, November 16th 2011

US Senate Holds Hearings on Great Firewall Of America

Today, the United States Congress will hold hearings of an internet censorship system for America. That's right, "Land of the Free" gets a Great Firewall of its own, which is proposed to be practically as empowered as the one People's Republic of China uses, only that it threatens to have wider reaching consequences on areas such as freedom of speech, freedom of information (by that we're not endorsing piracy), and the integrity of the DNS system.

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The original idea behind this bill is to curb piracy of digital information, be it content or proprietary software, but is peppered with loopholes that allow the US government to practically censor any content it wants, and for bigger internet-enabled companies to cripple new startups. Social media sites that have traces of copyrighted content can be blocked overnight, if they are found to be serving as rally points for protestors in the future. Just think about it. Lets say a group sets up a social media site as a rally point for its protests. What will the detractors of that group have to do? Simple - post copyrighted content on that particular social media site, and make the copyright holders appeal for punitive action against that site. In the whole process, webmasters will be made policemen of social content on their site, because they will be made liable.

What does this mean for the rest of the world? It's simple - America is the gold standard for freedom and liberty. The moment the US passes such a legislation, other free societies around the world will be inclined to pass similar legislations, for the sheer amount of power it dispenses to the governments. Learn more here.
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109 Comments on US Senate Holds Hearings on Great Firewall Of America

Senior Monkey Moderator
D007Well I hope people like looking down the barrel of a sniper rifle.. This brings me one step closer to condoning all out civil war.
It's not time yet, D007. Stand down.
If you need a break come to rural WI and visit. I'll be happy to restore your faith in our ability to retain our freedom. ;)

In the US we are free because we have guns. A lot of guns. It's that simple.
WI just enacted a terrific concealed carry law so that law abiliding citizens are on an equal playing field with the criminals who do not care about laws.

When enough people get pissed off enough at the politicians, they will be gone (voted out).
In the mean time, we watch.
Posted on Reply
"I go fast!1!11!1!"
Luckily, none of my Congressmen support SOPA. Even CNN ran on the ticker that "tech giants" are angry about SOPA.
Posted on Reply
3volvedcombatthis is fucking crazy.

Shame on america.

I just watched a commercial about "clean coal".

Double shame on america, where does or how does coal even become clean, and why the fuck is everything twisting so badly in the states.

I'm moving soon. :shadedshu
it is a tragic should watch Gasland....The "Natural gas" campaign is yet another of the great shams being done right before our wide open eyes...clean energy my ass...Aint nuttin clean 'bout fraking(hydraulic fracturing)...Take that and throw this blatant undermining of our privacy and the money woes we already have all together and we have a nice tasty poop pie....get your forks ready folks we got alot to eat....:wtf:
Posted on Reply
jmcslobI think if I post what I really wanna post I'd be visited by the FBI....

So I'll just say that if this passes and becomes Law and The Supreme Court upholds it then.....I can't post that either hmmm...Seems they may have already started censoring since if I do post what I want I'd likely go to jail...

So let me put it like this...
NEW Government
I know man- its crazy shit. its just down the road...
Posted on Reply
FordGT90ConceptThe coal is processed to have lower emissions and then the power plant itself has exhaust scrubbers which further reduce emissions.
You know i always think about The movie Coal Miners Daughter And how her dad died from Black Lung Disease.How is that clean when the work force is in danger?This bill is good,You kids get away with the Netflix,Movie downloads,Games,Music for far to long ,If it was not for the medium we all use at one point this bill would not be around.Look at the London riots in August-Sept,They blamed Blackberry.Look at BlockBuster ,You guys don't think that the movie industry is hurting from no rental fees ?Up here they are passing a bill with the CRTC (candas laws for TV media)That will allow cable companies the right to charge more (They say $3 more for every gig your over then a tax fee on that)Lets.. Say I download my 60 gig fine it is going to cost me $58 a month but with the new law that (based this off last months 74 gig) So that would be 3x14=42 So add to my $58+$42=$100 + my 134 for cable tv = $234 a month ,That is not including the On demand which is to go to $7.99 for SD and the HD ppv will be $12.99 So I was spending $13-$14 for blu ray rentals...which is cheaper? Paying all that to download and get fuxed in the butt later ? This bill will stop the nonsense.Also help keep the bad internet folk Like that dud in Norway ....Also if the movie entertainment industry was making the money they have been loosing,Don`t you think the would support the Internet and economy more?The more they make ,the more jobs we get is a cycle.Not these site were you kids download it for free ,then the rental stores go under ,then the unemployment goes up wonder why ? Then the price of living ......
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Block Caption of Rainey Street
IL is full of the most corrupt politician, and sadly one of them supports the bill.

