Sunday, March 11th 2007

Seagate (still) dominates hard drive market
Despite recent releases of flash-based storage that holds as much as a hard drive needs to, the hard drive business is still alive and well. For those of you who don't know (like me), Maxtor was recently aquired by Seagate. This gave Seagate quite a nice boost in sales. The rest of the story is told by the chart below, which was made by iSupply.
Nordic Hardware
25 Comments on Seagate (still) dominates hard drive market
wat happend to maxtor
maxtor drives are crap
seagate has always made good drives, so has western digital, which is number 2 on the list
however samsungs are the quietest AND coolest i've used (got maxtor and wd in my other rigs)
Maxtor's DiamondMax plus were known to be great hdds...and were the first to be for the budget users (break the $1/gb)
Samsung T166 has PRM too iirc, is TEH QUIET but can vibrate. But nothing easier than decoupling HDDs.
i have a 500gb drive in mine and it is louder than the other 3 western digital drives combined
i have never had a maxtor last longer than a year, and their rma processes has got to be the biggest pain in the ass i have evern experienced
heh I find my psu loud aswell when its said to be silent... though I think its mainly the case that alows sound to travel out.
Quiet, besides the clickin which is fine since it lets me know its workin hard
you might want to fix the link..i get garbled text.
Damn it for us Firefox users!:banghead:
The HDDs either die within a year or they last years.:p
However, they were acquired by Seagate. Which is why Seagate now has the higher numbers.
And the reason you hear about more maxtor deaths is one simple reason, Higher market share.
They ship more drives overall, so overall there will be more failures, but that does not mean a higher failure rate.
Also, Maxtor drives are not used in many pre-built systems. Like dell using seagates, so when those drives do fail, you never hear about it because the user is uneducated about it.
i think maxtor is gonna aim for the OEM market now...rather than retail.
Merrill Lynch did a report on the HDD market that's pretty interesting. Talks about trends in the market, upcoming technologies, forecasted prices and talks about whether or not flash poses any real risk to the HDD vendors.