Wednesday, April 18th 2007

Violent video games blamed for Virginia Tech slaughter

We can all agree that the tragic incident that happened at Virginia Tech was horrible. However, now is the time that we have to figure out what caused someone to kill this many peers, and how we can prevent this in the future. Unfortunately, as we've seen in the techPowerUp! Forums, this is something that people do not exactly agree on. Professional lawyers, as well as the highly acclaimed Dr. Phil McGraw, are quick to blame violent video games for the killer's maniacally depressed rampage. Currently, there is no evidence that the killer even had access to a video game console, let alone play violent video games. A much more likely possibility is the way the killer reacted to his anti-depressant medications. Instead of the anti-depressants calming the killer down, like they were supposed to, they made him violent and erratic. And so, this instability could easily have caused him to snap when the killer's girlfriend dumped him.
Source: The Inquirer
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42 Comments on Violent video games blamed for Virginia Tech slaughter

100% agreed
lemonadesodaProblem is that violent videos and violent games DO affect 90%+ of the population BUT not to an extent other than the person becoming "desensitized" to what they see. It doesnt make them act differently. The question is that if an "at risk person" - who responds in action to how they perceive things - is desensitized, do they become more "at risk". And the answer is, probably, and unfortunately, yes.

It's very tricky. It's not affecting you or me. But it IS affecting somebody out there. And so it's a game of odds... and politics.
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Violent slaughtering has been going on since the beginning of time. There were no video games 65 years ago when Hitler decided it'd be a good idea to try to exterminate the Jews.
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Bird of Prey
I dont have time to read through all these long posts. But I will say one thing: Video games do not turn folks into killers. Anyone who thinks this, is just an idiot. If you cant handle the difference in the two, then you have problems and need professional help. To those who are thinking it causes it, has problems. There hasnt been a documented case, legitimately (and I know better than the GTA stuff San Diego was reporting on) where someone thought video games were real. Anywho, this just pisses me off to no end. Just my two cents worth.
Posted on Reply
RejectcaseI WISH TO GOD YOU PEOPLE WOULD GET YOUR SHT STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! the girl he shot first had nothing to do with him,,..... she didnt date him she didnt know him the first two was random and so was the other people ... he didnt get dumpd he didnt date any one. and as for video games, check again yes most of you are right its not because of games, he wasnt a gammer either. and 3rd wtf did you post this here??? im sick and tired of hearing about it. read the newspapers and or watch the boob tube and STFU cause most of you have no idea what happened or why except of what might get you reps. god ddmn. your not from here, you dont need to know why it woulnt help you and your not going to benifiet from talking about it. so sriously back off the assumptions.

(oh and to let you know before you act retarted and ask yes i am a few minutes away from VT and yes i did know 2 of the people that was killed and yes i do know they had nothing to do with this fck , and yes you are pissing me off)
I mean to offend you.. stfu and leave the forum asshat.. no one needs or wants your tone..
to friggin bad you don't want to hear about it.. no one is catering to your needs, they post whatever the hell they feel like.
go rant somewhere else.. Just because you went there or knew someone don't mean you know a single thing.. it just means your a person who lived there.. Did you talk to him? did you know him personally? i doubt it.. so stop acting like your all knowing... it's world news dude.. you think stuff like this only affects where it happens? this affects everyone who sees it.. including us.. maybe next you can tell us not to talk about the war in iraq because it pisses you off..

I'm sorry for your loss but we're not here for you to vent on..

as for video games.. lol... thats really all i can.. just lol.. sounds like another shrink trying to cover up the fact that their incompetent..
remember the bully game? that moron ranted about how bad it was for weeks, then they asked him if he had even seen or played it.. and he said "no" lol.. people just talking like they know something.. well if it was a game, what game was it? honestly the shreer ignorance of the statement is just aggravating.. people blame everything but the obvious.. the guy was missing what makes normal people.. he had some personal defect in his very genetics that made him incapable of dealing with issues.. he was a defective human being.. like dhamer or any of the other sick o's.. video games.. man, when will they stop blaming the games.? at least our "games" don't involve millions of american lives like they play with all the time in government.

whos this guy think he is coming into our forum and telling us all to stfu?
Posted on Reply
What is the root cause of this problem?
Better gun control laws?
Video games?

Oh yes, I've GOT IT! It must be those pesky video games.
Posted on Reply
jydieSadly, I think the kid is getting exactly what he wanted... infamy. Thanks to the media, the killers ALWAYS get more attention then the victim(s).

As for video games causing people to go on killing sprees... I do not buy it. Back in my youth, I remember teens getting blasted for playing D&D (Dungeons and Dragons). I spent a LOT of time playing it, and none of my friends or myself had any negative emotions or desires because of it. :) I also remember playing cops and robbers... cowboys and Indians... and that never led to anything more then having fun.