How will the firewall be implemented, does all US traffic get filtered though one firewall or do individual ISPs have to implement there own. If so I don't think many would be on board.

Also think about the number of attack that would happen to said firewall... Technically it really seems impossible to keep it running properly
Posted on Reply
Easy Rhinothankfully both my congressman and senator do not support this bill. also, the man i support for president also does not support this massive intrusion and power grab by our entirely too large federal government.
Ron Paul?
Posted on Reply
v12dockHow will the firewall be implemented, does all US traffic get filtered though one firewall or do individual ISPs have to implement there own. If so I don't think many would be on board.
I don't think they'd have a choice whether to be on board or not.
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Block Caption of Rainey Street
DannibusXI don't think they'd have a choice whether to be on board or not.
A firewall that can handle 1000GBits of traffic... :roll:
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NC37No confidence = what? Impeachment then more bad politicians get into office?

Things are rotten at the core. Cutting off the ends won't solve it.
Easy Rhinothe thing is you don't get to decide who is destroying the country and who isn't. that is why we vote. the people decide as a group. unfortunately we live in a country of fat people who watch american idol.
yep, it is pathetic. how the hell are you supposed to wake people up to care about truth?

thats right- they dont want to know... just show them the red carpet and kardashians and they are happy...

I am surrounded by morons...
Posted on Reply
KreijIt's not time yet, D007. Stand down.
If you need a break come to rural WI and visit. I'll be happy to restore your faith in our ability to retain our freedom. ;)

In the US we are free because we have guns. A lot of guns. It's that simple.
WI just enacted a terrific concealed carry law so that law abiliding citizens are on an equal playing field with the criminals who do not care about laws.

When enough people get pissed off enough at the politicians, they will be gone (voted out).
In the mean time, we watch.
Gunz like this?!?!?!

If I lived close to WI I'd say we should go shoot sometime. But that's about a 400-500 mile drive depending where you are in the cheese state haha
Posted on Reply
Why is it when I read something that the government is considering that it doesn't take long for people to bring up guns and revolution? It's an IP bill, one that I strongly disagree with, but it's not worth shooting people over.

If you're going to threaten revolution, do it over something worthwhile, like the government actually setting aside the Constitution and adopting something else as the law of the land. Instead, how about you talk to your friends and co-workers about this bill and encourage them to vote in the next election and exercise their Rights as Americans? That's a trigger I'd rather pull.

Occupy a Voting Booth. Absentee Ballots are also a super easy option that the fatties can use to vote these people out of office.
Posted on Reply
Well ... people like revolution because it's a show. And show is entertaining for everyone.
They have to understand that revolution doesn't necessarily require guns braindead crowds and explosions. It can be as silent as a mouse. Know your rights, educate yourself, help others and just be a good guy / gal. If only people thought not only about their own welfare the world wouldn't be in deep ass, where only power and money matter and nothing more.

I digress but I just thought about Deus Ex now. When JC found out that corporation invented the Gray Death and infected the entire population.
Posted on Reply
KreijIn the US we are free because we have guns. A lot of guns. It's that simple.
Guns turned the Americans into slaves of their overlords, i.e. the US Federal government and the weapon industry. Especially the latter answers the question "Who shall benefit?", as Markus Tullius "Cicero" would have asked if he had lived in this time period.

