Thursday, July 30th 2020

Arm China Goes Rogue, Ex-CEO Blocking the Business

Arm Ltd., owned by Softbank, has a division specially tailored for China, called Arm China. That division used to operate in Shenzen and it cooperated with Chinese customers. Today in a surprising turn of events, we have information that UK-based Arm Ltd. accuses Arm China ex-CEO of blocking its business, as the Chinese division goes rogue. The Arm China division used to have Mr. Allen Wu as its CEO, who was fired back in June. However, Mr. Wu has refused to cooperate and refused to step down from his position, remaining in control of the business without the consent of UK-based headquarters.

The situation has escalated to a point where Mr. Wu is "propagating false information and creating a culture of fear and confusion among Arm China employees," says Arm in a statement for Bloomberg. "Allen's focus on his own self-preservation has also put China semiconductor innovation at risk as he has attempted to block the critical communication and support our China partners require from Arm for ongoing and future chip designs." It is also said that Mr. Wu has refused to hold an event meant to connect Chinese chipmakers to Arm Ltd. He has hired personal security so no Arm Ltd. representatives can get to him. It is a waiting game to see how well Arm Ltd. can manage this situation, so we have to wait and see.
Source: Bloomberg
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70 Comments on Arm China Goes Rogue, Ex-CEO Blocking the Business

R-T-Bactually, it's MIPS they've been using, not ARM.

And can we cut the OT Trump dialog?
MIPS is like the third/spare wheel in a bicycle having x86 at the front & ARM at the back, they're no better than VIA in a 2 horse race led by Intel vs AMD, or say Intel in the GPU race between NVIDIA vs AMD :laugh:

Basically MIPS is useless for serious computing power, especially in the general computing (PC) & enterprise space so China's best bet is ARM & HiSilicon.
trparkyNo, I can blame them, and I will blame them. Local business is the lifeblood of a community, it's what gives communities vibrance. Take that away and you have nothing more than just corporate this and corporate that and where's the fun in that?
Yup, imagine waking up in 2020 & thinking somehow this isn't your fault! Everyone is responsible for the mess we're in, though when apportioning blame Politicians & greedy business owners are likely on the top by a country mile!

I'll give you more examples, in the West especially in the US there are lax return policies & what some term as better consumer laws, you know what people use exploit them for ~ returning items they find cheaper elsewhere say $5 or even less at times because your favorite store i.e. Amazon, Walmart, Newegg, Best Buy won't always price match! Don't like something ~ don't worry return it free of cost to Amazon, Walmart even after the return period is over citing <reasons> & getting a full refund. Who do you think pays for this egregious exploitation of natural resources ~ your friendly slave labor in China i.e. Uighurs, sweatshops in much of Asia, LatAm, Africa etc.

You want to do something about it, how about effin stop buying things you don't need? Stop thinking it's just your money & there's no consequences to any of your actions!
Now quoting FMA ~
life has no equal trade, maybe you can give up all you got, and get nothing back.
For your convenience someone is perhaps not losing their life, but sure as hell being exploited in third world sh!tholes because you have to maintain that lifestyle & you absolutely cannot live without the riches you think you deserve! When people say immigrants drive down wages in the West, where the heck do they think Corporations get their (increased) profits from or your cheap items?

Stop putting your head in the sand ~ you are absolutely responsible for this mess & unless you mend your ways or lifestyle blaming just China, the US or greedy companies will not do a damn thing! Yet another famous quote, except from MKG ~
If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him… We need not wait to see what others do.
The part about everyone being responsible obviously includes everyone, even consumers in the developing world.
Posted on Reply
R0H1TEveryone is responsible for the mess we're in, though when apportioning blame Politicians & greedy business owners are likely on the top by a country mile!
Sadly... yes, I know this.
Posted on Reply
yotano211So when is the next asteroid due to mash into earth?
You mean the reset button? Imagine this paradox meteor makes us extinct and some other life form eventually emerges exhumes our corpses and burns us as fossil fuel.
Posted on Reply
R0H1TYes except the "People's army" has at least 1000x more soldiers & probably 1000000x more clout in China & yes totally agree this move is likely backed by CCP ergo China!

Talking about this btw as ARM is quintessential to China's move away from x86 & the US.
ARM Ltd is owned by Japan's Softbank. VIA's X86 CPU design is owned by Taiwan (the other China).
Posted on Reply
VIA is still an independent entity IIRC, what you're talking about is perhaps Zhaoxin who're majority China owned. As for their (latest) designs, they're part of the JV.
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InVasManiYou mean the reset button? Imagine this paradox meteor makes us extinct and some other life form eventually emerges exhumes our corpses and burns us as fossil fuel.
I'm sure the dinosaurs where thinking the same things 66 million years ago.
Posted on Reply
trparkyThat's true.

