Saturday, November 11th 2006

Play Station 3 pictures

Sony's highly-anticipated PS3 gaming console has gone on sale in Japan. The official price in Japan is 49800yen ($425), which means it is cheaper than a 8800GTS 640MB ($449).

Below are some pictures:
Source: Xtreme Systems
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46 Comments on Play Station 3 pictures

so what do we think is better

360 or this

i my self have no idea coz im a pc gamer
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Eat, sleep, game!
RickyG512so what do we think is better

360 or this

i my self have no idea coz im a pc gamer
Performance wise, only time will tell :)
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Jimmy 2004
I'd be interested in the performance of a PS3 vs an 8800GTS... I expect in terms of pure processing power a PS3 would win but the raw graphical power of an 8800GTS should be superior I would think.

Edit: not a fan of shiny black plastic myself and the PS3 is quite large...
Posted on Reply
Jimmy 2004I'd be interested in the performance of a PS3 vs an 8800GTS... I expect in terms of pure processing power a PS3 would win but the raw graphical power of an 8800GTS should be superior I would think.

Edit: not a fan of shiny black plastic myself and the PS3 is quite large...
Its almost the same size of xbox 360. So its not so big?? I have been playing Gears of War the last few days(best game ever) and i´d say 360 has better graphics performance and ps3 has best cpu power. Although many dev´s have said 360 has better cpu for ai? I pwn a 360 :), and im sure i will pwn a ps3 later some day too. But for now im saving for the g80, so december all my time will go to my pc.. :)
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Öhhmmm what is the third chip/cpu?? Not the synthesizer, and not the Cell, but the third on the top in picture 5??
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im thinking it could be the GPU maybe? the RSX chip is basically suppose to be a physics chip if you think about it, just sonys type, and if you think about it that system is fairly cheap for now -a-days hardware, a pyhsix card is like 150-250 depending on where you get it, a gpu that can put out good graphics will run you AT LEAST 200-350 so your basically spending less money for the ps3, personally im a PC gamer myself, i dont own any consoles aside from my dreamcast for emualtion purposes, but yeah i'd much rather have an 8800gtx than a ps3 anyway, :P although it does have my eye on the term "THE RISE AND FALL OF SONY" i Think that the WII is going to pwn the video game market, i played one at my local game stop the other day and it was so fun, ha not the best graphics but thats only second best when it comes to games, first its the playabilty and story, than comes the graphics
Posted on Reply
Jimmy 2004
HaZe303Its almost the same size of xbox 360. So its not so big?? I have been playing Gears of War the last few days(best game ever) and i´d say 360 has better graphics performance and ps3 has best cpu power. Although many dev´s have said 360 has better cpu for ai? I pwn a 360 :), and im sure i will pwn a ps3 later some day too. But for now im saving for the g80, so december all my time will go to my pc.. :)
Not much bigger but a couple of cm larger in most directions if this image is correct:

Compared to the PS2 it is quite large. Small considering its processing power I suppose, but much bigger than the Wii or last gen consoles.

Edit: I guess the original Xbox was quite big too...
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joinmeindeath417im thinking it could be the GPU maybe? the RSX chip is basically suppose to be a physics chip if you think about it, just sonys type, and if you think about it that system is fairly cheap for now -a-days hardware, a pyhsix card is like 150-250 depending on where you get it, a gpu that can put out good graphics will run you AT LEAST 200-350 so your basically spending less money for the ps3, personally im a PC gamer myself, i dont own any consoles aside from my dreamcast for emualtion purposes, but yeah i'd much rather have an 8800gtx than a ps3 anyway, :P although it does have my eye on the term "THE RISE AND FALL OF SONY" i Think that the WII is going to pwn the video game market, i played one at my local game stop the other day and it was so fun, ha not the best graphics but thats only second best when it comes to games, first its the playabilty and story, than comes the graphics
The RSX reality synthesizer is the gpu. But if you look at the HeatSink you can see that the third chip isnt cooled by it. So i guess the third isnt getting as hot as the other two, cpu&gpu.
Posted on Reply
15th Warlock
They put a whole EE+GS in it, and I bet there's even a PSOne proc somewhere among all those chips as well, this way PSOne and PS2 emulation will be handled on hardware instead of the software emulation MS uses for the 360.

Btw, anybody else noticed there are screen shots of Gears of War in that thread as well? Thought that game was going to be released for the PC ant the 360 only, though porting it to the PS3 hardware shouldn't be that hard as Epic showed a fully working Unreal 3 Engine demo at E3 two years ago for the PS3.
Posted on Reply
15th Warlock
joinmeindeath417im thinking it could be the GPU maybe? the RSX chip is basically suppose to be a physics chip if you think about it, just sonys type, and if you think about it that system is fairly cheap for now -a-days hardware, a pyhsix card is like 150-250 depending on where you get it, a gpu that can put out good graphics will run you AT LEAST 200-350 so your basically spending less money for the ps3, personally im a PC gamer myself, i dont own any consoles aside from my dreamcast for emualtion purposes, but yeah i'd much rather have an 8800gtx than a ps3 anyway, :P although it does have my eye on the term "THE RISE AND FALL OF SONY" i Think that the WII is going to pwn the video game market, i played one at my local game stop the other day and it was so fun, ha not the best graphics but thats only second best when it comes to games, first its the playabilty and story, than comes the graphics
That's the RSX, a cut down version of the G70 (128bits, 256MBs of GDDR and 500/1300 clocks) in short, that's the GPU.

EDIT: Anyone else noticed the 256MBs of GDDR3 RAM are allocated very close to the GPU? just some mm from the die in fact. Could this improve the performance of the GPU in terms of latency, even if it's supposed to be on a 128bit wide interface?

