Friday, October 14th 2016

Newegg Now Owned by Chinese Company

The Wall Street Journal's earlier report about an expected record-setting 2016 in regards to chinese investment in the United States was right. Newegg Inc., one of the most popular online tech-related retailers, is now reportedly owned by chinese company Hangzhao Liaison Interactive Information Technology Co., Ltd. (Liaison Interactive).

After September's reports of a significant investment from the Chinese company on Newegg, which would allow the California-based company to "accelerate the pursuit of the company's strategic initiatives" and into high-growth markets such as eSports, VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality), it now appears that the investment was much more than a simple capital infusion: it was a bid towards controlling an effective majority in the American company's shares.
The deal, with a value estimated around 17.7 billion yuan (around 2.63 billion dollars; higher than some countries' GDP), will give Liaison Interactive control of 55.7% of the California-based company. As a result, Newegg thus becomes one of Liaison Interactive's subsidiaries.

The deal is expected to aid Liaison Interactive in bolstering its global competitiveness, allowing for a gigantic expansion into the American market. The company praised Newegg's recognizable brand and strong consumer confidence. Liaison Interactive expects Newegg to become an important part of the company's liquidity channel through its hardware and software offers, thus complementing the China-based company's product channels. As always, in the wake of this acquisition, changes are expected in Newegg's overall structure, in either its organization, personnel, business, financial and/or management fields.
Source: UDN News
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116 Comments on Newegg Now Owned by Chinese Company

Soooo, sounds like to me use Newegg to gather a parts list, use Amazon to buy. Roger that.
Posted on Reply
I didn't know people have had such shoddy customer service from Newegg. I've had customer service from them that rivals Amazon. Orders that shipped out of their Edison, NJ warehouse would get to me in a day. I've returned a product under their Iron Egg Guarantee without hassle (only thing I've ever returned, and I didn't have Premier back then).

I'm surprised to see that they have such a bad reputation. I get more hassle from Amazon about returns.

Though I do have (and have had for a while) Newegg Premier for free. I know that Premier gives me free return shipping, and waives the restocking fee.

But I too hope that new ownership doesn't change things too much on the customer-facing side of the company.

I've still been having good fun with their deals/rebates, and avoiding the sales tax that Amazon charges in my state. Amazon still hasn't been able to match Newegg's pricing, or its search capability, or its deal emails. And I have much more confidence in the specifications and product details listed on Newegg.
Posted on Reply

First order. Is that an IBM DeathStar? Maybe... mine didn't die though. Had a fan-cool HDD bay which wasn't nearly as common as it is today.

Nostalgia aside, this move doesn't help. It also doesn't hurt much either, as I've been with other stores for several years now. Like previous posts, just don't have the same feels anymore.
Posted on Reply
domnatr6Soooo, sounds like to me use Newegg to gather a parts list, use Amazon to buy. Roger that.
This is what I have been using them for years now. They used to be my one-stop shop, but Amazon took that role about 5-6 years ago. You just can't beat Newegg's system for drilling down an item.
RazrLeafI'm surprised to see that they have such a bad reputation. I get more hassle from Amazon about returns.
I find that shocking. I have probably performed 60-80 returns since 2007 and never experienced a single hassle. Matter of fact, whenever I have an issue, their CS has always sided in my favor and even extended compensation in gift cards for inconvenience. There is one rule that I apply that greatly assists me though; I am a Prime member and only try to buy Prime-labeled products. Whenever you start messing with 3rd party sellers within Amazon, you are asking for slow processing, delayed shipping, and exorbitant restocking fees.
Posted on Reply
Wow, not sure how I feel about this. I do buy still from Newegg but depending on how things change I may change up.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieI cannot bring myself to use Amazon for tech for anything other than a sale
I used to feel this way, but convenience of amazon out weighs most of the shortfalls. Even now I've been using amazon for car parts which seems like such a terrible idea but I cant resist the selection and quick shipping.
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The Exiled Airman
Newegg will be ran into the ground thanks to knock off stuff.
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Semi-Retired Folder
FxI find that shocking. I have probably performed 60-80 returns since 2007 and never experienced a single hassle. Matter of fact, whenever I have an issue, their CS has always sided in my favor and even extended compensation in gift cards for inconvenience. There is one rule that I apply that greatly assists me though; I am a Prime member and only try to buy Prime-labeled products. Whenever you start messing with 3rd party sellers within Amazon, you are asking for slow processing, delayed shipping, and exorbitant restocking fees.
My latest experience with Amazon returns has been a nightmare. I bought a Toshiba laptop, I have Prime and it was a Prime purchase. I ordered right in the middle of moving, so I received it a day or two before we moved and just packed up for the move unopened. I frankly didn't have time to deal with setting up a new laptop, I just used my old one during the move. A few weeks later I finally get to unpacking the box with the laptop. I start it up, and the touch pad doesn't work and the battery doesn't either. It has one of those internal batteries, not an removable one. It was as if the battery and the touch pad both weren't connected internally. If I pulled the power cord, the laptop instatnly shutdown. Not a graceful shutdown, just BOOM totally dead.

I contacted Amazon for a replacement, and they wouldn't even give me that. They told me it was past the return period(14 days apparently) and there was nothing they were willing to do. I have to deal with Toshiba to get it fixed.