No, I can blame them, and I will blame them. Local business is the lifeblood of a community, it's what gives communities vibrance. Take that away and you have nothing more than just corporate this and corporate that and where's the fun in that?
It was a figure of speech.
Yes, in the end they are responsible for Wal-Mart being successful, that much is true if it's taken in the absolute literal sense.

However.... Some families had it rough and really had no choice but to buy from the cheapest place they could find and Wal-Mart back then wasn't associated (By perception) with China the way they are now.
I grew up in such a family so I know how it was firsthand. You got what you could from wherever you could afford and that was it.

I can promise you if they had known then what we know now, things would have been different today.

BTW this is starting to slide way off topic.... Just sayin.
I know when it comes down to it, China will take all advantage of ARM if they can. The guy that's refusing to leave (To me) is probrably doing it because he was told to in no uncertain terms.
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yotano211I'm sure the dinosaurs where thinking the same things 66 million years ago.
Now wouldn't that be a paradox within a paradox huh?
Posted on Reply
R0H1TBasically MIPS is useless for serious computing power, especially in the general computing (PC) & enterprise space so China's best bet is ARM & HiSilicon.
That ship has sailed. They literally took first place in supercomputers a while back using their Loongson custom MIPS chips. So yeah. It's what they did. They never wanted nor cared for ARM. They probably went for MIPS because the holdets of the intellectual property are financially weaker.
Posted on Reply
And ARM topped the supercomputer list just recently, which then will be headed by AMD (x86) in the near future. There's a reason why I said "serious computing power" & general computing in the same sentence. Between ARM & x86 ecosystem, they probably command 90-95% of all profits in the computing space. How many billions do Chinese phone makers make by selling ARM based smartphones, now tell me how many using MIPS? Sure if you're counting specific applications or edge cases including super computing, something like an A100 is unmatched or say the upcoming TPU3. So unless your idea of self sustenance or moving away from x86 is sticking to an inferior technology, yes for all intents & purposes MIPS is indeed inferior, & hoping the rest of the world will move to MIPS over the next few decades I don't see how your idea is sound to me. Again military or academia there's MIPS, RISC-V & a whole host of other alternatives, ~ that however won't bring the trillions of dollars worth of exports China relies on, many of which come from the two I highlighted.
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InVasManiNow wouldn't that be a paradox within a paradox huh?
All Of This Has Happened Before And Will Happen Again
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watzupkenIn my opinion, this is the risk of operating in China. When things goes south, foreign companies have little control over the situation there. There is also no international organization that can exercise any authority there.
if i understand it correctly, ARM gina only handles relations within gina. can't the main office just cut them off?
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NaterNo. He's the only thing standing between US Citizens and China. We've been getting sold out for 40 years before he showed up.
Cool story bro. Still, stop. It's offtopic.
R0H1TAnd ARM topped the supercomputer list just recently, which then will be headed by AMD (x86) in the near future.
Doesn't matter, China choose it's racecar and considering I keep in touch with some of the processor devs, I can confidently say they are sticking to it. There's a lot more to a chip than the ISA anyways. It's the microarchitecture and funding holding them back more than the ISA now.
Posted on Reply
Sure, except you quoted the part where I said ARM is quintessential to China's move away from x86 ~ which still holds 100% true. MIPS will not replace or complement either x86 nor ARM, for mass market or servers, in the near to medium term unless you're saying they plan to switch over completely to MIPS in the next few years & pour literally trillions of dollars moving 180° from the rest of the world? Who knows what happens twenty years down the line but I don't see MIPS being anywhere near the two, at least by the end of this decade.
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I do have to ask one silly question... What about RISC-V? Will that go anywhere besides small-time things?
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Icon CharlieWhen will corporations learn that when dealing with China you are dealing with the Devil. I can say this due to my dealings with the Pacific Rim. The rest of the Western World should be listening to what Japan is doing. I won't go back to China because of the real threat of losing your IP.
My friend who had a pillow design that sold well on Amazon one day found many copies of his design being sold on Amazon from Chinese sellers. He had to hire a virtual assistant to help him out with complaining to Amazon and take down listings from Chinese sellers, his pillow design was patented in the US and Europe.
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R0H1TSure, except you quoted the part where I said ARM is quintessential to China's move away from x86 ~ which still holds 100% true. MIPS will not replace or complement either x86 nor ARM, for mass market or servers, in the near to medium term unless you're saying they plan to switch over completely to MIPS in the next few years & pour literally trillions of dollars moving 180° from the rest of the world?
That is their publically available battle plan, yes. They already have a few consumer MIPs notebooks being pushed on their population based on it too (they do some kind of x86 translation in hardware too).

ARM isn't even on their scanners as of now. I think they see the foreignness of MIPS as a benefit, frankly. I don't think they trust ARM.

You can track their basic progress here, though it is quite dated (it ends about circa 2012):
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