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I still don't under stand why this..has taken sony so long to get finished,that gave xbox a nice lead. Which one is better xbox or ps3?
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15th Warlock
JudasI still don't under stand why this..has taken sony so long to get finished,that gave xbox a nice lead. Which one is better xbox or this?
Will have to wait about a year to get a solid answer to that question, IMHO it's games rather than hardware that'll make or break either one of them in this generation.
Posted on Reply
Jimmy 2004
JudasI still don't under stand why this..has taken sony so long to get finished,that gave xbox a nice lead. Which one is better xbox or ps3?
In theory this should be better but as we're yet to see either console take full advantage of it's power it is hard to tell who will actually have the best overall performance.
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Games for the ps3 will most likely be in the 60-70e range ..i think i might just save a bit and get my self one of those 8800 cards
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heh the best buy behind my house already has a PS3 that you can use to play demos, and lol i noticed lag on some rally game. :laugh:
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I do like DoS's comment, "which means it is cheaper than a 8800GTS 640MB ($449)."

It reminds us of how OVERPRICED GPU's are, and the enormous profit margin they are commanding.

So many complain about the price of PS3 vs. X360 vs Wii etc, but stronger comments should be laid at the door of the GPU manufacturers.
Posted on Reply
Jimmy 2004
EastCoasthandleThis is why I may jump ship to PS3.

Isn't there a yearly subscription fee that most of us already paid for (who own a xbox 360)? Oh, I forgot to mention that if you have a regular xbox subscription it's not transferable you have to buy a new one. Since I have paid for 1 year of service what am I getting? What am I getting for the $$ I paid for a yearly subscription then? The ability to view marketplace? And, a reduction in demo downloads are increasing as more new games become available. I am sorry but when MS doesn't want to not provide a FREE demo (because you did pay for a 1 year subscription for this service) is not right. It's like subscribing to a magazine and omitting certain articles or reviews at additional price. Then use the excuse that "you are not forced to pay for it" I mean come on the rep era is over, time for change starts today!

This is what makes the PS3 so appealing, no BS just buy it and the games you want and be done with the extra. I am not the only one who thinks this. Like the ole saying goes, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I will not be fooled again. Here are a list of games where no demos are being offered yet I paid for the service
Gears of War
Call of Duty 3
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Superman <--haven't seen this one yet.

As well as a few others. This maybe a short list but you have to remember there are not a whole lot of new game titles coming out. Rough estimate of maybe 5-7 new games in the past 2 months that's about half. So again, I ask, "What am I getting with my yearly subscription"? If it's not demos then what, if it's not free 10 year games then what? If its not reviews, articles, etc then what? What am I getting besides the option not to buy with my yearly subscription? That's all I'm saying. The PS3 isn't complicated in this department and, for me worth looking into.
Yeah, I'm also really against having to pay to play online... you can have the silver membership for free but that doesn't allow online gaming, only some of the more basic features. I belive the Wii also has free online play, as does the PS2. Unfortunately the PS2 online never really took off like Xbox Live but I don't understand why (perhaps that you had to buy the extra ethernet adaptor on older consoles?).
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Azn Tr14dZ
If you take it in the long run, the Xbox 360 maybe more expensive than the PS3. Paying each year for an Xbox Live membership. Also, the PS3 has a built-in Blu-Ray Player, and for the Xbox 360, I'm sure that their HD-DVD player will cost an extra $200 or so, and I'm one of the people that use that feature quite a bit. PS3 and Wii for me.
Posted on Reply
Jimmy 2004Yeah, I'm also really against having to pay to play online... you can have the silver membership for free but that doesn't allow online gaming, only some of the more basic features. I belive the Wii also has free online play, as does the PS2. Unfortunately the PS2 online never really took off like Xbox Live but I don't understand why (perhaps that you had to buy the extra ethernet adaptor on older consoles?).
Regardless if you have silver of gold I am noticing a reduction in demos being offered to games that appear to be popular. Therefore creating a level of diminishing return IMO with my subscription fee.
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I'd rather have a PS3 than a $600 graphic card. Come'on, one complete playable system vs one component!!!
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hv43082I'd rather have a PS3 than a $600 graphic card. Come'on, one complete playable system vs one component!!!
well you can't do all that you can do on a pc on an gaming console :P
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Eat, sleep, game!
HaZe303I have been playing Gears of War the last few days(best game ever)
I completed it today and I couldnt agree more...........Gears Of War is incredible!

:respect: XBOX360
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Eat, sleep, game!
xylomnwell you can't do all that you can do on a pc on an gaming console :P
The only good thing about a console is that you know for sure that the game you are purchasing will work on it 100% and to its full capability, unlike PC games. And you dont have to upgrade a console every couple of months (LOL) but admittedly you do have to buy a newer (next-gen) console every couple of years so you dont get laughed at :laugh:

(PS this is coming from someone that owned a good gaming PC and misses it very much :cry: but the 360 will do for now )
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hv43082I'd rather have a PS3 than a $600 graphic card. Come'on, one complete playable system vs one component!!!
That i can agree with. But i already have a xbox360. Why should i buy a ps3?? Most games come out to both systems anyway?? And the ones that are exclusive arent really that great for ps3, and many will come to the 360 aswell but little later. One example was Assassins Creed, was supposed to be ps3 exclusive, now its coming to x360 too, and the Dev´s say the 360 version will have much better/real NPC AI. So for me the 360 is the best of the two. Sure blueray is great (i think?), but i never use 360 for watching movies, even if it did have a more silent dvd player. Im gonna buy a real Bray or hd-dvd player to watch movies on. So the BlueRay isnt such a big selling point for me. For me its all about the games, and availability.
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