Thursday, February 23rd 2017

AMD Ryzen 5 Six-Core Processors to Launch in Q2-2017
AMD plans to launch six-core variants of its upcoming Ryzen processors in the second quarter of 2017 (April-June). This would mean that on March 2nd, you will be able to choose from only the top-tier eight-core Ryzen 7 series parts. The more cost-effective Ryzen 3 series will launch in the second half of 2017 (after June). Priced at $329, $399, and $499, the Ryzen 7-1800X, 1700X, and 1700 will likely cater to the high-end market, as they are priced either on par or greater than Intel Core i7-7700K. The 1700X and 1800X, according to AMD, even compete with Intel's larger HEDT Core i7 socket LGA2011v3 parts. Our older article, which deals with the pricing of the Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 3 series SKUs, reveals that some of these parts, such as the Ryzen 5-1600X offer very compelling value propositions at their price-points.
27 Comments on AMD Ryzen 5 Six-Core Processors to Launch in Q2-2017
And there is some crazy stuff like Zen + Vega + HBM2 APU planned too... ^^ "6 cores should be enough for everyone" (c) Bill Gates
On a serious note, 6 core seems to be a new 4 core. Number of things that can put it to good use is quickly growing.
The current AMD APU are still better than Intel at the low end, also I'd assume the retailers & AMD will start clearing the old stock so one can have them cheap(er) than Intel's lowest SKU.
In other news :D
Think about it mate, we are going in the direction of 4k @ 144hz. Higher resolution needs better GPU, not CPU. What else you think is gonna happen CPU wise on gaming? you tell me, when all the focus is in providing 4k right now.
1) Intel itself "is getting raped by Intel", if you compare 8 cores to 4 cores
2) There seem to be quite a mess with mainboards. German site reported 4 to 26% higher FPS (17% on average) after BIOS update:
Verglichen mit dem ursprünglichen Bios steigert das neue UEFI die Bildrate in unserem Spiele-Parcours zwischen plus 4 und plus 26 Prozent, im Mittel gar um plus 17 Prozent! Angesichts dieses gewaltigen Leistungszuwachses mussten wir Gewissheit haben, dass unsere Werte korrekt sind, und haben mit den Asus-Boards nachgemessen. Damit erreichen wir einen Hauch mehr Geschwindigkeit in Games als mit der aktualisierten MSI-Platine.
3) CPUs importance for gaming is VASTLY overrated. You don't buy 300$+ CPU to run games at 1080p. And even if you do, you don't really care if it is 83 or 96 frames per second.
Anti underdog sentiments are pathetic.
Also even at 60fps I´ve seen benchmarks where Ryzen had way lower minimum fps than Intel, and minimum fps is what defines a good experience. So yes I was right from the beggining and I´m not anti underdog. I´m Pro Consumer. I don´t have to defend amd just because they are a lower budget company. That makes 0 sense and enter in fanboyism territory. I care about myself and my needs, not about a company.