Wednesday, November 6th 2013

Gigabyte GeForce GTX 780 Ti Pictured

Here's the first picture of an AIC partner-branded GeForce GTX 780 Ti graphics card, by Gigabyte in this case. The card appears to stick to NVIDIA's reference board design, which is practically indistinguishable from the standard GTX 780 and GTX TITAN, except for the special markings. Specifications of the card appear to be consistent with older leaks. Based on the 28 nm "GK110" GPU, the GeForce GTX 780 Ti features 2,880 CUDA cores, 240 TMUs, 48 ROPs, and a 384-bit wide GDDR5 memory interface, holding 3 GB of memory. Its core is clocked at 876 MHz, with a maximum GPU Boost frequency of 928 MHz. The memory is clocked on par with the GTX 770, at 7.00 GHz, churning out a stellar 336 GB/s memory bandwidth. NVIDIA is reportedly targeting a $699.99 price-point with the GTX 780 Ti, which would be $150 costlier than AMD's Radeon R9 290X.
Source: VideoCardz
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77 Comments on Gigabyte GeForce GTX 780 Ti Pictured

WittermarkWhy wouldn't they? Seems to be common sense to me. Nvidia is simply adapting to the market landscape, even if you are on top, your products still have to remain competitive, that's the rule of the game right? you can't be sitting on your butt and let the competitor take the gains. If Nvidia were to do nothing at this point they I'd say they be in trouble, but as it stands, Nvidia is simply doing the cycle -which to be honest, is about time they did that.

700 series has been out for half a year, most people don't realise the fact that it is AMD who has been playing catch up all along, while AMD fans rejoice over the fact they just about matched what Nvidia had 6 month ago. Nvidia on the other hand had about over 6 month head start to quietly develop the NEXT generation.

This is just a cat and mouse game, where either one party will temporarily be on top at one point or another, and the cycle would (hopefully) continue for the sake of consumers. Think of this as a chess game where Nvidia is the white piece that went first and just barely one step ahead, where AMD played a very good game up until now but still unable to break the moves.

I know that AMD fans hasn't had something to celebrate over for years, so I can understand the outburst, but its a bit silly to be yelling Nvidia going to the way of the dinosaurs at the moment. Nvidia has been in the market long enough to know what they are doing, both sides of the company plays the corporate espionage game as often as you take a dump everyday, they know exactly what the other side is up to, trust me, they knew this was coming months ago, -and so did AMD.

In the end its just the consumers like you and me being played here. while we cheer and wave our colored flags, AMD and Nvidia happily takes the paycheques out of our pockets.
You have got be joking because Nvidia was probably hoping to sell all these chips in teslas and quadros at five to six times the price not at 700$ to gamers. The sole reason Nvidia is doing this is to get the performance crown and even then I'm doubt they will without going well above the power consumption of the R9 290X. Add to that that AMD owns all price points from 550$ down to 250$. Nvidia wants it's performance crown back so that those who don't any better continue buying Nvidia.
Posted on Reply
buildzoidYou have got be joking because Nvidia was probably hoping to sell all these chips in teslas and quadros at five to six times the price not at 700$ to gamers. The sole reason Nvidia is doing this is to get the performance crown and even then I'm doubt they will without going well above the power consumption of the R9 290X. Add to that that AMD owns all price points from 550$ down to 250$. Nvidia wants it's performance crown back so that those who don't any better continue buying Nvidia.
...and your point? why wouldn't anyone want the performance crown? sounds like common sense to me, you want your company to do well you would want to stay on top of the game.

as for your claim that nvidia is doing this to generate sales for clueless consumers, that can be said for either side, are you saying that AMD doesn't want to claim it too? so your argument doesn't hold water, it's the consumer's responsibility to do their research before doing any major purchases, and the goal of any successful company is to generate sales, is that why they are selling these reference cards stressed to max out of the box?
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buildzoidAMD owns all price points from 550$ down to 250$. Nvidia wants it's performance crown back so that those who don't any better continue buying Nvidia.
That's one of the most hilarious BS I've seen in a while, you don't seriously think that right? REALLY??

"AMD owns all price points from 550$ down to 250$" did you really just make that claim? this is unbelievable. Who are you?

I love it and all when people quote the MSRP prices AMD gave, but what utter non-sense, have you actually tried buying this card???? how many people actually got it at those price? I'm asking a honest question here, because one of my coworkers actually tried to get one the 290x, for one thing, hes out of luck since they're all out of stock, and another, they are selling $100-150 well above their quoted price.

