Thursday, July 26th 2012

Windows 8 a Catastrophe, Want Linux to Thrive: Gabe Newell

Gabe Newell is part of the crowd that's not impressed with Microsoft Windows 8, or the direction in which it's going to take PC gaming. Newell's concerns, expressed in an interview to VentureBeat, go beyond the God-awful UI, and predict that Windows 8 could reshape the computing industry in a way that's bad for high-performance desktops, at least those sold by major OEMs, which could affect game developers and distributors such as Valve, which took roots in the PC platform.

"I think that Windows 8 is kind of a catastrophe for everybody in the PC space. I think that we're going to lose some of the top-tier PC [original equipment manufacturers]. They'll exit the market. I think margins are going to be destroyed for a bunch of people. If that's true, it's going to be a good idea to have alternatives to hedge against that eventuality," said Newell.
The alternatives he is referring to are the other platforms Valve is setting up its Steam content distribution platform. The company already has Steam client for Apple OS X, with quite a few of its games ported to, and enabled to existing buyers using SteamPlay. The company also recently announced that its client for desktop Linux (Ubuntu, to be precise), is up and running, and that it sees a future for PC gaming on Linux.

Moving the PC gaming to Linux is not a herculean task, and is just going to need a few few big companies to take initiatives. One of them is Valve, the others include companies governing Linux distributions, hardware vendors getting their act together and releasing fully-functional drivers, and lastly, for game developers to see the potential in all of it. The move to Linux doesn't change the machine, it only changes the software.

"One, we're trying to make sure that Linux thrives. Our perception is that one of the big problems holding Linux back is the absence of games. I think that a lot of people - in their thinking about platforms - don't realize how critical games are as a consumer driver of purchases and usage. So we're going to continue working with the Linux distribution guys, shipping Steam, shipping our games, and making it as easy as possible for anybody who's engaged with us - putting their games on Steam and getting those running on Linux, as well. It's a hedging strategy," said Newell.
Source: VentureBeat
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110 Comments on Windows 8 a Catastrophe, Want Linux to Thrive: Gabe Newell

Fishfaced Nincompoop
FordGT90ConceptI think only cheap, simple utilities will find themselves deployed on the Windows Store. Major applications are going to stay on native Windows. The reason being, Windows Store and Metro are, if I understand this correctly, strictly Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) based which runs off of DirectDraw. That offers a lot of hardware capability not seen in a lot of desktop applications but at the same time, severe limitations (namely 3D). The games that are practical in Windows Store are the likes of those found on tablets and phones (e.g Angry Birds), not full screen games like Skyrim, Metro 2033, and the lot.

Let's put it in perspective: bringing the Windows Store to desktops allows you access to most of the programs and features available on Windows Phone 7 while maintaining the capability to act like a desktop is expected to (Windows 7). Yes, there's a learning curve but you're literally getting the best of both worlds.

Add to the fact that Metro lives on the .NET codebase allows Microsoft great flexibility in moving applications forward. Old applications could easily be made to work with hardware that hasn't even been dreamt up yet.

So...I think people (Gabe included) need to take a "chill pill," let Windows come out in October, use it for a few weeks, then make up your mind. This gush of prejudice happens with every Windows pre-release because Microsoft does pre-releases so developers can get their programs ready for it.

I think Microsoft could eliminate all this bad publicity if they required people to prove they need a pre-release version instead of making it available free to everyone.
This is how I understand it as well. Good for "apps" and suchlike, applications and programs will be the same.
T4C Fantasyfor the non gaming community windows 8 will be great
Makes no sense. If anyone suffers from Win8, it's professionals with multiple hi res monitors that spends a lot of time in the OS. Since when do gamers actually care about anything beyond performance and launching games?
Posted on Reply
FrickMakes no sense. If anyone suffers from Win8, it's professionals with multiple hi res monitors that spends a lot of time in the OS. Since when do gamers actually care about anything beyond performance and launching games?
Last I checked those two categories shared a lot of people.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
hellrazorLast I checked those two categories shared a lot of people.
Good point, but my point still stands. The gamer doesn't care.
Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasythe ps3 was never a total disaster, the ps3 has been keeping up with 360 sales since it came out, slightly more slighty less some years, gabe was wrong, he may not be wrong now but he was back in 2009, hes not an important enough figure to be listening to end of story. its all publicity

for the non gaming community windows 8 will be great
We have pretty much have 4 pages of hate here alone, not to mention the other threads.
...I think there are some gamers here...
Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasythe ps3 was never a total disaster, the ps3 has been keeping up with 360 sales since it came out, slightly more slighty less some years, gabe was wrong, he may not be wrong now but he was back in 2009, hes not an important enough figure to be listening to end of story. its all publicity
Well said. After all the asslickery and hypocricy here and in the media, reading something sane is always good.
for the non gaming community windows 8 will be great
Yes and no. Windows 8 has a good multi monitor support which is good for gamers and for professionals. Windows 8 UI won't hinder gaming anyway, when you play you don't see metro lol. And if it's true that HALO 4 comes to Surface then HALO fans can even jump on Surface which runs W8 pro or Windows RT.
Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasy
CPU & GPU DB Maintainer
FrickThis is how I understand it as well. Good for "apps" and suchlike, applications and programs will be the same.

