Wednesday, February 17th 2021
Bitcoin Breaks $50,000 Barrier, Hitting the Highest Value Ever
Cryptocurrency has in the past few years gained a lot of popularity, mostly fueled by Bitcoin's rapid growth and its massive price increasing over time. Today, Bitcoin, the world's leading cryptocurrency, has managed to make history and broke the record of 50,000 USD. As of now, on February 17th at 07:00 UTC, Bitcoin has reached 50,452.60 USD value. What is driving the price up you must wonder? It is the market adoption of the currency. Tesla Inc. has invested 1.5 billion USD in Bitcoin as it intends to accept it as payment for its products. Next up is Mastercard, which is preparing to support cryptocurrency on its network. In addition to Mastercard, Apple is also preparing its services for cryptocurrency payments. Right now, the market cap of Bitcoin is $935,359,977,182 at the time of writing, just shy of one trillion USD.
94 Comments on Bitcoin Breaks $50,000 Barrier, Hitting the Highest Value Ever
The technology for crypto can and is already implemented in services. Bitcoin is already history in terms of 'fueling' that development, alt coins have taken over those reins, and fund further refinements.
As for organized crime, they are always at the forefront of adopting new ways of hiding or laundering their money. Don't be fooled by clichés of mafiosos with suitcases full of cash - they might well have those too, but their best friends are bankers, shell companies and bitcoin exchanges. And they're not afraid of losing their money, as money laundering typically has massive costs - a 10:1 rate from unlaundered to laundered money is a good outcome, so if you lose 90% of your drug money yet cash out in "clean" money that's still a win for them.
Would of had a decent amount of money by now heh.
The current bitcoin price is a bubble sure, but I do not believe anything is organized when it comes to bitcoin or any crypto. From what i've seen, its a casino.
Is anyone able to create a cryptocurrency that behaves predictably like a currency but is not tied to $/€? I don't know.
Elon is very talented in manipulating investors.
I wont cover every stupid post i've seen in here but i'll cover the surface of what i see wrong here.
There are over 8000 cryptos right now, BTC is far from alone. Some if not most of these have actual working product (working right now, adding more later) or are in the making of a product. Some other are just currency that want to become the money of the future. But, i have to agree that some crypto are just shit coins, they exist.
All the post i see in here like "it's a lottery", "it's a ponzy", "only for money laundering" and i can just quote and quote and quote on every non-sense that I've seen here. All these comment sound like people that have read a single article about BTC/Crypto stating the said shit and they stopped here.... and now just repeat the same shit every time they see CRYPTO anywhere.
Educate yourself, read LOTS of article about LOTS of project on the crypto universe. THEN, if you still think they are all piece of junk get back with valid fact.
FYI : Right now you can make your everyday grocery with crypto. Right now there are games, casino, software and more running on crypto as their "transaction database/currency". There are lots of working product and currency running with crypto and it's been like that for quite some time now. It's just growing and growing.
People keep saying that it's a Ponzi scheme because of the colossal amount of scams and services that went bust or which have stolen money related to crypto, I don't have to list them all I am sure you're well aware of them. And if you want to argue that it has nothing to do with crypto itself I am still not buying it (pun not intended), it's the nature of crypto which enables these massive scams to be executed so freely and effective.
And lastly, I can buy exactly jack shit with crypto where I live and I doubt this is any different in 99.99% of places.