Maybe... just maybe, these violent games can actually help people quench those negative feelings in a virtual world, rather then the real one??? Now, that I would believe. :)
I so agree with this... allowing this to air this much only encourages more people to do exactly the same thing.. things like this make people look at him as if he was some kind of hero. so all the people who feel like "loosers" are now one step closer on deciding to go on a killing spree and become a martyr..

you think it's a coincidence this is happeneing more and more? after the last school shooting and how they publicised it they all but put out an invitation for infamy.. they offer people a chance to die and become immortalised as some kind of dam savior to the loosers.. you want to blame something.. blame the media for making this info so readily available and shoving it in everyones face. blame them for going "aww the poor kid was messed up and had no friends" no awwww.. skrw awwww.. he was scum , he was a murderer.. he deserved the worst sort of death and a tombstone with no name and no markings..

stories like this need more careful editing.. they need to say more "he was a scumbag" and less "aww poor guy".. feeling sorry for him only encourages the belief that he was some kind of martyr.. he said " i do this for my brothers" and yada yada.. you do what? he didnt even make sense.. he thought he was doing something.. all he did was kill a bunch of children.. god says, better it be for a man that he was never born than to lay a hand on one of gods children.. he's burning in hell and he deserves it..

i know my words tend to be strong but this is a strong subject.. the media should be held accountable..

EDIT: you guys should really check out the link wazzle posted.. it is a really good story.. I am in heaven at the way they hardballed this guy lol.. made him look like a total fool from the way I see it, which is just what he is for saying something as ridiculous as "games make people kill people"
Posted on Reply
RejectcaseI WISH TO GOD YOU PEOPLE WOULD GET YOUR SHT STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! the girl he shot first had nothing to do with him,,..... she didnt date him she didnt know him the first two was random and so was the other people ... he didnt get dumpd he didnt date any one. and as for video games, check again yes most of you are right its not because of games, he wasnt a gammer either. and 3rd wtf did you post this here??? im sick and tired of hearing about it. read the newspapers and or watch the boob tube and STFU cause most of you have no idea what happened or why except of what might get you reps. god ddmn. your not from here, you dont need to know why it woulnt help you and your not going to benifiet from talking about it. so sriously back off the assumptions.

(oh and to let you know before you act retarted and ask yes i am a few minutes away from VT and yes i did know 2 of the people that was killed and yes i do know they had nothing to do with this fck , and yes you are pissing me off)
Its awful they died, but freedom of speech dude, get used to it
Posted on Reply
well ive seen the (partial) videos on the news and i have some things to say. i dont know how any politician can blame this on anyone aside from the authorities who let this person get to such a state of physchosis/paranoia without any kind of formal intervention/detention. the warning signs were there for years according to the news and no one bothered to intervene, then a crisis of this scale errupts and the blame is shifted (to avoid competence suits? ), maybe if his college tutors/friends/counsellors insisted to the higher authorities that this person needs help/some form of detention this massacre would have been avoided.

the signs were there and nobody done anything, yes he was reported a couple of times by 2 girls he stalked and a tutor but thats as far as it went (unless you call the 24 hours he spent with mental health officials addequate). it myths me how an individual of this state of mind can go into any gun shop in america and walk out with all manner of firearms/assault wepaons less that half an hour, now this isnt aimed at those die hard gun supporteres who think its there right to carry firearms but more at the laws regarding the aqquisition of firearms or the lack of. what im saying is, its too easy to purchase guns, i understand some people feel its their right to own them fair enough, but for any physco to walk into any gunshop in the usa and purchase a "DIY killing spree kit" in 20 minutes is apalling and somthing needs doing.
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counter-argument: there are many people who either directly or indirectly use video games as a means of releasing stress, anger, and even violent behavior. The simple fact that people's mindsets do change as they play *any* video game is a clear sign that video games can function as a means of escape from reality. This in no way implies that this escape will envelope or in any way become confused with real-reality. And under this premise, video games could easily reduce violent bahavior.

There are exceptions of course. And if the proposed theory has any grounding at all, it is likely one of these exceptions (in my opinion).

On a completely different point: I am senior in college myself, I'm not entirely social, and I am also unusually creative (though not morbid or violent). While discussing this with my father he went so far to blame the college itself on this behavior. I came to realize this probably has more grounding than it first appears. It is shocking the contradictions professors make when dealing with students. They are more than willing to tell us we are adults, but are just as likely to tell use to grow up and be responsible. Seating arrangements and attendance are actually more common now than it was for me when I took my first college courses in 2000.