In my country (and I'm sure for many countries around the world) 290x is actually more expensive than the gtx780, the 290x is selling well into $700~750 while the gtx780 is selling for around $650. So don't be going around spreading this BS that AMD is winning on price war atm.

one thing to learn from this, AMD doesn't control the prices at the moment, market does. and truthfully, not many people was actually able to grab the card since launch, there seem to be some severe quantity issues, it sounds to me AMD is just throwing a bone at the crowd that got everyone all riled up, and everyone got all nuts and crazy about but none to had for themselves. but hey, who cares, market ploys work, troll will continue to troll, whats new?
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A 780 TI with G sync will blow the noisy hot 290X with AMD drivers out of the water. Nvidia still owns the elite high end.
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2 R290s in Crossfire at $800 will beat this card by over 60-70% while costing only $100 more. CF scaling on R290 is 90% or more in most games. Also the shuttering is gone since there is no CF bridge. And the 4GB memory will make the two card playable at 4K. Cheers!!
Posted on Reply
harry902 R290s in Crossfire at $800 will beat this card by over 60-70% while costing only $100 more. CF scaling on R290 is 90% or more in most games. Also the shuttering is gone since there is no CF bridge. And the 4GB memory will make the two card playable at 4K. Cheers!!
I would like to note that the street prices of the 290 are much higher, avg prices around the world is around $500~600 atm. and you definitely would not want to run these reference cards in crossfire as review sites are claiming the noise "unbearable". (over 60+db in some cases)

and if you are investing in a pair of water blocks you are adding about $300 on top, which runs you something well above $1300 for a pair of these cards. so nope, these are not cheaper.
Posted on Reply
WittermarkWhy wouldn't they? Seems to be common sense to me. Nvidia is simply adapting to the market landscape, even if you are on top, your products still have to remain competitive, that's the rule of the game right? you can't be sitting on your butt and let the competitor take the gains. If Nvidia were to do nothing at this point they I'd say they be in trouble, but as it stands, Nvidia is simply doing the cycle -which to be honest, is about time they did that.

700 series has been out for half a year, most people don't realise the fact that it is AMD who has been playing catch up all along, while AMD fans rejoice over the fact they just about matched what Nvidia had 6 month ago. Nvidia on the other hand had about over 6 month head start to quietly develop the NEXT generation.

This is just a cat and mouse game, where either one party will temporarily be on top at one point or another, and the cycle would (hopefully) continue for the sake of consumers. Think of this as a chess game where Nvidia is the white piece that went first and just barely one step ahead, where AMD played a very good game up until now but still unable to break the moves.

I know that AMD fans hasn't had something to celebrate over for years, so I can understand the outburst, but its a bit silly to be yelling Nvidia going to the way of the dinosaurs at the moment. Nvidia has been in the market long enough to know what they are doing, both sides of the company plays the corporate espionage game as often as you take a dump everyday, they know exactly what the other side is up to, trust me, they knew this was coming months ago, -and so did AMD.

In the end its just the consumers like you and me being played here. while we cheer and wave our colored flags, AMD and Nvidia happily takes the paycheques out of our pockets.
A common sense to you is not common sense of everyone,we had our own opinion.You already answer your own question,nVidia is adapting to the market landscape,because what?Hawaii is getting HOT lately.If you're on top,why bother competition?Let's grab a beer and have some chicks.If you say this is about time they do a "cycle",please point out where is GTX 780Ti in this chart?

Both company play catch up,i suppose you didn't forget nVidia Fermi wood screw edition do you?They were "late" in the game that time.But hey,they manage to score a performance crown again later on.And for "Nvidia 6 month head start NEXT generation" of yours,do you realize first Maxwell will be on 28nm?You put this as the game of chess,why put nVidia on white and AMD on black?Ever think otherwise?Like i don't care about the fastest single card,i'm playing duo since master-slave era of X1800XL.If they toying with me,let them have it...i'm willing to pay.

