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Thursday, November 11th 2021

TechPowerUp NVCleanstall v1.12.0 Released

TechPowerUp today released the latest version of NVCleanstall, our popular utility that gives you much greater control over the installation of your GeForce software installation, letting you filter out several components you probably don't need, such as Telemetry. Version 1.11.0 introduces support for Windows 11. The utility will now recommend an upgrade from non-DCH to DCH drivers, because NVIDIA stopped releasing non-DCH drivers recently. A new tweak has been added, which when enabled, shows DLSS status and library version through an in-game overlay. Fixes and improvements include a notice when selecting the "Disable NVIDIA Container" option (that it will break NVIDIA Control Panel); bugs related to several third-party driver packages due to a case-sensitivity issue, etc.

DOWNLOAD: TechPowerUp NVCleanstall 1.12.0
Update Nov 11th: We just released NVCleanstall v1.12.0 to fix a bug that got introduced in v1.11.0: On systems with a language that doesn't use "." as decimal separator, an error "Input string is not in a correct format" would pop up.

The change-log follows.

  • Added support for Windows 11
  • NVIDIA no longer releases non-DCH drivers. NVCleanstall will now recommend an upgrade from non-DCH to DCH when a driver older than 496.13 is installed
  • On the final screen you may now pick multiple tasks from "Install", "Show in Folder" and "Build Package"
  • Added a Tweaks option to show DLSS status and version overlay in-game
  • Added notice to "Disable NVIDIA Container" option that clarifies that enabling it will break the NVIDIA Control Panel
  • Fixed issues with some third party driver packages due to case-sensitivity issue
  • Improved SFX creation flow to avoid race conditions
  • Fixed NVCleanstall window redraw hung for a few seconds after driver installation
  • To fix a compatibility issue with winget, NVCleanstall will now wait for the installer to complete before terminating
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33 Comments on TechPowerUp NVCleanstall v1.12.0 Released

Neat. It's nice to be able to so easily avoid (most) of Nvidia's bloated crapware and telemetry services.
Posted on Reply
It would be nice to know why changing something breaks nVIDIA Filters for my Warzone
Posted on Reply
Thank you for this fantastic software
Posted on Reply
DarkPoeIt would be nice to know why changing something breaks nVIDIA Filters for my Warzone
What is that "something" ?
Posted on Reply
Could you make it so this tool install's the DCH control panel when one doesnt have working MS store?
Posted on Reply
Getting a crash and unable to run the app with the following error: Input string is not in a correct format.
Posted on Reply
chrcolukCould you make it so this tool install's the DCH control panel when one doesnt have working MS store?
This is already supported, on the Tweaks page select "Install Control Panel"
SOGOKUGetting a crash and unable to run the app with the following error: Input string is not in a correct format.

Others have reported this, too. Are you on Windows 11 as well?
Posted on Reply
W1zzardThis is already supported, on the Tweaks page select "Install Control Panel"

Others have reported this, too. Are you on Windows 11 as well?
I have both installed it, and ran it to make a driver pack on my Windows 11 Pro x64 build 22000.318 machine. It worked perfectly.

However I did use a driver that I had already downloaded. But it did finish looking for the recommended driver version, and showed it...
Posted on Reply
SOGOKU‎Getting a crash and unable to run the application with the following error: The input string is not in a correct format.‎
‎The application crashes if at launch it detects a lightweight Nvidia driver already installed on the machine, I just tried on my other machine that has an intel graphics chipset, and the application works perfectly. again thank you to DCH drivers‎
Posted on Reply
MISTER_BENSONL'application plante si au lancement elle détecte un pilote Nvidia léger déjà installé sur la machine, je viens d'essayer sur mon autre machine qui a un chipset graphique intel, et l'application fonctionne parfaitement. again thank you to DCH drivers
SOGOKUGetting a crash and unable to run the app with the following error: Input string is not in a correct format.
Please download 1.12.0. It fixes this bug
Posted on Reply
BjørgerssonWhy not 1.11.1? :)
Already used by test builds that went to beta testers to help narrow down the issue :)

I use patch versions for internal/test releases and minor for public releases
Posted on Reply
AretakNeat. It's nice to be able to so easily avoid (most) of Nvidia's bloated crapware and telemetry services.
Indeed, although I usually unpack the driver and just plainly delete the "NvTelemetry" directory and it installs without network hog-ware.
Posted on Reply
W1zzardPlease download 1.12.0. It fixes this bug
Thank you W1zzard, it's solved now. And yes I'm using Win 11 US version, but I'm in Portugal.
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx

@W1zzard it says v1.12.0 released, but when you click the article it says v1.11.0 download. and that is the only download, i mean yeah it downs the 12 not 11, but its a typo just letting you know.
@btarunr <--- edit. my bad sorry w1zz thought it was your article
Posted on Reply

@W1zzard it says v1.12.0 released, but when you click the article it says v1.11.0 download. and that is the only download, i mean yeah it downs the 12 not 11, but its a typo just letting you know.
@btarunr <--- edit. my bad sorry w1zz thought it was your article
Thanks fixed the link. I'm offloading a lot of article writing work to @btarunr, so it's kinda both our article
Posted on Reply
W1zzardAlready used by test builds that went to beta testers to help narrow down the issue :)

I use patch versions for internal/test releases and minor for public releases
Oh, I see, thank you. :)
Posted on Reply
It's awesome to see TPU continue to produce this tool. Its this kind of dedication that keeps the enthusiast community going.
Posted on Reply
loracle706I preffer nvslimmer
Hey man, welcome to TPU!
Would you mind sharing your experience that make you prefer nvslimmer?
Knowing this could help improving NVCleanstall. :)
Posted on Reply
SomeOne99hHey man, welcome to TPU!
Would you mind sharing your experience that make you prefer nvslimmer?
Knowing this could help improving NVCleanstall. :)
With nvslimmer its more easy, we just check the features that we dont need and job is done, its rapid, easy and clear
Posted on Reply
AretakNeat. It's nice to be able to so easily avoid (most) of Nvidia's bloated crapware and telemetry services.
Yeah... Paying north of $3000 for a GPU just to get tons of bloatware and intrusive software disguised as 'drivers'. The nvidia privilege.

Kudos to the nvclean authors, though! The heroes we need but don't deserve.
Posted on Reply
zlobbyYeah... Paying north of $3000 for a GPU just to get tons of bloatware and intrusive software disguised as 'drivers'. The nvidia privilege.
Last I checked AMDs drivers are every bit as bad. Not that that is excusing it.
Posted on Reply
Kudos for that. I did have an issue related to MS Visual C++, but it might have been caused by my fairly aggressive firewall rules and I couldn't reproduce it even by downgrading to earlier driver using NVCleanstall 1.10.0 and again installing 496.49 with 1.12.0
Posted on Reply
loracle706With nvslimmer its more easy, we just check the features that we dont need and job is done, its rapid, easy and clear
NVCleanstall has the same functionality, and much more of course, like disable telemetry and all the other options on the Tweaks page.
Posted on Reply
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