Makes no sense. If anyone suffers from Win8, it's professionals with multiple hi res monitors that spends a lot of time in the OS. Since when do gamers actually care about anything beyond performance and launching games?
since gamers that like MUD based RPGs or sprite based games wont work correctly in windows 8, btw professionals will like windows 8 more than 7 because of its intergrated mobile apps into the desktop platform and building mobile apps is getting more and more popular, literally millions build apps for mobile devices, windows 8 with visual studio and a few SDKs will be MUCH better than windows 7, better productivity equals more money.
Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasysince gamers that like MUD based RPGs or sprite based games wont work correctly in windows 8, btw professionals will like windows 8 more than 7 because of its intergrated mobile apps into the desktop platform and building mobile apps is getting more and more popular, literally millions build apps for mobile devices, windows 8 with visual studio and a few SDKs will be MUCH better than windows 7, better productivity equals more money.
Professionals is a pretty broad word
Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasy
CPU & GPU DB Maintainer
james888Professionals is a pretty broad word
i didnt mean it in "THAT" kind of a context, i meant that w/e you want to call them, coding enthusiasts, coders/programmers/dingleberries
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
T4C Fantasysince gamers that like MUD based RPGs or sprite based games wont work correctly in windows 8, btw professionals will like windows 8 more than 7 because of its intergrated mobile apps into the desktop platform and building mobile apps is getting more and more popular, literally millions build apps for mobile devices, windows 8 with visual studio and a few SDKs will be MUCH better than windows 7, better productivity equals more money.
Wait why will MUDs and sprite games not work? And how many gamers still play MUDs?
Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasy
CPU & GPU DB Maintainer
FrickWait why will MUDs and sprite games not work? And how many gamers still play MUDs?
i still play MUDs, in windows 8 the sprites of games are all scrambled ive tested this myself with build 8400 hopefully its fixed in the final but if it isnt then gamers will not like it
Posted on Reply
Been playing lots of games on the latest build of Window's 8. The biggest problem I have had was forgetting to take ownership of the Drive with Steam on it. Once I did that, everything ran like butta. DRM is more of an issue, as I had to re-activate GTA IV, and a few others.
Posted on Reply
In case you guys haven't seen this, it doesn't seem like Blizzard has a very differing opinion from Valve...

But I find it strange that Blizzard has had a working Linux version of WoW for some time, but never released it. Why? And will they release it now?
Posted on Reply
It is the same Win 2000 / Win Vista / Win 8 disaster cycle so why would I even bother to look at it.
It was irritating enough to switch to Win 7 and I still prefer Win XP SP3 much more than Win7.

I agree with the fat guy OP if I wanted to cloud everything and loose my data I would and if the internet in the USA was capable of properly handling a skype video conference then sure cloud it.

Everyone knows the internet with more user will get more shitty so cloud anything will get worse and no one has the cash or the competence to do anything worthwhile to upgrade the infrastructure unless you stay in "Internet Heaven EU / Japan" vs 3rd world primitive USA internet.

Their migration to Win8 and the millions of problems that Win8 will have is not worth it so they might as well skip to Win9.
Win7 is irritating enough but okay for now and just got used to it / can finally use it for more than 20 days on my new pc without having to formatting the hard drive so why change to another useless Microsoft product ?

And NO the NSA "Microsoft / facebook" is not reasons enough to make me change plus the economy will crash again before 2013.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
WarraWarraIt is the same Win 2000 / Win Vista / Win 8 disaster cycle so why would I even bother to look at it.
It was irritating enough to switch to Win 7 and I still prefer Win XP SP3 much more than Win7.
Win2K was awesome, and you have to get with the times wether you like it or not. Using XP nowadays feels like a huge step backwards in everthing. Or maybe you are one of those people who hate all change (I'm like that in some ways) for no good reason. If so you have no say in the matter.