In the 1860s it lead to tenthousands dying or getting crippled in the Civil War, because grabbing muskets and Minié bullets seemed easier than letting the Congress do it's duty and actually create solutions to the political issues of the time. The rich made war, the poor and common men died.
In September 2001, the US Government became trolled, leading to innocent people dying (T towers related deaths). To make things worse, the governments of the US-of-A and Europe decided to feed the troll which led to even more deaths. The troll and trolled made war, the common and poor men (and women and children) died. Lured into the "join the legions, see the world" trap that used the Americans' gun fetish to lure men and women into the meat grinder that a soldier's life is.
Posted on Reply
DannibusXIf you're going to threaten revolution, do it over something worthwhile, like the government actually setting aside the Constitution and adopting something else as the law of the land..
the government is setting aside the Consitution... they are making their own rules as needed and dismiss current laws when it is an inconvenience to them
Chevalr1cGuns turned the Americans into slaves of their overlords, i.e. the US Federal government and the weapon industry. Especially the latter answers the question "Who shall benefit?", as Markus Tullius "Cicero" would have asked if he had lived in this time period.

In the 1860s it lead to tenthousands dying or getting crippled in the Civil War, because grabbing muskets and Minié bullets seemed easier than letting the Congress do it's duty and actually create solutions to the political issues of the time. The rich made war, the poor and common men died.
In September 2001, the US Government became trolled, leading to innocent people dying (T towers related deaths). To make things worse, the governments of the US-of-A and Europe decided to feed the troll which led to even more deaths. The troll and trolled made war, the common and poor men (and women and children) died. Lured into the "join the legions, see the world" trap that used the Americans' gun fetish to lure men and women into the meat grinder that a soldier's life is.

you are getting the fundamentals of guns twisted

if guns werent important- our founding fathers wouldnt have placed them as our 2nd Ammendment in the United States Constitution
Posted on Reply
That Amendment was written down in official docs, when the "Founding Fathers" were still fighting the British, French, Indians and whatnot, AFAIK. Different time frame, isn't it?
Posted on Reply
Time frame doesn't matter. Otherwise we'd only be able to have free speech in forms that existed in the 19th century. The Constitution is the binding law of the land and the founding fathers had to have known there would be an advance in technology when they wrote it.
Posted on Reply
thats right- history repeats itself

times may change but ill-intent & corruption never does...
Posted on Reply
Chevalr1cGuns turned the Americans into slaves of their overlords, i.e. the US Federal government and the weapon industry. Especially the latter answers the question "Who shall benefit?", as Markus Tullius "Cicero" would have asked if he had lived in this time period.
Private firearm ownership gave birth to a nation. It was the citizens of the 13 colonies that fought the British Empire, along with the French fleet that won America its independence from the crown. This is the very reason that gun ownership is the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.
In the 1860s it lead to tenthousands dying or getting crippled in the Civil War, because grabbing muskets and Minié bullets seemed easier than letting the Congress do it's duty and actually create solutions to the political issues of the time. The rich made war, the poor and common men died.
Congress tried and failed to come to a conclusion that would avert the Civil War. The reason there was a war in the first place was because several States seceeded from the Union. Abraham Lincoln could not let the country be split, so war was delcared. The States seceeded because of the perception that the federal government was overstepping its bounds.
In September 2001, the US Government became trolled, leading to innocent people dying (T towers related deaths). To make things worse, the governments of the US-of-A and Europe decided to feed the troll which led to even more deaths. The troll and trolled made war, the common and poor men (and women and children) died. Lured into the "join the legions, see the world" trap that used the Americans' gun fetish to lure men and women into the meat grinder that a soldier's life is.
I don't know how you could call the terrorist attacks of September 11th trolling, which is pretty much what I think your post is.