When calling Newegg's Premier support line, I've gotten them to replace or refund items that were past the 30 day return limit. I've never had an issue like this with Newegg's Premier support. Amazon's support on the other hand has burned me a few times.
Posted on Reply
newtekie1My latest experience with Amazon returns has been a nightmare. I bought a Toshiba laptop, I have Prime and it was a Prime purchase. I ordered right in the middle of moving, so I received it a day or two before we moved and just packed up for the move unopened. I frankly didn't have time to deal with setting up a new laptop, I just used my old one during the move. A few weeks later I finally get to unpacking the box with the laptop. I start it up, and the touch pad doesn't work and the battery doesn't either. It has one of those internal batteries, not an removable one. It was as if the battery and the touch pad both weren't connected internally. If I pulled the power cord, the laptop instatnly shutdown. Not a graceful shutdown, just BOOM totally dead.

I contacted Amazon for a replacement, and they wouldn't even give me that. They told me it was past the return period(14 days apparently) and there was nothing they were willing to do. I have to deal with Toshiba to get it fixed.

When calling Newegg's Premier support line, I've gotten them to replace or refund items that were past the 30 day return limit. I've never had an issue like this with Newegg's Premier support. Amazon's support on the other hand has burned me a few times.
Damn, that is unfortunate. I have only asked them once for a return for an Intel NUC that was 3 weeks past the return window and received it. I probably would have called back to get another rep or asked to speak with a manager.
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This is actually good news, The Chinese know how to run their businesses far better than Americans.
Posted on Reply
(I've been around long enough to remember when Newegg was a brick and mortar software store)
64KI still use Newegg to sort through a category of a piece of hardware and then when I find a few that I'm interested in I check Amazon.
Steven BThat's why you research which product you want elsewhere and just purchase from Amazon
domnatr6Soooo, sounds like to me use Newegg to gather a parts list, use Amazon to buy. Roger that.
People don't seem to understand that there are consequences for their purchasing decisions. We don't value value added service from companies today. Amazon is a leach. There's no value added to what they sell. It's just a SKU that they happen to be able to sell for a small percentage less than most every one else. Does Amazon have a "tech expert" to help you with your purchasing decisions?
64KI hope this doesn't end up badly for Newegg.
It already has.
FxYou just can't beat Newegg's system for drilling down an item.
So what are you going to do once that goes away?

You get what you pay for.
Posted on Reply
quite bunch of racist comments I must say...
Posted on Reply
thebluebumblebeePeople don't seem to understand that there are consequences for their purchasing decisions. We don't value value added service from companies today. Amazon is a leach. There's no value added to what they sell.
You get what you pay for.
Amazon offers consumers great value by making product returns very easy and free (through prime, which is reasonably priced) as well as passing their bulk discount savings down to us much like Costco does. I am baffled why you don't recognize that as value.

What more do you want? Perhaps for them to bake you a cake and ship it free too?
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ZoneDymoquite bunch of racist comments I must say...
Mine at least, was not intended as racist. I just don't like seeing businesses leave my home country. I'm sure the Chinese feel the same.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BI haven't bought from newegg in a while, Amazon just works better for me and delivers faster... but I am still sad to see an old-time (at least, in tech terms) American company go to China like that.
I shall now set you straight. It may be somewhat humiliating, but you'll have to deal with it, because I am right. Effectively, Newegg has ALWAYS been a Chinese company. Now, it was an American company, owned by Chinese Americans, but let me assure you, Newegg was and is all about China's economic best interests. It is one of many formal and informal pipelines for Chinese products to the states. now, I have no problem with this and encourage the Chinese to start all the businesses they'd like.

Your comment, in the context of the actual situation, just seemed vacuous and worth responding to. Do better than that.
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nickbaldwin86Well I am no longer a "Newegger"

Where do you think your electronics (all of them these days) come from anyway?
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
FxAmazon offers consumers great value by making product returns very easy and free (through prime, which is reasonably priced)
Newegg Preferred does the same, as well as free shipping, just like Prime.

I have both and don't see the Amazon Prime as superior to it. Advantage: Neither.
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Why Trump did nothing?

Another nail in his coffin. :rolleyes:
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Semi-Retired Folder
rtwjunkieNewegg Preferred does the same, as well as free shipping, just like Prime. I have both and don't see the Amazon Prime as superior to it. Advantage: Neither.
Prime gives you 2-day shipping, newegg gives you 3-day. However, newegg gives free rush processing so your order is almost always sent out the same day or first thing the following day. So the time between when the order is placed, and when it is on your doorstep is about the same for both.

Also, Newegg Premier also gives you a special support number to call which has almost no wait time. But Prime gives you digital video streaming, audio, and ebooks.
Posted on Reply
I'm really glad that there's a Micro Center in Massachusetts

It still has that old-school 1980s sign
Posted on Reply
I used NewEgg once last month on my new build but haven't used them in quite a while until then, now I won't be using them at all.. Although I do not like Amazons CEO I do use them for just about everything now a days.
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jboydgolferI'm really glad that there's a Micro Center in Massachusetts

It still has that old-school 1980s sign
Man id love a Micro center closer to me in Michigan..
Posted on Reply
R-T-BMine at least, was not intended as racist. I just don't like seeing businesses leave my home country. I'm sure the Chinese feel the same.
I don't think your statement was racist anyway seeing as every country is home to multiple races... Saying someone is racist based on them being fond of one country over another has nothing to do with race. However, saying someone is racist because of country preference, in my opinion, is racist itself because you're associating one country with the majority race, i.e. USA = Caucasian; China = Chinese, etc.

Anyway! I built my first computer using Newegg but have since switched more towards Amazon as Prime shipping usually makes the item cheaper, that or I buy used components on eBay for much cheaper than retail msrp.
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
jboydgolferI'm really glad that there's a Micro Center in Massachusetts

It still has that old-school 1980s sign
Microcenter and frys
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