And if you're having issues with Win7 it's either driver error or third party. It is quite rock solid, probably the most stable of MS OS's.
Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasyhes not an important enough figure to be listening to end of story. its all publicity
Is Rob Pardo?
Rob Pardo, the executive vice president of game design at the Diablo 3 studio, quoted Newell's comments on his personal twitter account before adding that Windows 8 is "not awesome for Blizzard either".

Besides the fact that ~75% of users agree on this forum and the fact that most of the game industry AND media agrees with Gabe Newell, I think you are way out of touch. Furthermore, who are you to say that Gabe Newell "hes not an important enough figure to be listening to end of story."

I mean good God if the president and co-founder of Valve, owner of steam and other best selling PC titles isn't important enough of a figure in your mind, well the who the hell is, and furthermore, who the hell are you? Lol...

Posted on Reply
Big Member
RavenasIs Rob Pardo?

Besides the fact that ~75% of users agree on this forum and the fact that most of the game industry AND media agrees with Gabe Newell, I think you are way out of touch. Furthermore, who are you to say that Gabe Newell "hes not an important enough figure to be listening to end of story."

I mean good God if the president and co-founder of Valve, owner of steam and other best selling PC titles isn't important enough of a figure in your mind, well the who the hell is, and furthermore, who the hell are you? Lol...

Lol if you can't see why Gabe said any of that you are blind. There is nothing wrong with Windows 8 just a bunch of kitty cats scared of a lil' change.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78Lol if you can't see why Gabe said any of that you are blind. There is nothing wrong with Windows 8 just a bunch of kitty cats scared of a lil' change.
Because people who dare and care enough to install a beta OS is afraid of change. :rolleyes:
Posted on Reply
Big Member
naoanBecause people who dare and care enough to install a beta OS is afraid of change. :rolleyes:
People on here just want the same thing but faster. Anything they might have to learn new is deemed "bad". The mob mentality on this forum should be a study in humanity. Very few free thinkers on here.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78People on here just want the same thing but faster. Anything they might have to learn new is deemed "bad". The mob mentality on this forum should be a study in humanity. Very few free thinkers on here.

Yeah you need to be a big free thinker to think Windows 8 is good.:roll:
TheMailMan78Lol if you can't see why Gabe said any of that you are blind. There is nothing wrong with Windows 8 just a bunch of kitty cats scared of a lil' change.
I swear I think your internal HDD resets everyday.
Posted on Reply
Crap Daddy
RavenasYeah you need to be a big free thinker to think Windows 8 is good.
Have you personally used Windows 8? If so, apart from that one mouse click that's needed to get you to desktop what else bothers you?
Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasy
CPU & GPU DB Maintainer
RavenasIs Rob Pardo?

Besides the fact that ~75% of users agree on this forum and the fact that most of the game industry AND media agrees with Gabe Newell, I think you are way out of touch. Furthermore, who are you to say that Gabe Newell "hes not an important enough figure to be listening to end of story."

I mean good God if the president and co-founder of Valve, owner of steam and other best selling PC titles isn't important enough of a figure in your mind, well the who the hell is, and furthermore, who the hell are you? Lol...

its all publicity.... they probably do want linux to thrive... but in all honesty.. we dont need linux for desktop use.. we have windows which is much better than linux for the desktop... but back to windows 8, everyone on the forum that agrees with gabe obviously does not have all of their facts straight.. this is another example of following the crowd, i dont listen to other people because i know what to look for. the only reason why i believe windows 8 will not be successful to the gamers is to the gamers who play Sprite based games and MUDs.. appearently noone else has problems with modern games so its ok, but theres alot of us who play old games. w/e reason gabe or rob has for windows 8 being a failure to the gaming community has no truth to it because they dont know what they are talking about.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop

Yeah you need to be a big free thinker to think Windows 8 is good.:roll:

I swear I think your internal HDD resets everyday.
I swear I think you don't pass POST.
Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasy
CPU & GPU DB Maintainer
FrickI swear I think you don't pass POST.
people just need to chill and realize if they want to stay on windows 7 they can... i will be one of the people who dual boot until the classic gaming compatibility gets fixed. windows 8 will be one of those os's that once you get used to it it will probably make you unleash terribly good things in your pants.
Posted on Reply
T4C Fantasyits all publicity.... they probably do want linux to thrive... but in all honesty.. we dont need linux for desktop use.. we have windows which is much better than linux for the desktop... but back to windows 8, everyone on the forum that agrees with gabe obviously does not have all of their facts straight..
Windows, osx, and linux... which one is better for the desktop is a manner of opinion. Linux is just as functional, and even better, than windows in most cases in my opinion. It just lacks the support that windows gets from being mainstream.
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