In my humble, biased, American opionion, wars have become far too political. When we wage war, it should be fought with the full might of our military. We go in, blow all your shit up until you surrender and then we pull out and let you pick up the pieces. No nation building needed. If you go back to doing what it was you were doing in the first place that caused us to go to war, we come back, blow your shit up and pull out again.

Our military is compromised of volunteers. People who volunteered for the job, whatever their motives may be. They are very good at their jobs, when allowed to perform to the best of their abilities. Afghanistan and Iraq would have been over in months if the military were allowed to topple the regimes and pull out.

Also, I own several firearms. Including the evil ones the gun grabbers want to ban for no reason more than they look exactly like the weapons the military uses. I'm a gun loving American. I just don't like it when people say stupid stuff that makes every gun loving American look bat-shit crazy.

But this all is way off topic. Protecting the intellectual property of corporations is no reason to get violent. Your vote is your weapon, use it wisely.
Posted on Reply

after Act A and this...

welcome to promise land.... welcome to a big open jail :) USA...

so were will be the liberty of the free information... how free will be this free information... :) if this will be filtered :D

also this will limit and control the links between the people.

So if this will be done... any information that is not noted like "OK for the people to read" will be like it's not exist because the US say so... even this will be real :)
Posted on Reply
DannibusXI don't know how you could call the terrorist attacks of September 11th trolling, which is pretty much what I think your post is.
No offence intended (maybe I did not pick my words that well in my previous post), but the terrorists goal was to let America react exactly the way it did. Good for the extremists' ideology (--> propaganda, I bet they use the western invasion for their recruiting).
I hugely respect the soldiers' will to go there and risk their lives and good health to try to improve the situation. The problem is however that it changes generally in the opposite way: it makes it worse. Let the Middle East solve it's own problems, stay away from it as much as you can.
DannibusXIn my humble, biased, American opionion, wars have become far too political. When we wage war, it should be fought with the full might of our military. We go in, blow all your shit up until you surrender and then we pull out and let you pick up the pieces. No nation building needed. If you go back to doing what it was you were doing in the first place that caused us to go to war, we come back, blow your shit up and pull out again.
Wars have always been a matter of politics.
Especially the one in Afghanistan, the Taliban has been steady on it's "throne" mainly because it saw an opportunity to seize power during a period of severe anarchy in the country. How on earth can you think that one can do without nation building, if your enemy abused a power vacuum in the region? You need to "normalise" its society if you wish to solve the problem. And doing a Vietnam-style "lets blow everyone and everything up" is doing no good either, because the bad (media) attention and the negative public opinion, plus the opportunity for the enemy's Anti-American propaganda creation will make it impossible to make it an easy victory. And additionally it's just wrong, and I bet you know that too.
Posted on Reply
Reread the last line of the last quote from my post again.

Again, our discussion is way off topic for TPU and even this post. If you want to argue the point, start a thread at and I'll be happy to discuss it further.
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Velvet Wafer
oh well... in about one year, we will see.. there will be just utter damnation, or planetary enlightenment then.
Posted on Reply
DannibusXWhy is it when I read something that the government is considering that it doesn't take long for people to bring up guns and revolution? It's an IP bill, one that I strongly disagree with, but it's not worth shooting people over.

If you're going to threaten revolution, do it over something worthwhile, like the government actually setting aside the Constitution and adopting something else as the law of the land. Instead, how about you talk to your friends and co-workers about this bill and encourage them to vote in the next election and exercise their Rights as Americans? That's a trigger I'd rather pull.

Occupy a Voting Booth. Absentee Ballots are also a super easy option that the fatties can use to vote these people out of office.
I absolutely hear what you are saying and I see people Voting in Record numbers Election after Election only to have shit like this that nobody wants come up again and again..

It doesn't seem to matter who or what you vote for.....It sucks ass...
The Corps run everything.....we no longer have a Govt of the people for the people....We have a Govt of the Corps for the Money....
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I did my part and sent a message to my state reps.....I suggest you all do the same. Just enter in your zip and send the do not even have to compose it. no excuse.
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