Monday, February 20th 2017

AMD vs. NVIDIA Flamewar Claims its First IRL Fatality

A Russian man was convicted for murdering his friend over an argument they had over whose graphics card brand is better. Although this incident happened about a year ago, a court placed on official record that the fight that led to the murder was over graphics card brand loyalties. Aleksander Trofimov, hacked his friend Evgeny Lylin to death with a knife as things got heated way out of control between them. The two were under the influence of alcohol. Trofimov, got so offended by his friend's arguments over which GPU brand's cooling solution is better, that he stabbed him 11 times with a knife. Maybe keep your flame-wars on the Internet, where mods with bansticks can sort you out. We stab only your ego.
Source: FragHero
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73 Comments on AMD vs. NVIDIA Flamewar Claims its First IRL Fatality

Who was supporting which brand though?
Posted on Reply
btarunrA Russian man was convicted for murdering his friend over an argument they had over whose graphics card brand is better. Although this incident happened about a year ago, a court placed on official record that the fight that led to the murder was over graphics card brand loyalties. Aleksander Trofimov, hacked his friend Evgeny Lylin to death with a knife as things got heated way out of control between them. The two were under the influence of alcohol. Trofimov, got so offended by his friend's arguments over which GPU brand's cooling solution is better, that he stabbed him 11 times with a knife. Maybe keep your flame-wars on the Internet, where mods with bansticks can sort you out. We stab only your ego.
Source: FragHero
Best part.
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CounterZeusWho was supporting which brand though?
"Aleksander ended up murdering his friend for claiming that AMD was better."

The murderer was an nVidia fanboy apparently.
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Posted on Reply
Yeah man, Nvidia all the way! Only I wouldn't murder anyone though if they use AMD.....
Each their own!
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btarunrTrofimov, got so offended by his friend's arguments over which GPU brand's cooling solution is better, that he stabbed him 11 times with a knife.
What the hell, ah say, what the hell, son? </foghornleghorn>
It's great that the booze levels @ TPU are low or non-existent, otherwise there would be a murder-spree in this thread... :p
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P4-630Only I wouldn't murder anyone though if they use AMD.....
Only that ... the rest is the same? :laugh: I kid of course ... the thought that crossed my mind ... if only 1000 series were cheaper, a life could have been saved :shadedshu:
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Ahh crazy Ruskies, their land is already in strife and this just tops it all off. They're just killing each other off slowly.
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I don't understand why this incident even took place. Obviously Nvidia is better. Damn fools...Smh.
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Super Intoxicated Moderator
I think we require a new term for such behaviour. Fanboy doesn't quite cut it. What about, 'sub intelligent degenerate'?
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the54thvoidI think we require a new term for such behaviour. Fanboy doesn't quite cut it. What about, 'sub intelligent degenerate'?
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In one of the Russian posts I read it was that they were arguing which workstation card was better. They were programmers after all.
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Alcohol is the hardest drug on disposal and all others , which are lighter class for the whole class are prohibited in the interest for the manipulation of people as more raise awareness than cause addiction but everything in overdose is harmful even bread contains black croissants or pure LSD They can be dangerous. All the rest is in a human. EGO . Only Nixson can go to China !
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Ferrum Master
Why it isn't mentioned that he disposed the body into desert and later burned :D.
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FragHeroAleksander Trofimov, 37, hacked his friend to deathwith a knife, after hitting him twice in the head. His friend, Evgeny Lylin, died instantly as a result. The murderer was so offended at the victim, he stabbed his dead body 11 times after a while.
He did wait until he was dead to stab him so he didn't feel it
FragHeroThis led to the discussion about which cooler of a GPU is better, nVidia or AMD. The discussion soon took a turn for the worst and Aleksander ended up murdering his friend for claiming that AMD was better.
Full of Hot Air
Green with Envy
Bleed Red til Dead
EVGA cooling on his VRM temper

The Way Its Meant To Be Slayed
GFE - GeForce Execution
Ferrum MasterWhy it isn't mentioned that he disposed the body into desert and later burned :D.
The russian account is horrible.. He really thought it through.
StolicaHe later admitted to the investigator that then instantly sobered up and realized that he needed to hide a corpse.
He was sober when he wrapped him up and put him in the trunk
StolicaThe man decided to take the dead man in the wasteland of the plant "Rezinotekhnika"
Hes sober dumps his body goes to sleep wakes up and then goes back to burn it
StolicaThe next day, burned the dead man's body
Posted on Reply
fighting over GPu brands is beyond being stupid... evryone knows that AMD is the best - nothing to fight here :D
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Ferrum Master
Actually he stroked with a meat axe first... the knife was used only later... to be sure...
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As a Russian I find this disgusting and shameful. You can behold the result of intellectuals’ purges, gulags, and 80 years of Communism.

I hate 95% of population of my country, because most of them are sadly Lumpenproletariat and its descendants.

Love the amount of Russopobic hate in the comments. Keep it coming haters. :laugh:
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Mentally ill people make me sad. :(
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I have to say, the guy who got killed, actually knew how to trigger his friend. Too bad he died while grinding his friend's gears.
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jigar2speedI have to say, the guy who got killed, actually knew how to trigger his friend. Too bad he died while grinding his friend's gears.
Just look at the face of killer, "highly" intellectual. I am surprised he could communicate like a human.
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Big Member
Just proves NVIDIA always wins!
EarthDogMentally ill people make me sad. :(
How boring the world would be if everyone was mentally stable. You wouldn't have me for instance.
Posted on Reply
Perfect word
"" Rasputin's"
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