Thursday, March 4th 2021

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti to Have Crippled Crypto-Mining Performance
NVIDIA's upcoming GeForce RTX 3080 Ti graphics card is likely to feature a hardware hash-rate limiter, much like the recently launched RTX 3060, according to kopite7kimi, a reliable source for NVIDIA rumors. The hash-rate limiter ensures that that crypto-currency mining performance of the card is significantly lower than what its hardware is capable of, so it doesn't remain viable for miners. The limiter works through a secure key exchange between the video BIOS, system firmware, and the driver; so driver-level modifications wouldn't affect it.
The RTX 3080 Ti is being launched to fill the large price-performance gorge between the RTX 3080 and RTX 3090. Its rumored specifications wildly swing between a 12 GB memory setup maxing out the 384-bit memory interface of the "GA102" silicon; and 20 GB of it across a narrower 320-bit wide interface. The card allegedly features 80 out of 84 streaming multiprocessors (40 out of 42 TPCs) enabled, working out to 10,240 CUDA cores, 80 RT cores, and 320 Tensor cores. Below is a picture of the RTX 3090 Founders Edition.
kopite7kimi (Twitter), via VideoCardz
The RTX 3080 Ti is being launched to fill the large price-performance gorge between the RTX 3080 and RTX 3090. Its rumored specifications wildly swing between a 12 GB memory setup maxing out the 384-bit memory interface of the "GA102" silicon; and 20 GB of it across a narrower 320-bit wide interface. The card allegedly features 80 out of 84 streaming multiprocessors (40 out of 42 TPCs) enabled, working out to 10,240 CUDA cores, 80 RT cores, and 320 Tensor cores. Below is a picture of the RTX 3090 Founders Edition.
75 Comments on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti to Have Crippled Crypto-Mining Performance
as long as I can get one for msrp anyway...
So if you have something in the range of 1060 you are fine for a long time, no need to upgrade.
Then there's the shortages of substrates, water shortages in thailand, and 7nm production bottlenecks. Everything from AMD is out of stock, and miners are not using them. I've yet to see a picture of a single miner farm using AMD hardware. It isn tjust miners doing this.
But no, it's all the miners fault. You'd be fine anyway. Most of this power is targeted at 4k, and somewhat less 1440p. My vega 64 still runs fine maxed out at 1440p and that's only 1080 level. If you dont need ultra everything and max AA then even the 980 can still hand at 1080p.
Graphics have long hit the point of good enough, and newer hardware is focused on higher framerates at high resolution. IF you are still gaming at 60 FPS then you really dont NEED that newer hardware. It's FOMO at its finest.
at present ebay seems to be the only free market price discovery mechanism.. the average gamer does seem somewhat shocked at this even if it is the way the world works..
the ebay price for readily available but mining gimped 3060 in the UK seems to be around £700 quid.. i would guess about the same in the US but in dollars.. UK prices carry 20% tax..
the bottom line for gamer or miner seem to be.. pay the going price or go without..
at present i have a spare 2080 ti card sat on my table.. when i get round to doing it.. it will go on ebay.. i recon it should fetch £1150 quid.. which is about £100 more than the 3080 card i bought about five weeks back.. :)
Perhaps the people waiting in line now with cash in their hands should buy NVIDIA stock instead and sell later this year around December? With the profits made and those then deducted from the MSRP of GPU's proffered at that time, one may be lucky to landing a 3080ti at the price now being estimated it will then or ultimately be marketed for? One of the Bangladesh boys at our local stripcenter PC shop said: "You have to have patience my friend, it will save you money and aggravation. Besides the cash is better in your pocket then with NVIDIA. Remember though the pricing for GPU's will only go one way and that is up."
Perhaps the people waiting in line now with cash in their hands should buy NVIDIA stock instead and sell later this year around December? With the profits made and those then deducted from the MSRP of GPU's proffered at that time, one may be lucky to landing a 3080ti at the price now being estimated it will then or ultimately be marketed for? One of the Bangladesh boys at our local stripcenter PC shop said: "You have to have patience my friend, it will save you money and aggravation. Besides the cash is better in your pocket then with NVIDIA. Remember though the pricing for GPU's will only go one way and that is up."
Oh and the profits oriented whiners .... try and understand that company officers are legally required to maximize profits. That's like complaining about a shark that "eats things". Go to fish market .... fish that are commomplace are cheap ... and they gotta sell them before they go bad. Fish that are out of season or just a low harvest week cost more. Don't like the cost for swordfish ? ... don't buy it .... when it sits on the shelves, the prices will drop. Everybody is trying to keep the doors open and in a pandemic thats harder. If you are sellng X number of cards a week, you can live with a Y % markup .... when ya sellong 20% of X to pay the bills, you need to charge 5 times as much. But when they stop selling, the doors close so taking a loss is better than closing the doors.
Since GFX cards became a thing, there have always been workstation cards and gaming cards .... same hardware different firmware and drivers. Making separate cards gamers and other commerical oriented users is the historical norm, not a new thing.
Detecting the algorithm is not like a switch.
CMP just takes usable chips away from real cards...
ANY chip that is being used in a Mining Card is a Chip that is NOT going into a gaming card... Still with me ???
Nvidia is trying to make more money.. they DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT where the money comes from ;)... if they can sell a Miner card that has NO resell value and therefore cannot affect Future Card sales they dont care about gamers ;)...
Any miner card is just waste... a Gamer card being used as a mining card will eventually sold and some lucky gamer will get a decent card cheaply secondhand... which also helps to drive down the value of New cards as there is less demand...
CMP that doesnt happen... CMP is REALLY bad for gamers.... and pretty bad for Miners (no resell value)
These die orders would never have been placed otherwise.
These mining GPU's were never going to exist for regular GPUs. Back off on the condescending attitude, you posted a link that literally says your view is backwards.