Rather than expand further I'll simply explain why my father made the comment in the first place. I had to miss two days of class recently to go to my grandfather's funeral. I informed my professors immediately, and gave documentation to one of them as he requested. When I get back I found out my absence was not excused at all. The missed classes will in-fact affect my "participation points" (of which is also a childish joke) accounting for 25% of my grade, as well as a missed quiz (quizzes being worth 15% of my final grade. Though 2 missed classes and one quiz isn't much, it may account for as much as 2-3% of my final grade. For those of you not in school that could drop the grade from an A to B+, or C+ to C. When a life-long career is at stake, thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars are invested in such an education, and because a student has next to no recourse to fix such problems in an environment where you are paying for a service, I can easily see how someone might just flip out. Fortunately I'm just spiteful, and not violent.

In case you didn't want to read my rant, I'll simplify and sumarize. Perhaps this kid just got a bad grade, or better yet just had to deal with just another bad professor. If he did get screwed by a professor it's not like he ever had any path for recourse in the first place.
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no no it's because as he was beat as a kid and didn't ever get a bike
Posted on Reply
RejectcaseI WISH TO GOD YOU PEOPLE WOULD GET YOUR SHT STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! the girl he shot first had nothing to do with him,,..... she didnt date him she didnt know him the first two was random and so was the other people ... he didnt get dumpd he didnt date any one. and as for video games, check again yes most of you are right its not because of games, he wasnt a gammer either. and 3rd wtf did you post this here??? im sick and tired of hearing about it. read the newspapers and or watch the boob tube and STFU cause most of you have no idea what happened or why except of what might get you reps. god ddmn. your not from here, you dont need to know why it woulnt help you and your not going to benifiet from talking about it. so sriously back off the assumptions.

(oh and to let you know before you act retarted and ask yes i am a few minutes away from VT and yes i did know 2 of the people that was killed and yes i do know they had nothing to do with this fck , and yes you are pissing me off)
The care cup is empty \_/. You're sick and tired of hearing it? THEN DON'T LISTEN. Just because we're not from there, we're not allowed to talk about it? Sounds like you've got sand in your vagina. Cry yourself a river. Build a bridge. Get over it. An incident as big as this is bound to be discussed everywhere by people from all walks of life; you being connected to some people that were there doesn't make you any more important than the common man/woman.

In any case, blaming violent video games is retarded. Dr. Phil = fail. Jack Thompson = fail. If anything is to blame here it is his teachers and roomate(s) for not warning someone official, and possibly the medicines he was taking.
Posted on Reply
anticlutchThe care cup is empty \_/. You're sick and tired of hearing it? THEN DON'T LISTEN. Just because we're not from there, we're not allowed to talk about it? Sounds like you've got sand in your vagina. Cry yourself a river. Build a bridge. Get over it. An incident as big as this is bound to be discussed everywhere by people from all walks of life; you being connected to some people that were there doesn't make you any more important than the common man/woman.

In any case, blaming violent video games is retarded. Dr. Phil = fail. Jack Thompson = fail. If anything is to blame here it is his teachers and roomate(s) for not warning someone official, and possibly the medicines he was taking.
lmfao @ cry yourself a river, build a bridge and get over it" omg thats perfect lol.. I hope you don't mind if I steal I'm so using
Posted on Reply
little geek
i think it would be kind of funny if they found messages in this kids place written by himself telling him to kill those kids from DR.Phil lol if that happens will Dr phil blame games still no,personaly i find games realy stress relieving, this kid obviously didnt play enough:slap:
Posted on Reply
I like playing GTA:SA and busting down on other gangs, busting a cap in some fool on the street is just as absurd as it was before I got into gaming.

I still dislike to kill anything, haven't gone hunting since I was a kid playing pac man or Oregon Trails. I feel it is better to shoot through the lens of my camera than with a rifle. And I would much rather watch a bear through binoculars than through a scope.

Everyone is ranting and raving about how someone else should have turned him in, but what if they did? Then he would be on about how his rights were infringed upon, just like you would if someone said you were a loon. So either get ready to give up some personal rights, or be ready to put up with the actions of others, as it effects their personal rights.
Posted on Reply
BLah blah blah. dude stick to the post im glad you took out the extra time to feel better by bashing me. thanx (like i reallllly needed you to tell me what i already knew captin obvious)

Thanx for your.... well what ever you wanna call feed back, on a little bit of an outburst .. here im sorry for pissing on your 1st amendment rights.. does it make you feel better now. and durrrrrrrrrr before you start bitching about other people voicing thier openioin and saying you can ,,, well dumb ass i was doing the same thing.

O and sure wtfever games have nothing to do with it, blah blah, seriously. its already shown that playing games like F.P.S can improve hand eye cordination, and consentration, but i really dont think they look at the fact that people have been slaughtering people since before the atari came out or D&D, (which was the whole thing with the two kids that raped and killed some little girl in the 70's but back then it was D&D to blam. They pretty much have to have some reason to blame a person for snaping and going A-Wall aside from the fact that people arent perfect and some people are fn nuts from the start.
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And watch as this thread slowly spirals down the toilet....right into the lock.
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