One question,do you have GTX780/Titan/780Ti ?
Posted on Reply
WittermarkI would like to note that the street prices of the 290 are much higher, avg prices around the world is around $500~600 atm. and you definitely would not want to run these reference cards in crossfire as review sites are claiming the noise "unbearable". (over 60+db in some cases)

and if you are investing in a pair of water blocks you are adding about $300 on top, which runs you something well above $1300 for a pair of these cards. so nope, these are not cheaper.
I don't know what part of the world you are but in USA they are $399. No waterblocks, the partners will come up with better coolers for $20-30 more which will take care of the noise and heat section. Even if $150 more expensive, they still beat 780Ti by a WIDE marigin. 780Ti with 3gb Ram will have hard time maintaining good frames higher than 1080p with all AA turned on.
Posted on Reply
harry90I don't know what part of the world you are but in USA they are $399. No waterblocks, the partners will come up with better coolers for $20-30 more which will take care of the noise and heat section. Even if $150 more expensive, they still beat 780Ti by a WIDE marigin. 780Ti with 3gb Ram will have hard time maintaining good frames higher than 1080p with all AA turned on.
In the UK thank you very much,(where you will see 290x going for equivalent of 800USD, and 290 over 600USD) and you will see similar prices in rest of Europe and Asia as well.
Posted on Reply
WittermarkIn the UK thank you very much,(where you will see 290x going for equivalent of 800USD, and 290 over 600USD) and you will see similar prices in rest of Europe and Asia as well.
ouch that kinda sucks!! but it doesn't have to do with amd. i bet any card would end up more expensive in UK. is it like 15% tax?
Posted on Reply
arterius2not many people was actually able to grab the card since launch, there seem to be some severe quantity issues, it sounds to me [insert one or the other card company here] is just throwing a bone at the crowd that got everyone all riled up, and everyone got all nuts and crazy about but none to had for themselves
That what was said about the GTX680 when it showed... It is the circle of life my son!
Posted on Reply
harry90I don't know what part of the world you are but in USA they are $399. No waterblocks, the partners will come up with better coolers for $20-30 more which will take care of the noise and heat section. Even if $150 more expensive, they still beat 780Ti by a WIDE marigin. 780Ti with 3gb Ram will have hard time maintaining good frames higher than 1080p with all AA turned on.
Did you actually just say that the 290 will beat the 780ti "by a wide margin"?

Come on people, please don't say ridiculous things like this. It makes us ALL look bad.
Posted on Reply
harry902 R290s in Crossfire at $800 will beat this card by over 60-70% while costing only $100 more. CF scaling on R290 is 90% or more in most games. Also the shuttering is gone since there is no CF bridge. And the 4GB memory will make the two card playable at 4K. Cheers!![/QUOTE

2 R9-290s in Crossfire will also LITERALLY set your house on fire, as well as your electric bill. On the bright side though, at least the Fire Dept. can find your house easily, as all they have to do is follow the sound of the 290s fans spinning at 40%...
Posted on Reply
harry902 R290s in Crossfire at $800 will beat this card by over 60-70% while costing only $100 more. CF scaling on R290 is 90% or more in most games. Also the shuttering is gone since there is no CF bridge. And the 4GB memory will make the two card playable at 4K. Cheers!![/QUOTE

2 R9-290s in Crossfire will also LITERALLY set your house on fire, as well as your electric bill. On the bright side though, at least the Fire Dept. can find your house easily, as all they have to do is follow the sound of the 290s fans spinning at 40%...
:) keep talking nvidia fan. if nvidia had a gpu with high temps but good performance. i bet all you nvidia fans would say who cares about heat if it is faster. Now that amd offers faster cards at each price point(excluding 780ti for now), you say that it will set house on fire? lol what a joke! Aftermarket coolers will come soon and the only thing that burns will be the wallet of those who overpay for nvidia cards. If nvidia wants to compete they will do good to price their 780TI at $549-599 just like amd.
Posted on Reply
The fan noise isn't that bad...if anything the noise change is gradual and doesn't have that grating profile, from what I've heard from Youtube at least. If you're just gaming there is little chance that the blower will run at 100% that some want to associate with being a drawback. The blower will also help with Crossfire as they would exit the heat from the case, being two slot profile and wouldn't affect individual card's performance profile. If you want to change the cooler, then $30-40 would net you a Gelid Icy Vision which is one of the better ones around, and lowers the temp by 20 while maintaining relatively silent operation.
Posted on Reply
ManosHandsOfFate:) keep talking nvidia fan. if nvidia had a gpu with high temps but good performance. i bet all you nvidia fans would say who cares about heat if it is faster. Now that amd offers faster cards at each price point(excluding 780ti for now), you say that it will set house on fire? lol what a joke! Aftermarket coolers will come soon and the only thing that burns will be the wallet of those who overpay for nvidia cards. If nvidia wants to compete they will do good to price their 780TI at $549-599 just like amd.
Why are you calling me "Nvidia fan"?
I have a 7970Ghz in one of my PC's, so wouldn't that make me an AMD fan??...Derp....
Posted on Reply
ManosHandsOfFate:) keep talking nvidia fan. if nvidia had a gpu with high temps but good performance. i bet all you nvidia fans would say who cares about heat if it is faster. Now that amd offers faster cards at each price point(excluding 780ti for now), you say that it will set house on fire? lol what a joke! Aftermarket coolers will come soon and the only thing that burns will be the wallet of those who overpay for nvidia cards. If nvidia wants to compete they will do good to price their 780TI at $549-599 just like amd.
If Nvidia had a gpu with high temps and noise I'd avoid it like the plague as well, just like I did with their Fermi's. I just buy the better card, that's all.
Posted on Reply
WittermarkYou sir are right about one thing that's for sure, these Hawaiis sure are HOT!

