Friday, December 23rd 2011

Firefox 10 Beta Available for Download

Since it already got its holiday present, the new three-year search agreement with Google, Mozilla has went into a gift-giving mode and served up the first public beta build of the next Firefox release, version 10.0.

According to the developers, Firefox 10 comes with Full Screen APIs (so web apps can run in full screen mode), with support for CSS3 3D-Transforms and WebGL Anti-Aliasing, and an added HTML5 treat, the < bdi > element for bi-directional text isolation.

The beta also includes a forward button which stays hidden until you navigate back, an Inspect tool with content highlighting, IndexedDB APIs, and a few fixes. Just like its predecessors, the Firefox 10.0 beta is available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The download links can be found here.
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27 Comments on Firefox 10 Beta Available for Download

will download it soon
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Man I just got #9 ! WTH ???
Posted on Reply
WTB native 64 bit download that is NOT Minefield.
Posted on Reply
Is there a 64 bit version? They pushed the debut of 64 bit from 8 to 10. In fact I think they've been pushing it back since 4.
Posted on Reply
I know there's been 64 bit builds for ages. That doesn't count. When are they going to cut the crap and make an official release.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
LAN_deRf_HAI know there's been 64 bit builds for ages. That doesn't count. When are they going to cut the crap and make an official release.
Yeah it sure would be nice . I mean 64 bit OS has been out for years now and they seem to be stuck on the 32 bit crap ! I would love to see them have a native 64 bit browser ! :banghead:
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Everything just needs to go native 64 bit and just do away with x86. Force people to upgrade.
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tricksonYeah it sure would be nice . I mean 64 bit OS has been out for years now and they seem to be stuck on the 32 bit crap ! I would love to see them have a native 64 bit browser ! :banghead:
Why, do you use more then 4GB per window when web-browsing?
Posted on Reply
I just hope they add a directX 11.1 support
And yeah, you might need 4GB of ram with the new technology of html5
(i mean WebGL)
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OH, I have such a headache
cheesy999Why, do you use more then 4GB per window when web-browsing?
I doubt it .
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Vanguard Beta Tester
So besides the useless chatter. Is this version any good or not? :wtf:
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OH, I have such a headache
fullinfusionSo besides the useless chatter. Is this version any good or not? :wtf:
There is nothing useless about any thing that has been said . Please refrain from making statements like this .
I am sure it will be fine even better if you will . Try it out . :twitch:
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meh, they are not 16 like my pro Chrome, but they are now better then my IE 9

When FF will be FF 18 next week, then it will pwn chrome because 18>16
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Go for Waterfox if you want 64 bit.

I did and I'm happy with it. All my addons work flawlessly. It jut rocks.
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TPU addict
New version every month ?. and a beta every 2 weeks after release ?. WOW all to get the version numbers up so sad..

I hope Qubit backs up his tabs..
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tomkatenGo for Waterfox if you want 64 bit.

I did and I'm happy with it. All my addons work flawlessly. It jut rocks.
thanks for the suggestion- I hadnt heard about that
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cheesy999Why, do you use more then 4GB per window when web-browsing?
i like how the 64bit browser lovers never answered this fine question.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
treehousei like how the 64bit browser lovers never answered this fine question.
You need to read more . :slap:
tricksonI doubt it .
Posted on Reply
cheesy999Why, do you use more then 4GB per window when web-browsing?
Of course, I usually convert movies to .gif files with the lossless soundtrack in a different tab
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TotalChaos64bit peops could look at Waterfox
Did Minefield turn into Waterfox?
cheesy999Why, do you use more then 4GB per window when web-browsing?
64bit browsers tend to render and shit more quickly than 32 bit.
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