Wednesday, February 28th 2007
CompUSA to Shut Almost 130 Stores
Circuit City has already announced earlier this year that it plans to close a number of its stores in the US and Canada, and now CompUSA is next on the list - only in a more serious way. The company intends to close 126 of its stores altogether, which will leave only 109 stores in the USA and Puerto Rico. The process got underway last week and is expected to take about between two and three months to complete. CompUSA has struggled to compete with rivals Best Buy and Circuit City in recent years, and increased competition from online stores such as Newegg has forced it to close some of its low-performance or non-strategic stores.
29 Comments on CompUSA to Shut Almost 130 Stores
They had a HECK of a clearance though:
E.G.-> I picked up a SamSung 250gb SATA 2 diskdrive for datastorage for ONLY $60 or thereabouts...
My pal was w/ me & picked up a SamSung 160gb SATA 2 for ONLY $30!!!
... & I could not beat that, so I bought it from him for $35 (still a good deal for that much space imo, even today)!
One guy bought like 200 of the larger one while we were there & that's how I knew it was a great price (He's probably fencing them on EBay now, lol)!
* Yes, it was THAT GOOD OF A DEAL (unreal imo, especially considering it was quite a few months back now).
(Sometimes, closings ARE a 'good thing', for consumers @ least - but, it sux in that I used to go there as part of my 'mall shopping trips' etc., & it's not there anymore!)
P.S.=> IMO? The internet & places like,, & the like are KILLING retail stores for sales: a new business model is killing an old traditional one... apk
If you are willing to shop online and wait a few days for the delivery, then Newegg will save you a lot of money over the retail stores.
P.S. There are a few things I do not like to buy online. LCD monitors and laptops being a couple of those items. Also, I tend to buy things like ink cartridges, CD-R's and DVD-R's from retail stores simply because when I run out I do not want to wait 2-3 days for a delivery. So, I do look for the retail stores at times. Maybe they need to focus more on their high-sale items and less on the other items. ??????
I use CompUSA though & stores like it as well for softwares, specifically GAMES!
Best Buy (around here @ least) tends NOT to carry "high-end enough" componentry for myself, & doubtless, this is the same for you guys as well... @ least the "performance-oriented fiends" here amongst us (most of us, lol).
P.S.=> For high-end computer parts, the best stores I have ever seen (in both Atlanta Ga. & Long Island NY) were MICROCENTERS... apk
i use newegg only use compusa when its an emergancy
i understand compusa is a store and they need over head but when you can get a 8800gtx on new egg for 569. vs compusa for like 650..
thats seriously almost 100 dollars (U.S) differnce
insane :shadedshu
* I see you live there - I was in Mobile on a job for a month or two, & loved the place!
(I went shrimping & crabbing on the Gulf of Mexico for a bit, & learned something in the way of survival skills on that note, & that the Gulf is like only 10-15 ft. deep, for MILES into it, until it hits the ocean)
Beautiful country, BIG city, & cool folks all the way around imo!
P.S.=> I wanted to see a "Jubilee" but, never got to (wrong time of year I guess)... & I drove thru a monsoon while getting there, & @ night (hell as you know driving @ nite in rain as is, worse like that in monsoon)... but, it did PROVE that "Rain X", really works! I turned off my wiper blades & the rain just streamed off of the windshield, AND I could see just fine... apk
compusa looses smart sales people(like me) because the managment for the most part lacks respect for said people and would rather hire more noobs who will work for min wage.
worse one i saw was compusa assimbled pc a lady brought in, it was so poorly assimbled(she got her parts on newegg from a list her son gave her and had compusa build it) the parts where acctualy pretty decent, but lord, the smuch who installed it only used 3 board standofs on a FULL atx board(10 mount holes) used the foam protector from the static bad to keep the board from shorting out on the case, put the drives on the wrong connectors(you never used 3rd party controler if the chipset based one works fine.....)
took me about 2hrs to rebuild and setup the box, ended up having to solder the case to hold the standoffs in because the case they sold her at compusa was crap, pre striped mount holes, at least she got the parts that came with the case when she picked up the comp(she had to ask for them)
she was quite happy with our work and took a letter i wrote over to comp usa with some digital pictures (printed) showing the assimbly job that they had done, she thretened to sue them for fraud, they gave her the assimbly fee back eventuly.(bet somebody got fired, probbly not the person who screwed up tho)
i wish newegg would open a shop up arond here ;)
check out
those 3 places are CLOSE to here, infact there are a slew more in the area as well some with no website, nwca cant be beet for cable prices i got a 300foot cat6e xover cable for 22bucks :)
I was looking for a new cooler for my brothers HPiece of crap. The fan wasn't spinning as it was locked up and the HS was full of their cats hair and lint. It would lock up when doing more than listening to a CD or surfing the net.
They tried selling me a few different items and everything I told them went in one ear and out the other.
& SO, what do you get?
JUBILEE - tons of free fish, shrimp, crabs, you-name-it, for the taking!
FAR better in that capacity, but also, because folks there have LARGE money usually & buy HIGH-END, like mad...
but you can buy from, except the porn ;)