Saturday, January 13th 2007

Half Life: Episode Two will come to Half Life: Orange

The people who designed Half Life must have figured that they should not call the version of Half Life going onto consoles just "Half Life: Episode Two", especially when it ccomes with so much more than that. And so, Valve will release a bundle of Half-Life 2, Episodes One and Two, Team Fortress, and Portal as one big "Half Life: Orange". It should come to at least the Xbox360 and PC, but may also come to the PS3.
Source: 1Up
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13 Comments on Half Life: Episode Two will come to Half Life: Orange

Azn Tr14dZ
Ooh! I would get this on my Xbox 360 over the PC! I feel more comfortable playing on Xbox Live that's why...but good news to Xbox 360 owners.
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Bird of Prey
Alright, it will look awesome on the PS3.
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Man it's tough for me to use a game pad in a First Person Shooter.
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Azn Tr14dZ
WarEagleAUAlright, it will look awesome on the PS3.
NO! Xbox 360:mad:
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Azn Tr14dZ
EastCoasthandleMan it's tough for me to use a game pad in a First Person Shooter.
The Xbox 360 Controller isn't that bad for FPS, it's better than the Dual-Shocks/SIXAXIS of the PS2/PS3.
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Azn Tr14dZThe Xbox 360 Controller isn't that bad for FPS, it's better than the Dual-Shocks/SIXAXIS of the PS2/PS3.
There's a simple test. Grab a 360 controller and a PS3 controller. Hold one of the controllers in your hands for 5 seconds (pressing buttons and control sticks), then do the same with the other controller. You will like the 360 controller much, much more. It's much more comfortable than the PS3 controllers.
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZOoh! I would get this on my Xbox 360 over the PC! I feel more comfortable playing on Xbox Live that's why...but good news to Xbox 360 owners.
I'm going to get this for both the PC, and the Xbox360 - PC for playing singleplayer, and Xbox360 for multiplayer.

... we'll I'm only going to buy episode 2 for the PC, because I already have HL2 and EP1.
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Azn Tr14dZ
BenpiI'm going to get this for both the PC, and the Xbox360 - PC for playing singleplayer, and Xbox360 for multiplayer.

... we'll I'm only going to buy episode 2 for the PC, because I already have HL2 and EP1.
I know what you're saying...the Xbox Live Community is great.
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id say its best for pc because GoldeneEye : source ftw!, what an awsome free mod for halflife 2 that is.
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Next thing we'll here is that after Episode 3, Half Life 3 will be only on consoles :mad:

On the controller note, the xbox/xbox 360 design is so much better than the dual shock/SIXAXIX design. The triggers and thumbsticks are far better. I havent actually used sixaxis yet, but if its similar to previous versions, it will suck.
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ghost101 lol I have no clue why your thinking that when HL2 Orange comes out for PC and 360. And they have no clue if they are going to release it on PS3 let alone the Wii.
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where the hell are my stars
the ps2 controller is easier to use IMO much simpler lay out and if holding it bothers you they make full size ones by madcatz that feel better in your hand
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cdawall, ps2/3(and even 1) controlers are made for little kids, and honestly after HOURS on both types ofconrtolers, xbx's controlers are just more comfy, no hand fatuge(well other then thumbs :P)

i personaly like the orignal xbox controler better then the smaller version they came out with later, but i also have big hands ;)

i got an adapter for the xbox controler for usb, but somebody stole my xbox controler!!!!!! my buddys giving me one thats got a dead rummble unit, i will fix it and use that for games that play better with a controler!!!

i still say keyboard+mouse=FPS GOD!!!!!!!! not to mention RTS and RPG!!!!, i have seen people at large lanpartys totaly owning everybody else(100+ people playing ut2k4,tribes1/2, and other fps games) these people where ALWASE using keyboard and mouse, and in many cases they where using cheapo keyboards and logitech mice(lanparty gear!!!!) had a guy who had over 80:1 kill to death ratio, nobody in the top 20(top 20 got "rewards) used a controler, all keyboard+mouse.

asi i have said b4, consols suck, real gamers are pc gamers!!!!
consols have 1 gengra of games that makes them worthwhile for some fun FIGHT GAMES!!!!! love doa2/3 and sole calibre!!!
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