Thursday, April 5th 2007

Lenovo is the Greenest Electronics Manufacturer

Greenpeace has produced a new report in which it ranks Chinese-based computer manufacturer Lenovo as the world's most eco-friendly electronics firm, beating other environmentally friendly companies such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Dell and Samsung. Out of the fourteen different companies detailed in the report, Apple Inc. came last. The companies are ranked according to the amount of toxic chemicals that are used when producing their electronics, not how energy efficient the devices themselves are, something that is beginning to become a major problem in countries such as China where many of these electronic devices are manufactured. Unsurprisingly, Apple responded by saying "We disagree with Greenpeace's rating and the criteria" as part of a statement.

Here's the list in whole, with each company's score out of ten:
  • Lenovo - 8
  • Nokia - 7.3
  • Sony/Ericsson - 7
  • Dell - 7
  • Samsung - 6.3
  • Motorola - 6.3
  • Fujitsu/Siemens - 6
  • Hewlett Packard - 5.6
  • Acer - 5.3
  • Toshiba - 4.3
  • Sony - 4
  • LG Electronics - 3.6
  • Panasonic - 3.6
  • Apple - 2.7
Source: BBC News
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9 Comments on Lenovo is the Greenest Electronics Manufacturer

How comes that Dell and Apple are that far away from each other? As far as I know they hire the same companies, who then manufacture their products. Don't tell me the designs of Dell are three times 'greener' than Apple's!
A very ridiculous rating if you ask me and no, I am not an Apple fanboy!
Posted on Reply
nobody buys lenovo anyway
Posted on Reply
Benpinobody buys lenovo anyway
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Bird of Prey
Lenovo is greenest. Odd, Dell and HP are renowned (With Gateway now following) for recycling old PC components. Hmm, interesting indeed.
Posted on Reply
LoL, sorry can't take green peace seriously. After the whole Astoria/Washington bridge thing. NOW THAT WAS FUNNY! I still think the Coast Guard should have shot them down.

Apple wouldn't pay for Iphone why would they pay green peace.
Posted on Reply
Benpinobody buys lenovo anyway
small and large business are the biggest buyers of thinkpads. I have owned many T-series, and they are the best laptop i have ever used.
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ZalmannSave the whale!
Comments like this prove some of you are ignorant to current enviromental issues that you are immersed in, Open your eyes.

I find this to be great as people are no longer looking at solely end consumer enviromental friendlyness of a product, but more so the enviromental damage being done during the creation of the consumer product.

Good find Jimmy, props man :toast:
Posted on Reply
NamesDontMatterComments like this prove some of you are ignorant to current enviromental issues that you are immersed in, Open your eyes.

I find this to be great as people are no longer looking at solely end consumer enviromental friendlyness of a product, but more so the enviromental damage being done during the creation of the consumer product.

Good find Jimmy, props man :toast:
Oh, I am very much aware mate! Ignorant to environmental issues? What the hell would you know what others do, just be reading into one comment? What an asshole.
Posted on Reply
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