AMD R9 290X Noise Test Quiet and Uber mode - YouTu...

rofl. enjoy your jet pack.
I do admitted Hawaii is hot,that's why i gave'em bold capital.As for noise and temperature you even read my system specs?i bet you know nothing about this...
Cooling: XSPC Raystorm+Dual XSPC Rasa+EK XTC 420+Swiftech 655B
You still hadn't answer my question, do you have any of GTX 780/Titan/GTX780Ti?
Posted on Reply
The Von Matrices
Why is there all the hate here for NVidia just relasing a full GK110 chip, something we all knew would happen eventually anyway? Why does this have to be a conspiracy? The GTX 780 can no longer sell for $650-$700 so NVidia wants to release a new card that can fit in that price bracket. I see nothing wrong with that. There is so much dichotomy in these forums; the same people who lauded AMD for releasing the fastest GPU with the R9 290X are now criticizing NVidia for doing the same thing and one-upping AMD. To these people it's as if the existence of this card diminishes the R9 290X's performance; your R9 290X will perform the same and be priced the same whether or not this card is released.
Posted on Reply
1d10tI do admitted Hawaii is hot,that's why i gave'em bold capital.As for noise and temperature you even read my system specs?i bet you know nothing about this...

"You still hadn't answer my question, do you have any of GTX 780/Titan/GTX780Ti?"

Yes, I have SLI 780's in one of my builds, and they have been great for running 120Hz on my overclocked 1440p monitor, just like my 7970Ghz has been great at pushing FPS on my 1200p monitor too.
Posted on Reply
ManosHandsOfFateDid you actually just say that the 290 will beat the 780ti "by a wide margin"?

Come on people, please don't say ridiculous things like this. It makes us ALL look bad.
ManosHandsOfFate2 R9-290s in Crossfire will also LITERALLY set your house on fire, as well as your electric bill. On the bright side though, at least the Fire Dept. can find your house easily, as all they have to do is follow the sound of the 290s fans spinning at 40%...
I'm seeing some irony here.

I'm also seeing arguments that have gone back and forth since the implementation of the GPU. Minds aren't going to be changed.
Posted on Reply
The Von MatricesWhy is there all the hate here for NVidia just relasing a full GK110 chip, something we all knew would happen eventually anyway? Why does this have to be a conspiracy? The GTX 780 can no longer sell for $650-$700 so NVidia wants to release a new card that can fit in that price bracket. I see nothing wrong with that. There is so much dichotomy in these forums; the same people who lauded AMD for releasing the fastest GPU with the R9 290X are now criticizing NVidia for doing the same thing and one-upping AMD. To these people it's as if the existence of this card diminishes the R9 290X's performance; your R9 290X will perform the same and be priced the same whether or not this card is released.
Absolutely, at the end of the day forum warriors ain't business men and most of them can only see things through their preferred brand goggles.

GK110 Titan had no competition 9 months ago and as such sold for a 1000$ because why the f*ck not, but as at least you can appreciate things move on. Now nVidia have taken their full fledged yet ageing and coming to the end of it's life GK110 chip to 700$. So despite the tears there is progress to price vs performance. PS thanks for showing up AMD.

Fact is the majority of those moaning about the price have/had no intention of buying one anyway.
Posted on Reply
erockerI'm seeing some irony here.

I'm also seeing arguments that have gone back and forth since the implementation of the GPU. Minds aren't going to be changed.
:) sorry about my multiple posts.
Posted on Reply
Great news for NV fans. The overpriced cards had dropped! Go get your 780, Titan.. whatever you wanted and go to your corner and enjoyed!! Remembered to thank AMD for the prices dropped! Also, feel sorry for the previous suckers! :toast:

Great news for AMD fans. Those overpriced cards days are over. Get your moneys, your car key and go get the performing you wanted!

There now children, happy now?!!! Now, STFU and thank both companies bringing these awesome technologies:rockout: to you.
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